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Thesis or Dissertation
Koukoudea, Sofia. "Exports to Sub-Saharian Africa." MSc, International Hellenic University, 2015.
Journal Article
Aswani, Shankar. "Investigating coral reef ethnobiology in the western Solomon Islands for enhancing livelihood resilience." Journal of the Polynesian Society, The 123, no. 3 (2014): 237.
Journal Article
Amir, Mohammadpour, Nourihamed Mahdi, Ashiyani Afshin, and Sadraddin Sattari. "Studying Role of Personal Characteristics of Consumers in Selection of Mobile Phone Case Study: Women in Northwestern Provinces of Iran (Tabriz, Ardabil, Orumieh, Zanjan)." Journal of Social Issues & Humanities 3, no. 6 (2015): 299-305.
Journal Article
Fard, Mohammad Ghaffary, and Hosseine Oruji. "Identification and structural analysis of employment opportunities financial intermediation sector in different provinces during 2006 to 2011 using shift-share analysis." Arth prabandh: A Journal of Economics and Management 3, no. 11 (2014): 111-124.
Journal Article
Mohammadi-Nasrabadi, Fatemeh, Morteza Abdolahi, Delaram Ghodsi, Anahita Hoshiar-Rad, Vahab Rezvani, Ma’someh Ghafarpour, and Naser Kalantari. "Do Iranian Female-headed Households Have Lower Socio-economic and Nutritional Status Compared to Male-headed ones?." Nutrition and Food Sciences Research 2, no. 2 (2015): 13-22.
Journal Article
Ghanbari, Sirus, Mohammad Hossein Dehghan, and Hossein Miraki. "The effect of entrepreneurship development on the rural developmen (a case study: Hossein Abad rural district in Anar township)." IJBPAS 4, no. 12 (2015): 339-352.
Journal Article
Kord, Edris, and Mehdi Khosravi Bonjar. "Evaluation the effects and consequences of tourism on rural development case study:Sangan district." Radix International Journal of Research in Social Science 4, no. 12 (2015): 1-12.
Journal Article
Barati, Alireza, Morteza Karimi Kordabadi, Bahram Faraji, and Mohsen Abedi Dorgheh. "Examining the economic expansion of creating free-trade zones across coastal areas for the sustainable development of Mokran Coasts: A case study: Jaask zone." Cumhuriyet Science Journal 36, no. 6 (2015): 280-296.
Journal Article
Eklund, Lina, and Petter Pilesjo. "Migration Patterns in Duhok Governorate, Iraq, 2000-2010." The Open Geography Journal 5, no. 1 (2012): 48-58.
Conference Paper
Polak, Marina, and Josip Franic. "Tackling undeclared work in societies with substantial asymmetry between formal and informal institutions ñ the case of FYR Macedonia." The 8th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development. June 18-19, 2015.
Working Paper
Groppo, Valeria, and Kati Krähnertb. "Weather shocks and education in Mongolia." (2015)
Working Paper
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Journal Article
Carter, Michael R, Julian May, Jorge Aguero, and Sonya Ravindranath. "The economic impacts of premature adult mortality: panel data evidence from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." (2007) AIDS.
Journal Article
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Working Paper
Franz, Jennifer, and Felix FitzRoy. "Child mortality, poverty and environment in developing countries." (2006)
Journal Article
Montmasson-Clair, Gaylor. "Green Economy policy framework and employment opportunity: A South African case study." (2012) Pretoria: Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies Working Paper.
Journal Article
Kavosi, Zahra, Arash Rashidian, Abolghasem Pourreza, Reza Majdzadeh, Farshad Pourmalek, Ahmad Reza Hosseinpour, Kazem Mohammad, and Mohammad Arab. "Inequality in household catastrophic health care expenditure in a low-income society of Iran." Health policy and planning 27, no. 7 (2012): 613-623.
Conference Paper
Ognjenovic, Kosovka. "Employment and the functioning of the labour market in Serbia." International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary of the Institute of Economic Sciences. 2013.
Journal Article
Boškovic, Olgica, and Nikola Njegovan. "Gender inequality in the Serbian labour market." Economic Annals 57, no. 192 (2012): 113-135.
Thesis or Dissertation
Erhiawarien, Mercy Oghenerukevwe. "Interrogating school effectiveness and socio economic status: the implications for South Africa." University of Cape Town , 2011.
Journal Article
Hanushek, Eric A, and Ludger Woessmann. "Sample selectivity and the validity of international student achievement tests in economic research." CESifo working paper Economics of Education , no. 3007 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
Owala A, Damaris. "Socio-economic factors affecting demand for private Secondary schools in Likuyani District, Kakamega County, Kenya." Master of Education, University of Nairobi, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Maynard, Isla. "A developmental study of the effects of aircraft noise exposure on primary school learners’ Reading Comprehension." Master of Educational Psychology, University of the Witwatersrand, 2012.
Mills, Elizabeth, Thea Shahrokh, Joanna Wheeler, Gill Black, Rukia Cornelius, and Lucinda Heever. Turning the Tide: The Role of Collective Action for Addressing Structural and Gender-based Violence in South Africa. 2015.
Journal Article
Lesame, Zandi. "Technology Transfer and Business Partnerships in BRICS: Development, Integration and Industrialisation." Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5, no. 7 (2014): 284.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kruger, Hermanus Barend. "The impact of board diversity on corporate governance in medium-sized private enterprises in Gauteng." Master, University of South Africa, 2013.
Journal Article
Mills, Carmen, and Trevor Gale. "Re-asserting the place of context in explaining student (under-) achievement." British journal of sociology of education 32, no. 2 (2011): 239-256.
Showing 2251-2280 of 14019