
Showing 18481-18510 of 19110
Conference Paper
Eales, Aran, Damien Frame, Peter Dauenhauer, Blessings Kambombo, and Philimon Kamanga. "Electricity Access Options Appraisal in Malawi: Dedza District Case Study." 2017 IEEE PES PowerAfrica Conference, 2017-06-27 - 2017-06-30, GIMPA Conference Centre. 2017.
Journal Article
Chintalapudi, Nainisha, Gloria Hamela, Innocent Mofolo, Suzanne Maman, Mina C Hosseinipour, Irving F Hoffman, and Valerie L Flax. "Infant and Young Child Feeding Decision Making and Practices: Malawian Mothers’ and Fathers’ Roles in the Context of HIV." (2017) Journal of Human Lactation.
Journal Article
Kripke, Katharine, Frank Chimbwandira, Zebedee Mwandi, Faustin Matchere, Melissa Schnure, Jason Reed, Delivette Castor, Sema Sgaier, and Emmanuel Njeuhmeli. "Voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention in Malawi: Modeling the impact and cost of focusing the program by client age and geography." PloS One 11, no. 7 (2016): e0156521.
Journal Article
Hemsworth, Jaimie, Chiza Kumwenda, Mary Arimond, Kenneth Maleta, John Phuka, Andrea M Rehman, Stephen A Vosti, Ulla Ashorn, Suzanne Filteau, and Kathryn G Dewey. "Lipid-based nutrient supplements increase energy and macronutrient intakes from complementary food among Malawian infants." The Journal of Nutrition 146, no. 2 (2016): 326-334.
Working Paper
Rodríguez, Víctor Carreón G, and Malena S Pérez. "El mercado de crédito en México." (2017)
Journal Article
Dasgupta, Aisha NZ, Basia Zaba, and Amelia C Crampin. "Postpartum uptake of contraception in rural northern Malawi: A prospective study." Contraception 94, no. 5 (2016): 499-504.
Journal Article
Nyasulu, Peter, Faith Phiri, Simon Sikwese, Tobias Chirwa, Isaac Singini, Hastings T Banda, Rhoda Banda, Tichaona Mhembere, Henry Chimbali, and Bagrey Ngwira. "Factors Influencing Delayed Health Care Seeking Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Suspects in Rural Communities in Ntcheu District, Malawi." Qualitative Health Research 26, no. 9 (2016): 1275-1288.
Journal Article
Nyirenda, Deborah, Tamara Chipasula Makawa, Greyson Chapita, Chisomo Mdalla, Mzati Nkolokosa, Thomasena O’Byrne, Robert Heyderman, and Nicola Desmond. "Public engagement in Malawi through a health-talk radio programme ‘Umoyo nkukambirana’: A mixed-methods evaluation." (2016) Public Understanding of Science.
Journal Article
Boltvinik, Julio, and Araceli Damián. "Pobreza Creciente Y Estructuras Sociales Cada Vez Más Desiguales En México. Una Visión Integrada Y Crítica." (2016) Acta Sociológica.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nkede Njie, Lawrence. "The socio-cultural impact of the introduction of motorbike taxis in the rural community of Tombel, South West region, Cameroon." Master of Science, The University of Yaounde 1, 2012.
Journal Article
Fuashi, Nkwatoh Athanasius, Labode Popoola, Iyassa Sabastine Mosua, and Nkwatoh Ferdin. "Evaluation of Carpolobia species (Hausa sticks) trade in the forest zones of South West Cameroon and Cross River State of Nigeria." Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 3, no. 11 (2011): 351-359.
Journal Article
Delgado, Mario Francisco, Carlos Hernan Sierra, José Andrés Calvache, Angela Maria Rios, Catalina Mosquera, Ingrid Salas, Francisco Agredo, and Rubiel Meneses. "Conocimientos maternos sobre signos de peligro en diarrea aguda en el marco de la estrategia AIEPI." Colombia Médica 37, no. 4 (2013): 293-297.
Journal Article
Barrios-Garcia, Lia, Ines Benedetti-Padron, Luis Alvis-Estrada, and Mirlelly Salamanca-Manjarrez. "Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre citología cérvico-uterina por mujeres de una población rural en Colombia." Revista Ciencias Biomedicas 4, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Sennott, Christie, and Sara Yeatman. "Surprising results: HIV testing and changes in contraceptive practices among young women in Malawi." Journal of Biosocial Science 48, no. 2 (2016): 174-191.
Journal Article
King, Carina, Tim Colbourn, Limangeni Mankhambo, James Beard, Debbie Hay C Burgess, Anthony Costello, Rasa Izadnegahdar, Norman Lufesi, Charles Mwansambo, and Bejoy Nambiar. "Non-treatment of children with community health worker-diagnosed fast-breathing pneumonia in rural Malawi: exploratory subanalysis of a prospective cohort study." BMJ Open 6, no. 11 (2016).
Journal Article
Rao, Nisha, Allahna Esber, Abigail Turner, Joseph Chilewani, Venson Banda, and Alison Norris. "The impact of joint partner decision making on obstetric choices and outcomes among Malawian women." International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 135, no. 1 (2016): 61-64.
Journal Article
Sano, Yujiro, Roger Antabe, Kilian Nasung Atuoye, Lucia Kafui Hussey, Jason Bayne, Sylvester Zackaria Galaa, Paul Mkandawire, and Isaac Luginaah. "Persistent misconceptions about HIV transmission among males and females in Malawi." BMC International Health and Human Rights 16, no. 1 (2016): 16.
Working Paper
Raoa, Nisha, Allahna Esber, Abigail Turner, Joseph Chilewani, Venson Banda, and Alison Norris. "Who decides? Joint decision making leads to better obstetric choices."
Journal Article
Vandi, MA, J Griensven, AK Chan, B Kargbo, JN Kandeh, AA Sheriff, KSB Momoh, A Gamanga, R Najjemba, and S Mishra. "Ebola and community health worker services in Kenema District, Sierra Leone: please mind the gap!." Public Health Action 7, no. 1 (2017): S55-S61.
Working Paper
Mosimanekgosi, Doni Joseph. "Exploring correlates of adolescent fertility in Malawi." (2016)
Journal Article
McMahon, Shannon A, Stephan Brenner, Julia Lohmann, Christopher Makwero, Aleksandra Torbica, Don P Mathanga, Adamson S Muula, and Manuela De Allegri. "Evaluating complex health financing interventions: using mixed methods to inform further implementation of a novel PBI intervention in rural Malawi." BMC Health Services Research 16, no. 1 (2016): 414.
Journal Article
Fotso, Jean Christophe, Lauren Bellhouse, Linda Vesel, and Zachariah Jezman. "Strengthening the home-to-facility continuum of newborn and child health care through mHealth: Evidence from an intervention in rural Malawi." Etude de la Population Africaine 29, no. 1 (2015): 1663-1682.
Journal Article
Michaels-Igbokwe, Christine, Mylene Lagarde, John Cairns, and Fern Terris-Prestholt. "Designing a package of sexual and reproductive health and HIV outreach services to meet the heterogeneous preferences of young people in Malawi: results from a discrete choice experiment." Health Economics Review 5, no. 1 (2015): 9.
Thesis or Dissertation
Harawa, Sadson. "Levels, trends and determinants of family structure in Malawi." Master of Arts in the field of Demography and Population Studies , University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016.
Journal Article
Zafar, Shamsa, Rachel Jean-Baptiste, Atif Rahman, James P Neilson, and Nynke R Broek. "Non-Life Threatening Maternal Morbidity: Cross Sectional Surveys from Malawi and Pakistan." PloS One 10, no. 9 (2015): e0138026.
Journal Article
King, C, J Beard, AC Crampin, A Costello, C Mwansambo, NA Cunliffe, RS Heyderman, N French, and N Bar-Zeev. "Methodological challenges in measuring vaccine effectiveness using population cohorts in low resource settings." Vaccine 33, no. 38 (2015): 4748-4755.
Showing 18481-18510 of 19110