
Showing 3481-3510 of 4340
Journal Article
Ismail, Eman Ahmed Aly. "The Role of Education and Wealth in Health Inequalities in Egypt." (2013) Life Science Journal.
Working Paper
Camargo, Pablo Menese. "Políticas sociales y su incidencia en la pobreza en Uruguay. Periodo 2006-2014.." Universidad de la Republica.
Journal Article
Nenci, Luisa. "Women's Innovative Strengths for Development." (2013) The Mediterranean Through Women.
Thesis or Dissertation
Munane, Fredrick Aluchula. "Cultural taboos as a factor in interpretation in the medical field.The case study of the Meridian Hospital." Master of Arts in Interpretation, University of Nairobi, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Martin, Omondi Dan. "Communication strategies and leadership development among high school girls in rural Kenya." Master of Arts in Communication Studies, University of Nairobi, 2015.
Journal Article
Oyugi, Elvis O, Walter Otieno, Jane Githuku, Dickens Onyango, and Venny CS Nyambati. "Perspectives of Women on Strategies to Improve the Number of Male Partners Testing for HIV at the Antenatal Clinic in Western Kenya, 2015.." International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 6, no. 2 (2016): 133-136.
Thesis or Dissertation
Adino, Dan Odhiambo. "Factors affecting adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Siaya County, Western Kenya." Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology, University of Nairobi, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mwangi, Christipher Muriithi. "Strengthening the quality of HIV data in Kenya: tracing of patients lost to follow up and reduction of low linkage rates." Master of Science in Information Systems , University of Nairobi, 2013.
Journal Article
Wandei, Stephen, Mabel Nangami, and Omar Egesa. "Ability and willingness to pay for voluntary medical male circumcision: a cross-sectional survey in Kisumu County, Kenya." AIDS Care 28, no. 4 (2016): 471-474.
Journal Article
Ondeng’e, K, D Gust, M Nyikuri, A Ogendo, R Ndivo, R T Chen, K F Laserson, and L A Mills. "Evaluation of recruitment approaches for the HPTN 052 clinical trial of HIV serodiscordant couples in rural western Kenya." Clinical Research in HIV AIDS Prevention.
Journal Article
Ford, Michele. "The making of industrial relations in Timor-Leste." Journal of Industrial Relations 58, no. 2 (2016).
Journal Article
Maraee, Alaa H, Hala M Elmoselhy, and Tamer A El-Gamel. "Knowledge and attitude as regards sexual health among medical students of Menoufia University, Egypt." Menoufia Medical Journal 29, no. 4 (2016): 1085-1091.
Thesis or Dissertation
Saad Zaghloul, Noha. "Invisible contributors in the economy: the case of domestic workers in Egypt." Master of Arts, The American University in Cairo School of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Frenguelli, Alessia Bacchi. "Migration and Development Nexus and Egyptian Highly-Skilled Migrants in Austria." Doctor of Philosophy, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Instituto Universitario “General Gutiérrez Mellado”, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sobhy Ramadan, Hania. "Education and the Production of Citizenship in the Late Mubarak Era: Privatization, Discipline and the Construction of the Nation in Egyptian Secondary Schools." Doctor of Philosophy in Politics and International Studies, University of London, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fadil, Mamdouh Kamal Hakim. "‘Between hopelessness and ambivalence’: young Egyptians, secondary schooling and the Arab Spring in urban Cairo." Doctor of Philosophy in Social Anthropology, University of Sussex, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
El-Sherif, Lucy. "Experiences of Rural Students with Schooling in Community Schools in Egypt." Master of Arts, University of Toronto, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mohn, Giti Carli. "The" Challengers": The driving forces behind the youth's demand for change in the Egyptian Uprising." Master in Democracy Building, The University of Bergen, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Aboul Ela, Magda. "Between family and market: the decline of professional employment among Egyptian female university graduates." Master of Arts in Gender and Women’s Studies, The American University in Cairo, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Abdelfattah, Noha. "Essays on education and child labor in developing countries." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Victoria, 2015.
Working Paper
Ambrosius, Christian. "Are remittances a substitute for credit? Carrying the financial burden of health shocks in national and transnational households." School of Business & Economics, Discussion Paper: Economics , no. 2012/9 (2013).
Journal Article
Nobles, Jenna, and Christopher McKelvey. "Gender, power, and emigration from Mexico." Demography 52, no. 5 (2016): 1573-1600.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hughes, Christina. "The Influence of Conditional Cash Transfers on Migration: A Re-Examination from a Gendered Lens." Master Thesis, University of Washington, 2014.
Conference Paper
Al-Ali, Hashim, and Orouba Sabbagh. "The Construction of the Jordanian Input-Output Tables for the Year 2010 And Their Applications and Uses." EcoMod 2014 Conference, Bali, July 16-18, 2014.
Working Paper
Gutierrez H, Federico. "Implicit Contracts, Occupational Choice and the Gender Wage Gap in Mexico." (2010)
Book Section
Gagnon, Jason. "Is Informal Normal? Towards more and better jobs in  developin g countries." (2009) Moving out of bad jobs-More mobility, more opportunity.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bertran G, María Farfán. "Essays on Development Economics: Families, Child Human Capital, and Migration." Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Duke University, 2014.
Showing 3481-3510 of 4340