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Pintye, Jillian, Kenneth Ngure, Kathryn Curran, Sophie Vusha, Nelly Mugo, Connie Celum, Jared M Baeten, and Renee Heffron. "Fertility decision-making among Kenyan HIV-serodiscordant couples who recently conceived: implications for safer conception planning." AIDS Patient Care and STDs 29, no. 9 (2015): 510-516.
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Ngure, Kenneth, Renee Heffron, Kathryn Curran, Sophie Vusha, Mariah Ngutu, Nelly Mugo, Connie Celum, and Jared M Baeten. "I knew i would be safer. experiences of Kenyan HIV serodiscordant couples soon after pre-exposure prophylaxis (prep) initiation." AIDS Patient Care and STDs 30, no. 2 (2016): 78-83.
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Ngure, Kenneth, Sophie Vusha, Nelly Mugo, Mira Emmanuel-Fabula, Mariah Ngutu, Connie Celum, Jared M Baeten, and Renee Heffron. "“I never thought that it would happen…” Experiences of HIV seroconverters among HIV-discordant partnerships in a prospective HIV prevention study in Kenya." AIDS Care 28, no. 12 (2016): 1586-1589.
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