Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire 2007
Name | Country code |
Liberia | LBR |
Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire [hh/cwiq]
The Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire (CWIQ) Survey Project aims at providing support to the Government of Liberia in defining baseline statistics, which will feed into Liberia's MDG-based full PRSP. The PRSP will need to have indicators that respond quickly to policy and program interventions and a system that collects and reports on these indicators. A CWIQ survey is an ideal tool to meet this requirement. Implementing this first CWIQ survey will be an initial step in building the capacity to carry out further CWIQ surveys as part of an integrated survey program within the PRSP M&E system.
The Government of Liberia is committed to producing a PSRP. To do this, the GoL will need to undertake an analysis of qualitative and quantitative sources to understand the nature of poverty ('Where are we?'); to develop a macro-economic framework, and conduct broad based and participatory consultations to choose objectives, define and prioritize strategies ('Where do we want to go? How far can we get?); and to develop a monitoring and evaluation system ('How will we know when we get there?). The analysis of the nature of poverty, the Poverty Profile, will establish the overall rate of poverty incidence, identifying the poor in relation to their location, habits, occupations, means of access to and use of government services, and their living standards in regard to health, education, nutrition. Given the capacity constraints it has been agreed that this information will be collected in a single visit survey using the Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire (CWIQ) survey with an additional module to cover household income, expenditure and consumption. This will provide information to estimate welfare levels & poverty incidence, which can be combined and analyzed with the sectoral information from the main CWIQ questionnaire. While countries with more capacity usually do a household income, expenditure and consumption survey over 12 months, the single visit approach has been used in a number of countries (mainly in West Africa) fairly successfully.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The scope of the 2007 LCWIQ includes:
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
consumption/consumer behaviour [1.1] | CESSDA | |
economic conditions and indicators [1.2] | CESSDA | |
income, property and investment/saving [1.5] | CESSDA | |
employment [3.1] | CESSDA | |
unemployment [3.5] | CESSDA | |
basic skills education [6.1] | CESSDA | |
general health [8.4] | CESSDA | |
Name | Affiliation |
Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo_Information Services | GOL |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
United Nations Development Project | UN | Funding of equipment/ Implementation support |
World Bank | WB | Technical Support |
Department of Finance and International Development | Britain | Overall funding |
Name | Role |
United Nations Development Programme | Funding/Implementation assistance |
Department of Finanace and International Development | Funding |
World Bank | Technical Assistance |
Government of Liberia | Implementation/Materials/Human resources |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ivo Njosa | Consultant | Survey Manager |
The CWIQ survey will be carried out on a sample of 3,600 randomly selected households located in 300 randomly selected clusters. This was the same basic sample used by the 2007 Liberian DHS. However, for Monrovia, a new listing was carried out and new EAs were chosen and the sampled households were chosen from that list. For rural areas, the same EAs were used but a new sample selection of housholds was drawn. Any household that may have participated in the LDHS was systematically eliminated. Twelve (12) households were selected in each of the 300 EA using systematic sampling. The total number of households and number of EAs sampled in each County are given in the table below. (More on the Sampling under the External Resources).
Distribution of Total Number of EAs and Sampled EAs by County
County Total EAs Sampled EAs
Bomi 189 8
Grand Cape Mount 171 10
Gbarpolu 139 28
Montserrado 171 12
Margibi 279 19
Grand Bassa 409 15
River Cess 94 8
Sinoe 134 16
Grand Gedeh 180 22
River Gee 109 12
Grand Kru 100 7
Maryland 147 27
Bong 540 15
Nimba 803 22
Lofa 429 13
Greater Monrovia 708 66
TOTAL 4,602 300
There were no major deviations from the sample. Households that were drawn in the sample but were consistently absent during the field visits were substituted after several visits.
There were 3 "Structured" questionaires.
Start | End |
2007-08-06 | 2007-09-22 |
Name | Affiliation |
Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services | LISGIS |
There were eighty eight interviewers and twenty two supervisors hired for the survey. These interviewers and supervisors were divided into twenty two teams of five persons. Almost all the supervisors had had supervisory experience and most had just recently completed the (Liberia Demographic and Health Survey (LDHS) in that capacity. They initially underwent a 10- day training on the questionnaire and then field-tested it. After, they participated and acted as facilitators in the general training of the 88 interviewers. Field supervision from LISGIS headquarters was not as frequent as had been anticipated. This was due primarily due to the extreme road conditions that rendered many roads practically unpassable. (See example road conditions under Photos).
On the average, the interview process lasted about about 2 hours 45 minutes. The Income and Expenditure questionnaire alone took about 2 hours to complete. In many occasions, the questionnaire was completed in 2 sitting sessions.
Data entry was done with the use of scanners. The questionnaires were first scanned in. During the scanning, questionable entries were re-displayed for verification by 5 data entry operators. After verification, all the data was transferred into a database for additional tests of coherence and consistency.
Name | URL | |
Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo_Information Services, Director General | | |
Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo_Information Services, Deputy Director General | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | LISGIS encourages the sharing and use of survey data. However, users must meet the conditions as specified in the Access Conditions and requirement areas. Please do not redistribute data to other institutes without the explicit consent from LISGIS authorities. |
LISGIS data is free to use but is available for only non-commercial research purposes. To obtain access to the data, please contact the relevant persons listed. All publication, from the use of the data must include an acknowledgement to the survey and LISGIS. Guidelines for the form of such an acknowledgement are given under citation requirement.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services, (LISGIS) provides these data to external users without any warranty or responsibility implied. LISGIS accepts no responsibility for the results and/or implications of any actions resulting from the use of these data.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director General | Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo_Information Services | | |
Deputy Director General | Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo_Information Services | | |
Deputy Director General | Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo_Information Services | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ivo Njosa | Consultant | Producer of CDrom |
Kormay Adams | LISGIS | Producer of CDrom |
Version 02: Adopted from DDI (DDI-LBR-Consultant-CWIQ-2008-v01.)