
Showing 31-60 of 78
Working Paper
May, Julian, and Michael Carter. "Agriculture: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset." (2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.6.
Working Paper
Carter, Danielle. "Sources of state legitimacy in contemporary South Africa: A theory of political goods." Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 134 , no. 134 (2011).
Journal Article
Karuri-Sebina, Geci, David Hemson , and Jonathan Carter. "Putting people first versus embedding autonomy: Responsiveness of the democratic developmental state to effective demand side governance in South Africa’s service delivery." Systemic Practice and Action Research 23, no. 1 (2010): 87-100.
Doss, Cheryl, Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Jeanette Carter, and Gorettie K Nabanoga. Pathways for ensuring access to assets: Land tenure reform and beyond. 2007.
Journal Article
Chheng, Kheng, Michael J Carter, Kate Emary, Ngoun Chanpheaktra, Catrin E Moore, Nicole Stoesser, Hor Putchhat, Soeng Sona, Sin Reaksmey, Paul Kitsutani, Borann Sar, H. Rogier van Doorn, Nguyen H Uyen, Le Van Tan, Daniel Paris, Stuart D Blacksel, Premjit Amornchai, Vanaporn Wuthiekanun, Christopher M Parry, Nicholas P. J Day, and Varun Kumar. "A Prospective Study of the Causes of Febrile Illness Requiring Hospitalization in Children in Cambodia." Plos One Journal 8, no. 3 (2013): 0-0.
Journal Article
Tsague, Landry, Fatima O Tsiouris, Rosalind J Carter, Veronicah Mugisha, Gilbert Tene, Elevanie Nyankesha, Stephania Koblavi-Deme, Placidie Mugwaneza, Eugenie Kayirangwa, Ruben Sahabo, and Elaine J Abrams. "Comparing two Service Delivery Models for the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV during Transition from Single-dose Nevirapine to Multi-drug Antiretroviral Regimens." BMC Public Health 10, no. 753 (2010).
Journal Article
Carter, Karen L, Gail Williams, Veronica Tallo, Diozele Sanvictores, Hazel Madera, and Ian Riley. "Capture-recapture analysis of all-cause mortality data in Bohol, Philippines." Population health metrics 9, no. 1 (2011).
Working Paper
Carter, Karen, Margaret Cornelius, Richard Taylor, Shareen S Ali Shareen S Ali, Chalapati Rao Chalapati Rao, Alan Lopez Alan Lopez, Vasemaca Lewai Vasemaca Lewai, Ramneek Goudar Ramneek Goudar, and Claire Mowry Claire Mowry. "An Assessment of Mortality Estimates for Fiji, 1949-2008: Findings and Life tTables." (2010) Health Information Systems Knowledge Hub.
Journal Article
Speizer, Ilene S, Lisa Whittle, and Marion Carter. "Las relaciones de género y la toma de decisiones sobre reproducción: Honduras." Publicado originalmente en inglés en International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Carter, Karen, Margaret Cornelius, Richard Taylor, Shareen S Ali, Chalapati Rao, Alan D Lopez, Vasemaca Lewai, Ramneek Goundar, and Claire Mowry. "Mortality trends in Fiji." Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 35, no. 5 (2011): 412-420.
Journal Article
Taylor, Richard, Karen Carter, Shivnay Naidu, Christine Linhart, Syed Azim, Chalapati Rao, and Alan D Lopez. "Divergent mortality trends by ethnicity in Fiji." Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 37, no. 6 (2013): 509-515.
Journal Article
Kuehn, Rebecca, James Fong, Richard Taylor, Rajanishwar Gyaneshwar, and Karen Carter. "Cervical cancer incidence and mortality in Fiji 2003-2009." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 52, no. 4 (2012): 380-386.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nowakowska-Besada, Aneta. "Differences in Gender Perceptions of Access to Credit: The Case of Rwanda." M.A. Degree, University of Ottawa, 2016.
Journal Article
Carter, Karen L, Tibwataake Baiteke, Tiensi Teea, Teanibuaka Tabunga, Mantarae Itienang, Chalapati Rao, Alan D Lopez, and Richard Taylor. "Mortality and life expectancy in Kiribati based on analysis of reported deaths." Population Health Metrics 14, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Stevens, Michal A, K Carter, R Kiep, K Stevenson, and R Schneeweiss. "The epidemiology of leptospirosis in Palau." Pacific Health Dialog 17, no. 1 (2011): 129-138.
Journal Article
Hufanga, Sione, Karen L Carter, Chalapati Rao, Alan D Lopez, and Richard Taylor. "Mortality trends in Tonga: an assessment based on a synthesis of local data." (2012) Population health metrics.
Journal Article
Carter, Karen, Taniela S Soakai, Richard Taylor, Ipia Gadabu, Chalapati Rao, Kiki Thoma, and Alan D Lopez. "Mortality Trends and the Epidemiological Transition in Nauru." Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 23, no. 1 (2011): 10-23.
Journal Article
Carter, Michael R, and Marco Castillo. "Trustworthiness and social capital in South Africa: Analysis of actual living standards data and artifactual field experiments." Economic Development and Cultural Change 59, no. 4 (2011): 695-722.
Journal Article
Carter, Karen, Sione Hufanga, Chalapati Rao, Sione Akauola, Alan D Lopez, Rasika Rampatige, and Richard Taylor. "Causes of death in Tonga: quality of certification and implications for statistics." (2012) Population Health Metrics.
Journal Article
Lee, Ronald D, and Rafael Rofman. "Modelación y Proyección de la Mortalidad en Chile." (1994) NOTAS de Poblacion.
Working Paper
Carter, Michael R, and Marco Castillo. "An experimental approach to social capital in South Africa." (2003)
Journal Article
Carter, Michael R, Julian May, Jorge Aguero, and Sonya Ravindranath. "The economic impacts of premature adult mortality: panel data evidence from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." (2007) AIDS.
Aguero, Jorge, Michael R Carter, and Julian May. Poverty and inequality from the first decade of democracy: Evidence from KwaZulu-Natal. 2005.
Journal Article
Carter, MR, Julian May, Jorge Aguero, and Sonya Ravindranath. "The Economic Impact of Severe Illness and Prime Age Mortality: Evidence from Panel Data from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." (2007) AIDS.
Journal Article
Odoh, Raphael, and Godwill G Jidauna. "The spatial effect of rusty roof on water quality in Otukpo local government area of Benue State, Nigeria." International Journal of Marine, Atmospheric & Earth Sciences 1, no. 1 (2013): 27-37.
Working Paper
Wang, Wenjuan, Rebecca Winter, Lindsay Mallick, Lia Florey, Clara Burgert-Brucker, and Emily Carter. "The Relationship between the Health Service Environment and Service Utilization: Linking Population Data to Health Facilities Data in Haiti and Malawi." (2015)
Working Paper
Carter, Colin A, Jing Chen, and Baojin Chu. "Agricultural productivity growth in China: farm level versus national measurement." (1999) Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, UCD.
Journal Article
Kraft, Joan Marie, Christine Galavotti, Marion Carter, Denise J Jamieson, Lesego Busang, Douglas Fleming, and Peter H Kilmarx. "Use of dual protection in Botswana." Studies in family planning 40, no. 4 (2009): 319-328.
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