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Showing 2221-2250 of 8296
Conference Paper
Cheung, Maria, and Maria Perrotta.
The Impact of a Food For Education Program on Schooling in Cambodia
Seminar Paper / Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University.
Journal Article
Channon, Andrew A, Jane Falkingham, and Zoe Matthews.
Sexual and reproductive health and poverty
(2010) Social determinants of sexual and reproductive health.
Journal Article
Nazneen, Sohela, Naomi Hossain, and Maheen Sultan.
National discourses on women's empowerment in Bangladesh: Continuities and change
IDS Working Papers 2011, no. 368 (2011): 1-41.
Journal Article
Kennedy, Elissa, Nathalie Gray, Peter Azzopardi, and Mick Creati.
Adolescent fertility and family planning in East Asia and the Pacific: a review of DHS reports
Reproductive Health 8, no. 1 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
Churchill, Elizabeth.
Integrating rural Cambodian villagers' perspectives into monitoring and evaluation protocols for an NGO's water and sanitation program
Masters, University of South Florida, 2009.
Working Paper
Polimeni, Rachel, and David Levine.
Adverse selection based on observable and unobservable factors in health insurance
Journal Article
Neupert, Ricardo.
Some demographic measures from a child’s perspective
Childhood 12, no. 3 (2005): 351-368.
Journal Article
McDougall, Janna, Tamara Fetters, Kathryn Clark, and Tung Rathavy.
Determinants of contraceptive acceptance among Cambodian abortion patients
Studies in Family Planning 40, no. 2 (2009): 123-132.
Journal Article
Hong, Rathavuth, and Vathany Chhea.
Changes in HIV-related knowledge, behaviors, and sexual practices among Cambodian women from 2000 to 2005
Journal of Women's Health 18, no. 8 (2009): 1281-1285.
Journal Article
Sasaki, Yuri, Moazzam Ali, Kazuhiro Kakimoto, Ou Saroeun, Koum Kanal, and Chushi Kuroiwa.
Predictors of exclusive breast-feeding in early infancy: a survey report from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Journal of Pediatric Nursing 25, no. 6 (2010): 463-469.
Conference Paper
Neupert, Ricardo, and Chiev Khus.
Mortality in Cambodia: A techinical note
Workshop on population projections for Cambodia held at the National Institute of Statistics .
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2002.
Journal Article
Lane D, Sandra.
Television minidramas: social marketing and evaluation in Egypt
Medical Anthropology Quarterly 11, no. 2 (1997): 164-182.
Journal Article
El-Gilany, A.H.
Breastfeeding indicators in Dakahlia governorate
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 9, no. 5/6 (2003): 961.
Journal Article
Yount, Kathryn M, and Li Li.
Women's “justification” of domestic violence in Egypt
Journal of Marriage and Family 71, no. 5 (2009): 1125-1140.
Journal Article
Nawar, Laila, Ibrahim Kharboush, Magdi Ibrahim, Hesham Makhlouf, and Susan Adamchak.
Impact of improved client-provider interaction on women's achievement of fertility goals in Egypt
(2004) FRONTIERS final report. Washington (DC): Population Council.
Journal Article
Pelletier, David L, and Edward A Frongillo.
Changes in child survival are strongly associated with changes in malnutrition in developing countries
The Journal of nutrition 133, no. 1 (2003): 107.
Journal Article
Okunlola, M.A., K.M Owonikoko, O.A Roberts, and I.O Morhason-Bello.
Discontinuation pattern among IUCD users at the family planning clinic, University College Hospital, Ibadan
Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 26, no. 2 (2006): 152-156.
Journal Article
Faisel, H., R. Pittrof, M. El-Hosini, M. Habib, and E. Azzam.
Using standard primipara method to compare the quality of maternity care in Cairo and London
Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 29, no. 4 (2009): 284-287.
Journal Article
Monazea, Eman, and Ekram Khalek.
Spousal violence against Egyptian women and its impact on reproductive indicators
Journal of American Science 7, no. 6 (2011).
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, and Ingrid Woolard.
The labour market and household income inequality in South Africa: Existing evidence and new panel data
Journal of International Development 13, no. 6 (2001): 671-689.
Working Paper
Wittenberg, Martin.
Weighing the value of asset proxies: The case of the body mass index in South Africa
(2009) SALDRU Working Papers.
Journal Article
Foreit G, Karen.
Use of commercial and government sources of family planning and maternal and child health care
(1999) Policy Project Working Paper Series.
Statistics South Africa, and The Department of Labour.
Survey of activities of young people 1999: Country report on children's work-related activities
South Africa: Statistics South Africa and The Department of Labour, 2001.
Journal Article
Hefni, Mohammed, Veronica Öhrvika, Mohamed Tabekha, and Cornelia Witthoft.
Folate content in foods commonly consumed in Egypt
Food Chemistry 121, no. 2 (2010): 540-545.
Journal Article
Seedhom, Amany Edward, and Nashwa Nabil Kamal.
Some determinants of neonatal mortality in a rural area, El-Minia governorate, Egypt, 2008
Egyptian Journal of Community Medicine 28, no. 2 (2010).
Journal Article
Olmsted C, Jennifer.
Norms, economic conditions and household formation: A case study of the Arab world
(2011) The History of the Family.
Journal Article
Wright, J., and S.W. Gundry.
Household characteristics associated with home water treatment: an analysis of the Egyptian Demographic and Health Survey.
Journal of water and health 7, no. 1 (2009): 21.
Working Paper
Sebastian, Ashwini.
Is divorce a credible threat? Unilateral separation laws, household bargaining and women’s labor in Egypt
(2011) Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland.
Journal Article
Montgomery, Mark R, and Paul C Hewett.
Urban poverty and health in developing countries: Household and neighborhood effects
Demography 42, no. 3 (2005): 397-425.
Journal Article
Uauy, Ricardo, Cecilia Albala, and Juliana Kain.
Obesity trends in Latin America: transiting from under-to overweight
The Journal of nutrition 131, no. 3 (2001): 893S-899S.
Showing 2221-2250 of 8296