Folate content in foods commonly consumed in Egypt

Type Journal Article - Food Chemistry
Title Folate content in foods commonly consumed in Egypt
Volume 121
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2010
Page numbers 540-545
The folate content in some Egyptian foods was determined using RP-HPLC-FL. Trienzyme treatment was used for legumes, dienzyme treatment for cereals and starchy vegetables, and monoenzyme treatment for vegetables and fruits. The highest folate content (633 µg/100 g) was found in dried Jew’s mellow due to low water content, followed by legumes (e.g. 150 µg/100 g for chick peas) and leafy vegetables (100 µg/100 g). For other foods, folate content ranged from 10–90 µg/100 g. In all foods, the predominant folate form was 5-CH3–H4folate, except for dried Jew’s mellow, which contained more than 80% 10-HCO–PteGlu. Using folate data from our own analyses and food tables and food consumption data, the dietary folate intake per capita in Egypt was estimated. However, representative and validated food composition data for folate in Egyptian foods are needed for estimating and evaluating the adequacy of the population’s folate intake.

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