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Enterprise Survey 2003-2006-2010-2016
2003 - 2017
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World Bank
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Created on
Sep 19, 2018
Last modified
Sep 19, 2018
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Data file: Nicaragua_2003_2006_2010_2016_test
Nicaragua ES data from 2003, 2006, 2010 and 2016
Specify other
Request for other
Time to receive other
Informal payments requested for other
Informal Payment for other (LCU)
Informal Payment for other (USD)
Total length of time to renew licenses
Intermediaries to renew licenses
Cost of intermediaries (LCU)
Cost of intermediaries (USD)
how long did it take in total (in days) to get all the necessary requirements an
How much was the total cost to obtain all these requirements and permits to buy
How much was the total cost to obtain all these requirements and permits to buy
Did any employee or public official ever suggested you to do informal payments t
Did your establishment constructed any local/building during the last two years?
How long did it take in total (in days) to get all the necessary requirements an
How much was the total cost to obtain all these requirements and permits to cons
How much was the total cost to obtain all these requirements and permits to cons
Did any employee or public official ever suggested you to do informal payments t
How many tax and contributions forms did you have to fill during 2002
Obstacle: treatment by tax authorities
Obstacle: information on tax requirements
Obstacle: Completing/filing tax forms
Obstacle: Burden of Audits
Obstacle: Frequency of changes in rules and tax rates
Obstacle: Severity of Penalties
Obstacle: Effectiveness of Appeals mechanisms
did you have to pay any fine to the Tax authorities
How much of fine did you pay tax authorities (LCU)
How much of fine did you pay tax authorities (USD)
Number of criminal cases
Est. Losses Due To Theft Or Robbery On Premises, Total Value (USD)
percent of cases of criminal activity were made by gang members
Percentage change from last FY
Percentage change from two FY ago
Percentage change from three FY ago
Relative To two Fy ago, Did Productive Capacity Increase/Decrease/Stay The Same?
Relative To three Fy ago, Did Productive Capacity Increase/Decrease/Stay The Sam
Did the establishment have net profits during 2002?
share of net profits were re-invested
How much were your net profits during 2002, as a percentage of your total sales?
How many types of products produce your establishment?
How many new types of products has your establishment introduced in the last thr
How many products produce your establishment, considering all its types of produ
How many new products has your establishment introduced in the last three years
Does your establishment use technology provided by a foreign-owned company, with
how many months ahead has the management of your enterprise planned its activiti
how many months ahead has the management of your enterprise planned its activiti
how many months ahead has the management of your enterprise planned its activiti
Techonology, compared to competition, is:
Does Establishment Have An Internationally-Recognized Quality Certification?
Does Establishment Have An Enviormentally-Recognized Quality Certification?
Specify The Enviormentally-Recognized Quality Certifications
Developed new product
Upgraded existing product
Discontinued at least one product
Opened of new plant
Closed at least one existing plant or outlet
Agreed a new joint venture with foreign partner
Obtained a new licensing agreement
Outsourced a major production activity
Brought in-house of a major production activity
Primary way of acquiring new technology
Secondary way of acquiring new technology
Tetriary way of acquiring new technology
influence on your establishment to reduce the production costs of existing produ
influence on your establishment to develop new products
How many workers do Quality Control
How many workers do Research and Development
Does your establishment have computerized production equipment or machinery?
What percentage of your production equipment or machinery are computerized?
Number of managers last FY
Number of professionals last FY
Number of female managers last FY
Number of female professionals last FY
Num. of permanent, full-time highly skilled female production workers, last FY
Num. of permanent, full-time unskilled female production workers, last FY
Num. Permanent, Full-Time Employees At End Of Two Fiscal Year Ago
Number of managers last two FY
Number of professionals last two FY
Skilled production workers two FY ago
Unskilled production workers two FY ago
Non-production workers two FY ago
Total Labor Cost (Incl. Wages, Salaries, Bonuses, Etc) In Last Fiscal Year (LCU)
Total Labor Cost (Incl. Wages, Salaries, Bonuses, Etc) In Last Fiscal Year (USD)
Management Labor Costs (LCU)
Management Labor Costs (USD)
Professionals Labor Costs (LCU)
Professionals Labor Costs (USD)
Skilled Production Workers Labor Costs (LCU)
Skilled Production Workers Labor Costs (USD)
Unskilled Production Workers Labor Costs (LCU)
Unskilled Production Workers Labor Costs (USD)
Non-Production Workers Labor Costs (LCU)
Non-Production Workers Labor Costs (USD)
Total benefits as % of labor costs
Management benefits as % of labor costs
Professionals benefits as % of labor costs
Skilled Production Workers benefits as % of labor costs
Unskilled Production Workers benefits as % of labor costs
Non-Production Workers benefits as % of labor costs
Total cost of temporary workers (LCU)
Total cost of temporary workers (USD)
Number of temporary workers two FY ago
Number of female temporary workers two FY ago
Average length of employment (months) two FY ago
Total cost of temporary workers (LCU) two FY ago
Total cost of temporary workers (USD) two FY ago
Number of temporary workers three FY ago
Number of female temporary workers three FY ago
Average length of employment (months) three FY ago
Total cost of temporary workers (LCU) three FY ago
Total cost of temporary workers (USD) three FY ago
Number of subcontracted workers last FY
Total cost of subcontracted workers (LCU)
Total cost of subcontracted workers (USD)
Number of subcontracted workers last two FY
Total cost of subcontracted workers (LCU) last two FY
Total cost of subcontracted workers (USD) last two FY
Number of subcontracted workers last three FY
Total cost of subcontracted workers (LCU) last three FY
Total cost of subcontracted workers (USD) last three FY
What percent of your permanent skilled workers and professionals are foreign nat
How many new employees did your plant hire this year?
How many employees from your plant were dismissed or laid off this year
How many employees left your plant for other reasons this year
Within the last two years, how much time did it take to fill your most recent va
Within the last two years, how much time did it take to fill your most recent va
Days of production did you lost due to strikes
Days of production did you lost due to civil unrest
Days of production did you lost due to other
Specify other
Number of employees with post-graduate degrees
Percent of employees with post-graduate degrees
Number of employees with associate degrees
Percent of employees with associate degrees
Number of employees with technical degrees
Percent of employees with technical degrees
Number of employees with some high school
Percent of employees with some high school
Number of employees with elementary school degrees
Percent of employees with elementary school degrees
Number of employees with some elementary school
Percent of employees with some elementary school
Of those who did not complete primary school, what percent are female?
What percent of the senior management of this establishment is male?
What is the highest level of education of the general manager of this establishm
How much of the experience was with a foreign firm?
Did any of the previous firms export?
When was the first training introduced
Primary reason for not offering training:
Secondary reason for not offering training:
Tetriary reason for not offering training:
Do you consider the external training provided by public or private external age
Primary reason training is inadequate:
Secondary reason training is inadequate:
Tetriary reason training is inadequate:
Specify Other
Effectiveness of public training institutions
Most important factor in improving public training institutions
Second most important factor in improving public training institutions
Third most important factor in improving public training institutions
Specify Other
Do you know about Caribbean Basin Initiative?
Do the benefits of CBI apply to you?
Have you taken advantage of those benefits
Has your company benefited from other Free Trade Agreements signed by your count
Specify Country
Specify Country
Did you know that your country is negotiating a free trade agreement with the Un
Has your establishment taken any preparatory steps to maximize the benefits of s
If the agreement is signed, do you believe it will affect the operations of your
What will be the impact of CAFTA?
CAFTA will increase exports to US of your sector
CAFTA will increase exports to US of your firm
CAFTA will increase exports to Central America of your sector
CAFTA will increase exports to Central America of your firm
CAFTA will increase imported inputs of your sector
CAFTA will increase imported inputs of your firm
CAFTA will increase competition of your sector
CAFTA will increase competition of your firm
CAFTA will increase FDI of your sector
CAFTA will increase FDI of your firm
CAFTA will increase diversification of your sector
CAFTA will increase diversification of your firm
Obstacle: Maritime Transporation Costs
Obstacle: Air Transporation Costs
Obstacle: Customs at home
Obstacle: Customs in Central American countries
Obstacle: Customs in US
Obstacle: Defined excluded products
Obstacle: Labor regulations
Obstacle: Health regulations
Obstacle: Quality Ceritfication
Obstacle: Access to Distribution in US
Obstacle: Time to adjust to regulations
Does your establishment directly export to the US?
Total cost of shipping a (20 feet/TEU) container to Miami (USD)
Total cost of shipping a (20 feet/TEU) container to Los Angeles (USD)
Total cost of shipping a (20 feet/TEU) container to San Francisco (USD)
Total cost of shipping a (20 feet/TEU) container to New York (USD)
Did your establishment paid the 2% tax to INATEC during 2002?
Did you use the services provided by INATEC
Did you use the services of training institutions certified by INATEC
Did your establishment offer internal training to the workers during 2002?
Total number of workers trained internally
Total number of managers trained internally
Total number of professionals trained internally
Total number of skilled production workers trained internally
Total number of unskilled production workers trained internally
Total number of non-production workers trained internally
Total number of weeks workers trained internally
Total number of weeks managers trained internally
Total number of weeks professionals trained internally
Total number of weeks skilled production workers trained internally
Total number of weeks unskilled production workers trained internally
Total number of weeks non-production workers trained internally
Did your establishment sent workers to participate in external training programs
Total number of workers trained externally
Total number of managers trained externally
Total number of professionals trained externally
Total number of skilled production workers trained externally
Total number of unskilled production workers trained externally
Total number of non-production workers trained externally
Total number of weeks workers trained externally
Total number of weeks managers trained externally
Total number of weeks professionals trained externally
Total number of weeks skilled production workers trained externally
Total number of weeks unskilled production workers trained externally
Total number of weeks non-production workers trained externally
Was there external training at university?
Was there external training at public training institute?
Was there external training at technical school?
Was there external training at private training institute?
Was there external training at partner firms?
Was there external training at other?
Specify other
Have you engaged in joint training programs?
Joint training program with industry association
Joint training program with government
Joint training program with other firms
Joint training program with specialized training companies
Joint training program organized by suppliers
Joint training program organized by buyers
Joint training program with other
Specify other
Number of employees promoted after training
Number of employees pay increase after training
Number of employees left after training
Number of employees increased productivity after training
Did you benefit from tax deductions for employees’ training?
Did you benefit from tuition subsidies for employees’ training?
Did the employees that attended training share part of the cost of training?
What percentage did they pay on average?
In Last Fiscal Year, What Were This Establishment’S Total Annual Sales?
In Last Fiscal Year, What Were This Establishment’S Total Annual Sales? (USD)
Total value of all goods produced last FY (LCU)
Total value of all goods produced last FY (USD)
Total Sales 2 FY ago (LCU)
Total Sales 2 FY ago (USD)
Total value of all goods produced last 2 FY (LCU)
Total value of all goods produced last 2 FY (USD)
Total Sales 3 FY ago (USD)
Total value of all goods produced last 3 FY (LCU)
Total value of all goods produced last 3 FY (USD)
Cost Of Raw Materials And Intermediate Goods Used In Prod. In Last Fiscal Year
Cost Of Raw Materials And Intermediate Goods Used In Prod. In Last Fiscal Year (
Total Annual Costs Of Electricity In Last Fiscal Year (USD)
Total Labor Cost (Incl. Wages, Salaries, Bonuses, Etc) In Last Fiscal Year (USD)
Total Interest Expenses Last FY (LCU)
Total Interest Expenses Last FY (USD)
Total Registry Expenditures Last FY (LCU)
Total Registry Expenditures Last FY (USD)
Other Costs Last FY (LCU)
Other Costs Last FY (USD)
Cost Of Raw Materials And Intermediate Goods Used In Prod. In Last Two Fiscal Ye
Cost Of Raw Materials And Intermediate Goods Used In Prod. In Last Two Fiscal Ye
Total Annual Costs Of Electricity In Last Two Fiscal Year
Total Annual Costs Of Electricity In Last Two Fiscal Year (USD)
Total Labor Cost (Incl. Wages, Salaries, Bonuses, Etc) In Last Two Fiscal Year
Total Labor Cost (Incl. Wages, Salaries, Bonuses, Etc) In Last Two Fiscal Year (
Total Interest Expenses Last Two FY (LCU)
Total Interest Expenses Last Two FY (USD)
Total Registry Expenditures Last Two FY (LCU)
Total Registry Expenditures Last Two FY (USD)
Other Costs Last Two FY (LCU)
Other Costs Last Two FY (USD)
Cost Of Raw Materials And Intermediate Goods Used In Prod. In Last Three Fiscal
Cost Of Raw Materials And Intermediate Goods Used In Prod. In Last Three Fiscal
Total Annual Costs Of Electricity In Last Three Fiscal Year
Total Annual Costs Of Electricity In Last Three Fiscal Year (USD)
Total Labor Cost (Incl. Wages, Salaries, Bonuses, Etc) In Last Three Fiscal Year
Total Labor Cost (Incl. Wages, Salaries, Bonuses, Etc) In Last Three Fiscal Year
Total Interest Expenses Last Three FY (LCU)
Total Interest Expenses Last Three FY (USD)
Total Registry Expenditures Last Three FY (LCU)
Total Registry Expenditures Last Three FY (USD)
Other Costs Last Three FY (USD)
Percent of Energy Cost from Electricity
Percent of Energy Cost from Generators
Total: 1345
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