Value |
Category |
Follow English reading instructions |
Foolow techneques given in broadcasting |
Instruction & training workshops and over the radio |
Materials from my Teacher Training years |
None |
Note from TIOE |
Resources to be ordered according to new syllabus |
School Radio Program |
School Radio Programme |
Shared reading and guided reading |
Skills and knowledge from past training & school radio program |
Skills learnt from my Teacher Training years |
Strategies from TIOE |
Syllabus |
Teach according to child's skills |
Teachers Guide & modules |
Teaching experience |
Tongan Grammar Book and Tongan Culture |
Use information from radio broadcasting on how to teach reading |
Use methods that works like phonics and spelling |
Using Teachers experience |
What she thinks is appropriate |
begin from the alphabet |
blackboards, charts and cards |
class 3 strategies resources |
following the teachersplanner book |
from past years handouts |
from work experiences |
get help from othr teachers |
group students in reading ability |
guided reading |
guided reading resources |
help given by other teachers |
knowledge and skills from TIOE |
knowledge and skills from past training |
made use of strategies appropriate with the level |
my own expertise |
my own skills and help from othe teachers |
need teaching experience and expertise |
no guide book for teachers |
no materials |
no resources |
none |
own experise |
own expetise |
own teaching experience |
peer support from other teachers |
pre-reading strategy |
reading expertise |
resources from MEWAC |
skills from retired officers |
spy with their little eyes. Phonics. Read the story. |
strategies from past training |
teacher expertise |
teachers guide for English & Tongan for Class 3 |
topic & skill based |
use appropriate teaching strategies for children ability |
use experience & skills from TIOE |
use guide materials with English reading |
use knowledge and skills from TIOE |
use method that are easy to understand |
use my own skills |
use own expertise and based upon weakness of students |
use own method eg. Phonic, sounds of letters |
use skills from TIOE |
using knowledge from past trainning |
using my own understanding of reading |
using training from TIOE & other professional program |
weekly plan |
what I learnt at TIOE |
work experience |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.