Interviewer instructions
Qs. 22 – 28 deal with water supply, toilet facilities, bathing facilities, lighting and fuel used for cooking –Public Utilities, which provide these services, have specifically asked for this information so that they may assess the distribution of supply.
Question 23 describes the type of toilet facility available to the household. Whilst Question 24 seeks to find out whether this facility is shared with one or more households. The categories identified in Question 23 are as follows:
1. WC linked to sewer is a flush or water closet which fills from a piped water supply and empties into a sewerage disposal system. This method of sewage disposal is most prevalent in Central Castries CDC buildings and in parts of Gros-Islet.
2. WC not linked to sewer is waterborne and empties into a septic tank or soak-away. This is the more popular form of sewerage disposal when compared to option 1.
3. Pit latrine is not water borne.
4. Other any type other than those listed above. This response must be written.
5. None if this oval is shaded, SKIP directly to Question 25.