Question pretext
INTERVIEWER: If interview conducted before census day, ask on return visit immediately after census day. If interview conducted after census day, ask as part of the full interview.
Interviewer instructions
Census Night refers to the period up to mid-night on May 22, 2001. All members of the household enumerated during the preliminary enumeration and found absent on census night either because of death, no longer a member of the household, permanent migration, etc., must be deleted from the household and an entry made in the comments section at the front of the questionnaire. This does not apply to those persons who because of their work, are away from the household on census night. Such persons include security personnel, watchmen, nurses, doctors, fishermen, taxi drivers, ward maids and other hospital personnel, etc. These persons are to be shaded as having spent Census Night in the household.
It must be noted however, that members of the household who were temporarily away on Census Night should be left as members of the household and oval 2 shaded. Babies born prior to midnight of May 22, 2001, are to be included in the household and Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11 and 12 completed, as well as appropriate amendments made to Section 9 where the person bearing the child is a member of the household. Temporary visitors, as well as persons who joined the household subsequent to preliminary enumeration and who spent Census Night in the household are to be enumerated in the normal manner, i.e. as new members of the household. Such situations may arise through marriage or returning residents from abroad, etc. Note however, that if someone was enumerated elsewhere in the country but just happens to have spent the night at another household,this person is not to be enumerated again. In those instances, oval 2 must be shaded in Q. 112 and the full address written in Q. 113. Appropriate remarks should be made where necessary (i.e. in such cases where the individual spent it at an institution).