Value |
Category |
010101 Legislative and executive bodies, public administration |
010102 Financial and fiscal relations |
010103 Foreign affairs |
010201 External economic assistance |
010301 General services in the line of staff /personnel/ |
010302 General programming and statistical services |
010303 Other general services |
010401 General research work |
010501 Research and development in the line of general public services |
010601 General public services (not belonging to other classes) |
010701 Operation in the line of public debt |
010801 General transfers executed between different levels of government |
020101 Military defense |
020201 Civil defense |
020301 External military assistance |
020401 Research and development in defense |
020501 Defense (not belonging to other classes) |
030101 Police |
030102 National Security |
030201 Rescue service |
030301 Courts |
030302 Legal protection |
030401 Prosecutor's office |
030501 Places of detention |
030701 Public order and security (not belonging to other classes) |
040101 General economic and trade relations |
040102 General relations related with labor |
040201 Agriculture |
040202 Forestry |
040203 Fishery and hunting |
040204 Irrigation |
040302 Mineral oils and natural gas |
040303 Nuclear fuel |
040304 Other fuel types |
040305 Electricity |
040306 Non-electric energy |
040401 Export of mineral resources, except natural fuel |
040403 Construction |
040501 Road transport |
040503 Railway |
040504 Air transport |
040505 Pipelines and other transport |
040601 Communication |
040703 Tourism |
040704 Multi-purpose development programs |
040801 Research and development in the line of general economic, trade and labor issues |
040802 Research and development in the line of agriculture, forestry, fishery and hunting |
040803 Research and development in the line of fuel and energy |
040804 Research and development in the line of metal mining industry, industry and construction |
040805 Research and development in the line of transport |
040807 Research and development in the line of other spheres |
040901 Economic relations (not belonging to other classes) |
050101 Waste removal |
050201 Sewage removal |
050301 Air pollution control |
050401 Biodiversity and nature protection |
050501 Research and development in the line of environmental protection |
050601 Environmental protection (not belonging to other classes) |
060101 House-building |
060201 Community development |
060301 Water-supply |
060401 Street lighting |
060501 Research and development in the line of house-building and public utilities |
060601 House-building and public utilities (not belonging to other classes) |
070101 Pharmaceutical goods |
070103 Medical devices and equipment |
070201 General medical services |
070202 Specialized medical services |
070203 Dental services |
070204 Paramedical services |
070301 General hospital services |
070302 Specialized hospital services |
070303 Medical, mother and child centers' services |
070401 Public healthcare services |
070501 Research and development in the line of healthcare |
070601 Adjacent healthcare services and programs |
070602 Healthcare (not belonging to other classes) |
080101 Recreation and sport services |
080201 Libraries |
080202 Museums and galleries |
080203 Culture houses, clubs, centers |
080204 Other cultural organizations |
080205 Art |
080206 Cinematography |
080207 Monuments and cultural values restoration and preservation |
080301 TV and radio programs |
080302 Publishing houses, editorial offices |
080303 Information obtaining |
080401 Youth programs |
080402 Political parties, non-governmental organizations, trade unions |
080403 Other religious and public services |
080501 Research and development in the line of recreation, culture and religion |
080601 Recreation, culture and religion (not belonging to other classes) |
090101 Pre-school education |
090102 General elementary education |
090201 General primary education |
090202 General secondary (complete) education |
090301 Elementary vocational education |
090302 Secondary vocational education |
090401 Higher vocational education |
090402 Post-university vocational education |
090501 Extracurricular education |
090502 Additional education |
090601 Auxiliary services provided to education |
090701 Research and development in education |
090801 Education (not belonging to other classes) |
100101 Ill health |
100102 Disability |
100201 Old age |
100301 Persons who lost relatives |
100401 Family members and children |
100501 Unemployment |
100601 Habitation securing |
100701 Special social privileges (not belonging to other classes) |
100801 Research and development in social security |
100901 Social security (not belonging to other classes) |
100902 Auxiliary services provided to social protection (not belonging to other classes) |
110101 Reserve fund of the Government of RA |
110102 Reserve fund of communities of RA |
Total subnational government spending |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.