Value |
Category |
0101 Legislative and executive bodies, public administration, financial and fiscal relations, foreign affairs |
0102 External economic assistance |
0103 General services |
0104 General research services |
0105 Research and development in the line of general public services |
0106 General public services (not belonging to other classes) |
0107 Operations in the line of public debt |
0108 Transfers of different nature executed between different level of the governance |
0201 Military defense |
0202 Civil defense |
0203 External military assistance |
0204 Research and development in defense sphere |
0205 Defense (not belonging to other classes) |
0301 Public order and security |
0302 Rescue service |
0303 Judicial work and legal protection |
0304 Prosecutor's office |
0305 Places of detention |
0307 Public order and security (not belonging to other classes) |
0401 General economic, trade and labor relations |
0402 Agriculture, forestry, fishery and hunting |
0403 Fuel and energy |
0404 Mineral resources, industry and construction |
0405 Transport |
0406 Communication |
0407 Other spheres |
0408 Research and development in the line of economic relations |
0409 Economic relations (not belonging to other classes) |
0501 Waste removal |
0502 Sewage removal |
0503 Environmental pollution control |
0504 Biodiversity and nature protection |
0505 Research and development in the line of environmental protection |
0506 Environmental protection (not belonging to other classes) |
0601 House-building |
0602 Community development |
0603 Water-supply |
0604 Street lighting |
0605 Research and development in the line of house-building and utilities |
0606 House-building and utilities (not belonging to other classes) |
0701 Medical goods, devices and equipment |
0702 Outpatient services |
0703 Hospital services |
0704 Public healthcare services |
0705 Research and development in the line of healthcare |
0706 Healthcare (not belonging to other classes) |
0801 Recreation and sport services |
0802 Cultural services |
0803 Radio and TV programs broadcasting and publishing services |
0804 Religious and other public services |
0805 Research and development in the line of recreation, culture and religion |
0806 Recreation, culture and religion (not belonging to other classes) |
0901 Pre-school and general elementary education |
0902 General secondary education |
0903 Primary vocational and secondary vocational education |
0904 Higher education |
0905 Education not classified by levels |
0906 Auxiliary services provided to education |
0907 Research and development in education |
0908 Education (not belonging to other classes) |
1001 Ill health and disability |
1002 Old age |
1003 Persons who lost relatives |
1004 Family members and children |
1005 Unemployment |
1006 Habitation securing |
1007 Special social privileges (not belonging to other classes) |
1008 Research and development in social security |
1009 Social security (not belonging to other classes) |
1101 Reserve fund of the Government and communities of RA |
Total subnational government spending |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.