Value |
Category |
4111 Salaries and additional payments of employees |
4112 Bonuses, monetary incentives and special payments |
4113 Civil, judicial and other public servants remuneration |
4114 Remuneration of employees of the Ministry of Finances and Economy of RA, tax and customs bodies, in accordance with legislation |
4115 Other remunerations |
4131 Social security payments |
4211 Operational and bank services costs |
4212 Energy costs |
4213 Public utilities |
4214 Communication services |
4215 Insurance costs |
4216 Property and equipment renting |
4217 Out-departmental costs |
4220 Business trips and tours costs |
4221 Domestic business trips |
4222 Costs in the line of foreign business trips |
4223 Other transportation costs |
4229 Other transportation costs |
4231 Administrative costs |
4232 Computer services |
4233 Staff professional development services |
4234 Information services |
4235 Managerial services |
4236 Personal and catering services |
4237 Representative costs |
4238 Other general services |
4239 Other general services |
4241 Professional services |
4251 On-going repairs and maintenance of buildings and edifices |
4252 On-going repairs and maintenance of machinery and equipment |
4261 Office materials and cloths |
4262 Agricultural goods |
4263 Retraining and training materials (staff development) |
4264 Transport materials |
4265 Environmental protection and scientific materials |
4266 Healthcare and laboratory materials |
4267 Personal and catering materials |
4268 Special-purpose materials |
4269 Other special purpose materials |
4312 Domestic interest payments |
4322 Foreign interest payments |
4332 Fines |
4400 Interest payments |
4410 Domestic interest payments |
4411 Domestic securities interest payments |
4412 Domestic credits interest payments |
4420 Foreign interest payments |
4421 Interest payments in the line of foreign securities |
4422 Interest payments in the line of foreign credits |
4511 Subsidies to public non-financial organizations |
4512 Subsidies to public financial organizations |
4521 Subsidies to non-governmental non-financial organizations |
4522 Subsidies to non-governmental financial organizations |
4532 Current grants to public financial organizations |
4533 Other current grants |
4541 Capital grants to public non-financial organizations |
4542 Capital grants to public financial organizations |
4543 Other capital grants |
4610 Grants to foreign governments |
4611 Current grants to foreign governments |
4612 Capital grants to foreign governments |
4620 Grants to international organizations |
4621 Current grants to international organizations |
4631 Current grants to public administration sector |
4632 Current subventions to communities |
4633 Subsidies provided to communities from state budget based on financial equalization principle |
4634 Reimbursement of losses of community budgets originating from law enforcement |
4635 Other current grants to communities |
4637 Current grants to national and community non-commercial organizations |
4638 Current grants to national and community commercial organizations |
4639 Other current grants |
4641 Capital grants to public local non-profit organizations |
4651 Capital grants to public administration sector |
4652 Capital subventions to communities |
4653 Other capital grants to communities |
4655 Capital grants to national and community non-commercial organizations |
4656 Capital grants to national and community commercial organizations |
4657 Other capital grants |
4711 Social security allowances paid to households in drams |
4712 Social security allowances to service providers au naturel |
4721 Illness and disablements allowances from budget |
4722 Maternity allowances from budget |
4723 Children or family allowances from budget |
4724 Unemployment allowances from budget |
4725 Allowances related with retiring on pension and age-specific allowances from budget |
4726 Funeral allowances from budget |
4727 Educational, cultural and sport allowances from budget |
4728 Habitation allowances from budget |
4729 Other allowances from budget |
4731 Expense for fines and penalties imposed by the courts |
4741 Pensions |
4742 Expense for damages caused by natural disasters |
4751 Medical insurance |
4752 Monthly mortgage loan repayment |
4753 Training costs compensation |
4754 Leisure costs compensation |
4761 Other expenses |
4771 Reserve funds |
4811 Donations to non-commercial organizations providing services to households |
4819 Donations to other non-commercial organizations |
4820 Taxes, mandatory payments and penalties applied by different levels of governance against each other |
4821 Salanry fund |
4822 Other taxes |
4823 Mandatory payments |
4824 Penalties applied by different levels of governance against each other |
4831 Court-appointed penalties and fines |
4842 Restoration of damages caused by other natural reasons |
4851 Restoration of losses and damages originating from activities of governance bodies |
4861 Other costs, other |
4891 Stand-by funds |
5111 Acquisition of buildings and edifices |
5112 Construction of buildings and edifices |
5113 Capital reconstruction of buildings and edifices |
5121 Transport equipment |
5122 Administrative equipment |
5123 Other machinery and equipment |
5129 Other machinery and equipment |
5131 Growing assets |
5132 Intangible fixed assets |
5133 Geodesic cartographic costs |
5134 Design and survey costs |
5211 Strategic reserves |
5221 Production purpose reserves, materials and accessories |
5231 Goods destined for reselling |
5241 Reserves kept for consumption |
5311 High-value assets |
5411 Land |
5431 Current grants to public non-financial organizations |
6110 Receipts from alienation of real property |
6120 Receipts from alienation of individual property |
6130 Receipts from alienation of other assets |
6310 Receipts from alienation of other assets |
6410 Receipts from alienation of land |
6440 Receipts from alienation of intangible non-financial assets |
6501 Receipts from alienation of non-financial assets |
6502 Receipts from alienation of land |
Total subnationl government budget |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.