Value |
Category |
11 |
Electricity - Access |
12 |
Electricity - Quality |
13 |
Electricity - Cost |
21 |
Telecom - Access |
22 |
Telecom - Quality |
23 |
Telecom - Cost |
31 |
Water - Access |
32 |
Water - Quality |
33 |
Water - Cost |
37 |
41 |
Postal Service - Access |
42 |
Postal Service - Quality |
43 |
Postal Service - Cost |
61 |
Transport Road - Access |
62 |
Transport Road - Quality |
63 |
Transport - Cost |
64 |
Transport - Facilities to transport goods |
71 |
Financial Services - Possibility to borrow from family |
72 |
Financial Services - Possibility to borrow from formal financial institutions |
73 |
Financial Services - Interest rates |
74 |
Financial Services - Complicated bank loan procedures |
75 |
Financial Services - Fear of not being able to pay loan installments |
81 |
Markets - Access to markets |
82 |
Markets - Difficulty to obtain information on your product's market |
83 |
Markets - Low demand for goods and services produced |
91 |
Governemet - Corruption |
92 |
Government - Uncertain economic policy |
93 |
Government - Restrictive laws and regulations |
101 |
Safety - Criminality, theft and lawlessness |
102 |
Safety - Conflicts and social friction |
111 |
Technology - Lack of training |
112 |
Technology - Research costs |
113 |
Technology - Access to computers |
114 |
Technology - Access to information and technology |
121 |
Registration & Permits - Time and cost of registering enterprise |
122 |
Registration & Permits - Time and cost of obtaining enterprise permit |
123 |
Registration & Permits - Complicated enterprise registration and permit regulations |
131 |
Taxation - High taxes |
132 |
Taxation - Unofficial levies |
Sysmiss |