Labour Force Survey 2004
Fourth Quarter
Darbo Jega, Užimtumas Ir Nedarbas
Name | Country code |
Lithuania | LIT |
Labor Force Survey [hh/lfs]
Labour Force Survey was started by Statistics Lithuania in 1998 and since 2002 it has been carried out continuously. A continuous survey is such a survey when 1/13 of population sampled for a quarterly survey is interviewed each week.
The objectives of the survey was to produce on a quarterly basis comparable data on the number of employed and unemployed persons, their distribution by age, sex, place of residence, economic activity, occupational group, citizenship, education, etc.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The scope of the Labour Force Survey 2004 includes:
Whole country, national coverage.
The survey covered the usual residents present and the usual residents temporarily absent, it excluded non-settled population and persons living in institutions.
Name | Affiliation |
Statistics Lithuania | Ministry of Finance |
Name | Role |
Government of Lithuania | Funding the study |
Sampling Plan
The sampling plan is a one-stage simple random sample of 4 000 individuals aged 15 years and over, using the Population Register as a sampling frame. The Population register has some shortcomings: it suffers from the under coverage and over coverage; not all the addresses are included in the frame, some are imprecise, and it is impossible to follow the person selected up to his correct address. The Population registers for persons of age under the survey coverage with the addresses of residence in towns and at least the name of the village in rural area is used as a sampling frame. This frame is actually used as a frame of addresses. The sample is constructed as follows: having selected a simple random sample of the fixed number of persons of the sampling frame, the members of their households are also added. Even in case turned out that according to the address denoted, a part of people or all of them were not included into the list of the sample, the people actually living there were interviewed. The cluster sample of persons is thus obtained. All the persons living at the address selected belong to the same cluster. The actual composition of the cluster is indicated by the interviewer when visiting the household.
Each household is surveyed for four quarters according to the rotation pattern 2-(1)-2.
Weighting Procedure
The weighting method for the Lithuanian LFS is based on the generalized calibration method introduced by Deville and Särndal in 1992. The initial household design weights are calculated taking into account the unequal selection probabilities of the households. These are then adjusted by the use of auxiliary information relating to population data on 10 NUTS III (counties) and the intersection of 13 age-groups, sex and urban/rural as well as data from the National Labour Exchange on the number of registered unemployed persons. Each member of the household receives the same weight as the household.
Start | End | Cycle |
2004 | 2004 | Fourth Quarter |
Name | Affiliation |
Statistics Lithuania | Ministry of Finance |
Periodicity of data collection: Continuously (every week)
The first interview must be carried out face-to-face, while the subsequent interviews could be conducted according to the situation - by telephone or face-to-face. The interview normally takes place during the week immediately following the reference week but never later than the five weeks after the reference week. The interview is on the average about 15 minutes in the first interview and shorter in the subsequent interviews. If the target persons selected to the sample cannot be reached, a proxy may be used on certain conditions.
Name | Affiliation | URL |
Employment Statistics Division | Statistics Lithuania | |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL |
Employment Statistics Division | Statistics Lithuania | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the DDI |
Version 01 (September, 2013)