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Population and Housing Census 2007
Kingdom of Eswatini
Reference ID
Central Statistical Office
Created on
Apr 07, 2014
Last modified
Mar 29, 2019
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Risk factors associated with violence towards girls in Swaziland
Bulletin of the World Health Organization.
Chemhaka, Garikayi B, Clifford Odimegwu, Eugene N Zwane, and Jeremy D Gumbo.
Is Swaziland census data suitable for fertility measurement?
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Comenetz, Joshua.
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Curle I, Neville.
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Dlamini, Wisdom Mdumiseni.
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Dlamini N, Sabelo.
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Mamba N, Constance.
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Shongwe, MI, and MT Dlamini.
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Simelane, Hloniphile Yvonne.
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