Table of contents |
LIST OF TABLES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II
LIST OF FIGURES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- III
I INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE SURVEY ------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Objectives of the Survey ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2
II SURVEY METHODOLOGY, DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING --------------------------------------- 2
2.1 Scope and Coverage of the Survey -------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Sample Design --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.3 Field Organization ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.4 Training of Field Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.5 Methods of Data Collection -------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.6 Data Processing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
a. Editing, Coding and Verification --------------------------------------------------------- 7
b. Data Entry, Cleaning and Tabulation ------------------------------------------------------ 7
2.7 Basic Concepts and Definitions ---------------------------------------------------------- 8
III SUMMARY OF THE MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE SURVEY -------------------------------------------- 11
3.1 Comparison of the Performance of the 2003/04 and 2004/05 Area
and Production of Major Crops -------------------------------------------------------------- 12
3.2 Results of the 2004/05(1997 E.C) Both Seasons (Meher and Belg) ------------------------- 13
3.3 Comparison of 2003/04 and 2004/05 of Both Seasons(Meher and Belg) Area and
production of Major Crop ------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Summary Table A
Estimates of total area and production of major belg crops for private peasant holdings
in Ethiopia,2004/05(1997 E.C) -------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Summary Table B,
Total area and production of major crops for private peasant holdings in Ethiopia both
seasons, 2004/05(1997 E.C) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Summary Table C,
Total cropland area and production of major crops for private peasant holdings in
Ethiopia, both seasons 2003/04(1996 E.C) and 2004/05(1997 E.C) ----------------------------- 15
Summary Table D,
Total cropland area and production of major crops for private peasant holdings in
Ethiopia,2003/04(1996 E.C) and 2004/05(1997 E.C) ------------------------------------------- 15
Table 1. Estimates of 2003/04(1996E.C) and 2004/05(1997E.C)Area,
Production and Yield of Major Belg Season Crops for Private Peasant
Holdings in Ethiopia ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Table2. Estimates of 2003/04(1996 E.C) and 2004/05(1997 E.C) Area and Production
of major Belg Season Crops for Private Peasant Holdings in Ethiopia, by Region ------------- 18
Table 3. Cropland Area, Production and Yield of Major Belg Season Crops for Private
Peasant Holdings for 2004/05(1997 E.C) in Ethiopia ----------------------------------------- 21
Figure 1. Estimates of total area under major crops for private peasant holdings
in Ethiopia, both seasons,2004/05(1997 E.C) ------------------------------------------------ 13
Figure2. Estimates of total production of major crops for private peasant
holdings in Ethiopia, both seasons,2004/05(19967E.C) --------------------------------------- 14
APPENDIX I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
APPENDIX II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
APPENDIX III ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
Statistical Tables Presenting Results at National and Regional Levels ---------------------- 20