Data file |
Blocks 1,2_Identification of sample household & particulars of field operations
Block 1 and Block 2, are to be used for recording identification of sample households and particulars of field operations.
Block 3_Household characteristics
Block 3 is meant for recording household characteristics such as household size, principal industry, principal occupation, household type, religion, social group, number of overnight trips undertaken by the household during last 30 days and last 365 days separately, number of same-day trips undertaken by the household during last 30 days and last 365 days separately, whether any NRI visited the household during last 365 days, what was the impact of the NRI visit in influencing the household to undertake any trip, whether some portion of the house was rented out to tourists for at least one night during the last 365 days, whether any member of the household is aware of the “Incredible India” campaign by Govt. of India and if so, where have the member(s) seen/heard the campaign, and what was its impact, whether any member of the household is aware of the tourism promotional campaigns by State Tourism departments / development corporations or any other organisation and if so, where have the member(s) seen/heard the campaign, and what was its impact.
Block 4_Demographic and other particulars of household members
Block 4 records the demographic and other particulars of all the household members. Such particulars include name of the household member, relation to head, sex, age, marital status, educational level, usual principal activity status, NIC (2-digit level) - for employed members, NCO (1-digit) - for employed members, number of overnight trips completed by the member during last 30 days and last 365 days separately, number of same-day trips completed by the member during last 30 days and last 365 days separately.
Block 5pt1_Particulars of overnight trips during last 30 days
In Block 5.1 particulars of overnight trips made during last 30 days by household members are recorded. These include serial no. of the trip, number of household members in that trip, details of the characteristics of each household member who was in that trip, like serial no. of the member, age of the member, purpose of trip for the member, type of trip, mode of travel: major and minor, type of stay: major and minor, number of nights spent outside usual place of residence (including journey), and also characteristics of the trip like leading purpose of the trip, starting month, ending month, main destination, state code and number of places visited during the trip.
Block 5pt2_Particulars of same-day trips during last 30 days
In Block 5.2 particulars of same-day trips made during last 30 days by household members are recorded. These include serial no. of the trip, number of household members in that trip, details of the characteristics of each household member who was in that trip like serial no. of the member, age of the member, purpose of trip for the member, type of trip, mode of travel: major and minor, type of stay, and also characteristics of the trip like leading purpose of the trip, month of visit, main destination, state code and number of places visited during the trip.
Block 6pt1_Particulars of accomodation expenditure on overnight trips during last 30 days
Block 6.1 is designed to collect particulars of expenditure on the latest three overnight trips covered in Block 5.1. Here, the break-up of expenditure is recorded in detail along with information on reimbursement/direct payment by any institution. This data file contains particulars of accomodation expenditure on overnight trips during last 30 days.