Block 3: Principal operating expenses
Schedule 2.34 covers almost the entire non-agricultural sector (excluding construction) of the economy. Because of the large number of activities being covered, it is possible that for enterprises of a particular activity, certain items of expenditure may be very high. But for the same item, for other activities this may be just an incidental expense. In order to capture the expenses, two blocks, Blocks 3 and 4 have been formed. Blocks 3 and 4 are the two blocks where operating expenses of the enterprises were collected. The reference period for the blocks is last 30 days / last calendar month. All expenditure in these blocks is to be recorded on payable basis.. If some expenses are made on a yearly or half-yearly basis, those are to be properly apportioned for the reference month and recorded. For items where payments are not yet made, payable amount may be obtained and recorded. For example, values payable for fuel consumed or electricity purchased during the reference month may not be readily available. Estimated charges were recorded in such cases irrespective of whether full payment has been made or not.
Block 3 provides for recording the principal expenses and block 4 records all expenses not covered under block 3. There are, of course, some common items in blocks 3 and 4. It must be noted that items were first be filled in block 3 and only those not covered in that block, were filled in block 4. i.e. block 3 got priority over block 4.
Cases: | 997841 |
Variables: | 24 |