In the month of October 2009, how much does this household spend on transportation expenses (including the purchase of petrol, diesel, lubricating oil etc) other than for business? (b3r17)
In the month of October 2009, how much does this household spend on transportation expenses (including the purchase of petrol, diesel, lubricating oil etc) other than for business? (in thousand of rupiahs)
Transportation expenses refer to the expenses for transportation for one month to consider price increases. If the respondents had difficulty answering then could have asked the transport expenses daily/weekly which was converted into a monthly transportation expenses. Transportation expenses for business purposes are not recorded in these details.
- Details (14) – (34) are informations for whole Household Members (HM)
- In October 2009
As a side notes, the results of the first round encounter the following error:
1. The average amount of rice consumption written is not reflect the amount of consumption of rice for a week.
2. Value written also not reflect expenses of rice consumption for a week.
3. Transportation expenses yet to reflect spending of a month, and writing in the box has not been in the thousands of dollars.