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October Household Survey 1998
South Africa
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Statistics South Africa
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Dec 20, 2012
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Mar 29, 2019
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Altman, Miriam.
Identifying employment-creating sectors in South Africa: the role of services industries
Development Southern Africa 23, no. 5 (2006): 627-647.
Altman, Miriam.
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South Africa: HSRC, 2007.
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Orphanhood and schooling in South Africa: trends in the vulnerability of orphans between 1993 and 2005
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Ardington, Carolyn.
Parental death and schooling outcomes in South Africa
Doctor of Philosophy, UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN, 2008.
Armstrong, Paula.
Teacher pay in South Africa: How attractive is the teaching profession?
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Armstrong, Paula, and Janca Steenkamp.
South African Trade Unions: an Overview for 1995 to 2005
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Branson, Nicola.
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Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 38 (2009).
Branson, Nicola.
The South African labour market 1995-2004: A cohort analysis.
SALDRU Working Paper , no. 06/07 (2006).
Branson, Nicola, and Martin Wittenberg.
The measurement of employment status in South Africa using cohort analysis, 1994-2004.
The South African Journal of Economics 75, no. 2 (2007): 313-326.
Bray, Rachel.
Missing links? An examination of the contributions made by social surveys to our understanding of child well-being in South Africa
CSSR Working Paper , no. 23 (2002).
Burger, Rulof, and Rachel Jafta.
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Burger, Rulof, and Dieter Von Fintel.
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Burger, Rulof, and Derek Yu.
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Burger, Rulof, and Derek Yu.
Wage trends in post-apartheid South Africa: Constructing an earnings series from household survey data
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Cox, Kevin R, David Hemson, and Alison Todes.
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Hirschowitz, Ros, Debbie Budlender, and W.M. Sekwati.
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Pretoria, South Africa: Statistics South Africa, 2001.
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: United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, 2011.
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Koen, Charlton.
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May, Julian, and Charles Meth.
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May D, Julian.
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Doctor of Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2008.
Meth, Charles.
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Moller, Valerie, and Richard Devey.
Trends in living conditions and satisfaction among poorer older South Africans: Objective and subjective indicators of quality of life in the October Household Survey
Development Southern Africa 20, no. 4 (2003): 457-476.
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Nattrass, Nicoli.
The debate about unemployment in the 1990s
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Ntuli, Miracle.
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Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cape Town, 2009.
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Posel, Dorrit.
The collection of national household survey data in South Africa (1993-2001): Rendering labour migration invisible
Development Southern Africa 20, no. 3 (2003): 361-368.
Posel, Dorrit, Linda Richter, and Robert Morrell.
BABA- Men and fatherhood in South Africa
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Russell, Margo.
The employment of domestic workers by black urban households
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Seekings, Jeremy, Murray Leibbrandt, and Nicoli Nattrass.
Income inequality after Apartheid
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Serumaga-Zake, P., D. Kotze, and R. Madsen.
A descriptive study of the dynamics of relative poverty in the Western Cape Province of South Africa
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Shepherd, Debra.
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Simister, John.
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Simister L, John.
The importance of being earners: Why South African women need well-paid jobs
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Simkins, Charles.
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Tregenna, Fiona.
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Udjo O, Eric.
Trends in the age pattern of fertility, 1995-2005, in the context of the child support grant in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 26, no. 2 (2009): 289-299.
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van der Berg, Servaas, Ronelle Burger, Rulof Burger, Megan Louw, and Derek Yu.
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Von Fintel, Dieter.
Dealing with earnings bracket responses in Household Surveys - How sharp are midpoint imputations?
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Wittenberg, Martin.
Dissecting post-apartheid labour market developments: Decomposing a discrete choice model while dealing with unobservables
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Wittenberg, Martin.
Nonparametric estimation when income is reported in bands and at points
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The comparability of labour force survey (LFS) and quarterly labour force survey (QLFS)
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Yu, Derek.
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Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 17/07 (2007).
Yu, Derek.
The South African labour market: 1995 – 2006
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