Data file | Cases | Variables |
The dataset contains information that was collected using Household Roster section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at individual household member level.
19248 | 11 |
The dataset contains information on housing characteristics that was collected using Block 1 (Housing) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at household level.
4007 | 46 |
The dataset contains household members' information about demographics, education, health, employment and parents that was collected using Block 2 of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at individual level.
19248 | 103 |
The dataset contains asset ownership information that was collected using Block 3 (Asset ownership) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at household level.
4007 | 47 |
The dataset contains information about accessibility of services to the households. The data was collected using Block 4 (Access and distance of services) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at services or facilities level.
60105 | 10 |
The dataset contains information about remittances sent in money or kind to someone who was not a member of the household at the time of the data was collected. The data was collected using Block 5 (Remittances sent) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at household level.
4007 | 22 |
The dataset contains information regarding household's living conditions. The data was collected using Block 6 (Priorities, opinions and miscellaneous) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at household level.
4007 | 27 |
The dataset contains information about main sources of household income for the last 12 months. The data was collected using Block 7 (Main sources of income) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at household level.
4007 | 9 |
The dataset contains information about households' consumption and expenditure of food items in the last two weeks and for typical month. The data was collected using Block 8 (Food consumption) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at item level.
157353 | 18 |
The dataset contains information about households' consumption and expenditure of food items in the last two weeks and for typical month. The data was collected using Block 8 (Food consumption) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at item level.
160677 | 22 |
The dataset contains information about households' consumption and expenditure of food items in the last two weeks and for typical month. The data was collected using Block 8 (Food consumption) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at item level.
716 | 19 |
The dataset contains information about households' expenditures on non food items for the last 12 months. The data was collected using Block 9 (Non food expenditure) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at item level.
74361 | 10 |
The dataset contains information about non-food home-produced items used (consumed) by households in the last 12 months. The data was collected using Block 10 (Home-produced non-food items) section of the questionnaire. The records in the dataset are organized at item level.
3778 | 10 |
weight | 275 | 5 |
paachse_index | 4003 | 7 |
consumption_by_item_and_source | 263403 | 10 |
food_expenditure_by_item_and_source | 158840 | 10 |
non_food_expenditure_by_item_and_source | 102181 | 10 |
all_expenditure_by_item_and_source | 260940 | 14 |
Consumption aggregate data, generated by World Bank, South Asia Team (November 2015).
4007 | 11 |