Data file |
Commodity Product
Commodity product (industry activity) of type of product of finished products, work in progress, fixed assets produced for own accounts (work in progress), wastes (value).
Electricity and Water
Electricity and water hase of value of consumed amount during the year of electricity & water.
Employment and Employees Compensation
Employment and employees remuneration contains number of unpaid employees, number of paid employees, compensations of employees during the reference year, payments in kind, other benefits.
Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets contains types of fixed assets, example: land, residential buildings, non-residential buildings, machines, equipment & devices .....& book value at the beginning of the year of these types & depreciation during the year of these types.
Production Inputs Fuel and oil
Fuel and oil contains a value of consumed amounts of establishment from fuel and oil during the year
Purchasing goods for selling purpose.
Goods purchased for resale contains trade margin of establishment.
Identification Data
Identification data contains sector, main activity, currency, weight of establishment.
Indirect Fees and Taxes
Taxes on production and fees contain taxes and fees paid by the establishment, whether at inside or outside the Palestinian territories.
Other output expenses
Other production expenditures contains services offered by others for establishment.
Continued Goods Production Inputs
Other production inputs contain packing and wrapping materials, spare parts, disposable tools, stationery....
Revenues of Services Rendered to Others
Revenues of services rendered to others contain revenue of the main activity & revenue of auxiliary activity of establishment.
Various payments and transfers
Various payments and transfers contain payments and remittances of establishment. Example: Rent of land, interests on loans.
Various transfers and revenues
Various transfers and revenues contents of enterprise number, auxiliary code, different_income\ Internal, different_income\ External. Of rent of buildings, royalties