Trade Costs and Facilitation 2000-2001
Name | Country code |
Argentina | ARG |
Australia | AUS |
Austria | AUT |
Belgium | BEL |
Bulgaria | BGR |
Bolivia | BOL |
Brazil | BRA |
Canada | CAN |
Switzerland | CHE |
Chile | CHL |
China | CHN |
Colombia | COL |
Costa Rica | CRI |
Czech Republic | CZE |
Germany | DEU |
Denmark | DNK |
Dominican Republic | DOM |
Ecuador | ECU |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | EGY |
Spain | ESP |
Estonia | EST |
Finland | FIN |
France | FRA |
United Kingdom | GBR |
Greece | GRC |
Guatemala | GTM |
Honduras | HND |
Hungary | HUN |
Indonesia | IDN |
India | IND |
Ireland | IRL |
Iceland | ISL |
Israel | ISR |
Italy | ITA |
Jamaica | JAM |
Jordan | JOR |
Japan | JPN |
Korea, Rep. | KOR |
Sri Lanka | LKA |
Lithuania | LTU |
Latvia | LVA |
Mexico | MEX |
Mauritius | MUS |
Malaysia | MYS |
Nigeria | NGA |
Nicaragua | NIC |
Netherlands | NLD |
Norway | NOR |
New Zealand | NZL |
Panama | PAN |
Peru | PER |
Philippines | PHL |
Poland | POL |
Portugal | PRT |
Paraguay | PRY |
Romania | ROU |
Russian Federation | RUS |
Singapore | SGP |
El Salvador | SLV |
Slovak Republic | SVK |
Slovenia | SVN |
Sweden | SWE |
Thailand | THA |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO |
Turkiye | TUR |
Taiwan, China | TWN |
Ukraine | UKR |
Uruguay | URY |
United States | USA |
Venezuela, RB | VEN |
Vietnam | VNM |
South Africa | ZAF |
Zimbabwe | ZWE |
Macroeconomics - Indicators
The relationships between trade facilitation, trade flows, and capacity building are complex and challenging to assess, both empirically and in implementation. This working paper measures and estimates the relationship between trade facilitation and trade flows across 75 countries in global trade, considering four important categories: Port efficiency, customs environment, regulatory environment, and service sector infrastructure. A gravity model is employed that accounts for bilateral trade flows in manufactured goods in 2000-01 between the 75 countries, using traditional factors such as GDP, distance, language, and trade areas, and is augmented by the trade facilitation measures in the four categories for each country.
The data is organized such that unit of observation is a pair of importing and exporting countries. The major sources of data are, the Commodity and Trade Database(COMTRADE) of the United Nations Statistics Division for trade data, the Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD) for tariff data, the World Development Indicators published by the World Bank for the data of gross national product(GNP) and per capita GNP, and 3 country surveys for trade facilitation indicator (see the data description document for detail).
Aggregate data [agg]
The dataset includes indicators related to:
Name |
John S. Wilson, Catherine L. Mann and Tsunehiro Otsuki |
Start | End |
2000 | 2001 |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
John S. Wilson et al. Trade Costs and Facilitation (TCF) 2000-2001. Ref. WLD_2000_TCF_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from http://microdata.worldbank.org on [date]
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Development Research Group | World Bank | research@worldbank.org | http://go.worldbank.org/B9W4QTDHR0 |
DDI Document - Version 02 - (04/21/21)
This version is identical to DDI_WLD_2000_TCF_v01_M but country field has been updated to capture all the countries covered by survey.
Version 01 (December 2010)