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General Household Survey 2010
South Africa
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Statistics South Africa
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Nov 03, 2011
Last modified
Mar 29, 2019
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Eggink E, Maria.
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Pregnancy amongst school-going teenagers in South Africa: Experiences of pregnant teenagers, parents and teachers on provision of social support
Matlala, Sogo F, AGW Nolte, and MA Temane.
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Matsebula, Velenkosini, and Vimal Ranchhod.
Socio-economic correlates with the prevalence and onset of diabetes in South Africa: Evidence from the first four waves of the National Income Dynamics Study
Modise, Leepo, and Hannelie Wood.
The relevance of the metaphor of God as Father in a democratic, non-sexist and religious society: An African Christian perspective
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Morris, Megan, Merlyn Glass, Tina-Marie Wessels, and Jennifer GR Kromberg.
Mothers’ Experiences of Genetic Counselling in Johannesburg, South Africa
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Msibi, Sunset S, and Gerrit Kornelius.
Potential for domestic biogas as household energy supply in South Africa
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Muchiri, Steve MM.
The Impact of Cash Transfers on Labor Force Participation and Household Consumption: Evidence from Post-Apartheid South Africa
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Muller, Mike.
Lessons from South Africa on the management and development of water resources for inclusive and sustainable growth
Nhlapo, Sibusiso Johannes.
The potential short and long term benefits of major infrastructure projects to the South African economy
University of Johannesburg, 2013.
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The status of waste information in South Africa: preliminary findings of the waste information baseline
Oelofse, Suzan HH, and Anton Nahman.
Estimating the magnitude of food waste generated in South Africa
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Olatunji, Michael Olalekan.
Contemporary Homeschooling in the Republic of South Africa: Some Lessons for other African Nations
Middle Eastern & African Journal of Educational Research , no. 9 (2014).
Pan, SM, NP Armitage, and MB Van Ryneveld.
Sustainable and equitable sanitation in informal settlements of Cape Town: a common vision?
Water SA 41, no. 2 (2015): 222-231.
Patel, Leila, and Eddy Mazembo Mavungu.
‘Children, families and the conundrum about men’: Exploring factors contributing to father absence in South Africa and its implications for social and care policies
South African Review of Sociology 47, no. 2 (2016): 19-39.
Phaahla, Letuku Elias.
Social Forces, State Pensions, and Welfare State-Building in South Africa and Mauritius
Doctor of Philosophy , Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Phaswana-Mufuya, N, K Peltzer, E Hoosain, and B Maseko.
Factors contributing to patients’ satisfaction with public health services in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES) 23, no. 1.1 (2017): 59-68.
Pienaar, Petrus Louw.
Typology of smallholder farming in South Africa’s former homelands: towards an appropriate classification system
Master of Science in Agriculture, Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Ramukhwatho, FR, R Du Plessis, and S Oelofse.
Household food wastage in a developing country: A case study of Mamelodi Township in South Africa
Ramulumo, Richard Mashudu.
Managing teenage pregnancies at secondary schools in the Vhembe district, Limpopo province
University of South Africa, 2014.
Richter, Linda, Chris Desmond, Victoria Hosegood, Sangeetha Madhavan, Monde Makiwane, Tawanda Makusha, Robert Morrell, and Sharlene Swartz.
Fathers and other men in the lives of children and families
Rural, Urban.
Inequalities in children’s household contexts: place, parental presence and migration
Salmon, Claire, and Jeremy Tanguy.
Rural Electrification and Household Labor Supply: Evidence from Nigeria
Schütten, Stefanie.
South Africa Reconciled? To what extent can the South African society be regarded as reconciled, eighteen years after the first democratic elections?
Utrecht University, 2013.
Scorgie, Fiona, Duane Blaauw, Tessa Dooms, Ashraf Coovadia, Vivian Black, and Matthew Chersich.
“I get hungry all the time”: experiences of poverty and pregnancy in an urban healthcare setting in South Africa
Globalization and health 11, no. 1 (2015): 1.
Seggie, Janet.
The ch in children stands for cherish
SAMJ: South African Medical Journal 105, no. 3 (2015): 160-161.
Smith, Anna Maria.
Healthcare reform priorities for South Africa: four essays on the financing, delivery and user acceptability of healthcare
Doctor of Philosophy, Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Smith, William, Lucy Scott, and Andrew Shepherd.
Enhanced Resilience through Savings and Insurance via Linkages and Digital Technology
Financial Inclusion Policy Guide , no. 6 (2015).
Snyders, Cindy.
South Africa's emergent developmental state and the challenges of capabilities development-are Universities at the cutting edge of ICT
Masters Degree in Development Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, 2015.
Swanepoel, Ilze.
The causes of relapse amongst young African adults following in-patient treatment for drug abuse in the Gauteng Province
Master of Social Work, University of Pretoria, 2015.
Swartz, S, A Bhana, L Richter, and A Versfeld.
Promoting young fathers’ positive involvement in their children’s lives
Tandlich, Roman, Tatenda Grace Chirenda, and Chandra Sekhar Sunitha Srinivas.
Preliminary assessment of the gender aspects of disaster vulnerability and loss of human life in South Africa
Jamba 5, no. 2 (2013).
Tangwe Tanga, Pius, and Magdaline Nji Tangwe.
Perceived Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Social Grant Recipients in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5, no. 2 (2014): 277.
Tempelhoff, Johann WN.
From Makhaza to Rammulotsi: Reflections on South Africa's" toilet election" of 2011
Historia 57, no. 1 (2012): 82-104.
Thamaga-Chitja, Joyce.
How has the rural farming woman progressed since the setting up of the Millennium Development Goals for eradication of poverty and hunger?
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Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Retrospect
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Ting, Ling, and Umakrishnan Kollamparambil.
Nature and determinants of household retirement savings behaviour in South Africa
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Household retirement savings in South Africa: an analysis of pre-and post-global financial crisis determinants
Toyana, Mbali Minah.
A national health insurance management model to promote universal healthcare in South Africa
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Demographic and Socioeconomic Status, Child Support Grant, and Teenage Pregnancy among Blacks in South Africa
Politics & Policy 41, no. 6 (2013): 833-851.
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Promoting effective enforcement of the prohibition against corporal punishment in South African schools
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Parenting programmes in South Africa: investigating design and evaluation practices
Master of Arts in Psychological Research, University of Cape Town, 2012.
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