Multi-sector Rapid Needs Assessment and Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention October 2020
Round 2
Name | Country code |
Thailand | THA |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
The second round in 2020 of the Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA)/Cash-Based Intervention Post-Distribution (CBI PDM) Monitoring Household Survey was conducted in Thailand from October to November 2020. The RNA and PDM were designed as a phone-based survey targeting urban refugees and asylum seekers in Thailand to assess their needs and evaluate the effectiveness of the CBI program in light of COVID-19.
UNHCR Thailand and its partners work to ensure that the protection needs of urban refugees and asylum seekers are met during the COVID-19 pandemic. Having observed increased levels of vulnerability relating to restrictions on movement, loss of livelihood opportunities and access to healthcare, the RNA aims to strengthen the understanding of the situation, need and vulnerabilities of the forced displaced population. This survey focuses on COVID-19 knowledge, experience, behavior and norms, health, education, employment, and access to basic necessities. The findings aim to provide evidence to evaluate and design protection and programme interventions.
Since May 2016, UNHCR Thailand has been using multi-purpose CBI PDM to provide protection, assistance, and services to the most vulnerable refugees in the urban areas. The number of urban refugees approaching UNHCR for financial support has more than doubled since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure that UNHCR's multi-purpose CBI framework for urban refugees in Thailand is effective, the monitoring was conducted simultaneously with the RNA. PDM is a mechanism to collect and understand refugees' feedback on the quality, sufficiency, utilization, and effectiveness of the cash assistance. The findings of the PDM support the assessment of the impact of CBI for urban refugees in Thailand affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the appropriateness of funding levels, distribution modalities and the use of cash to support refugees.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Edited, anonymous dataset for licensed distribution.
The survey was designed as a multi-sectoral assessment to be administered as a phone-based interview to be completed in 60-90 minutes. The rapid assessment was not designed with the intention of producing comprehensive and detailed information on the various topics included.
The household survey covers the following parts and sections:
PART 1: Rapid Needs Assessment
PART 2: Post-Distribution Monitoring
POC = Persons of Concern to UNHCR
Topic |
Livelihood & Social cohesion |
Cash Assistance |
Domestic Needs/Household Support |
Income Generation |
Solutions |
Basic Needs |
The survey covers all urban refugees and asylum seekers.
Name | Affiliation |
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) | UN |
The two parts of the survey were sampled differently as their sampling universe differs. Both samples were drawn from UNHCR's registration database:
There were some language barriers for some groups that were intended to survey during the RNA/PDM, in particular Vietnamese Montagnard refugees, who could not speak Vietnamese. Also, a Jarai interpreter, who has experience in translating surveys for UNHCR in Thailand was not able to translate the survey. Eventually, these sampled households were dropped and replaced with respondents, who could speak Vietnamese. It is worth noting that there is a large portion of Vietnamese Montagnard, who cannot speak Vietnamese among the urban refugee and asylum seeker population in Thailand (up to 30%). In addition to the described language barriers, few Vietnamese Montagnard refugees also were not able to respond to interview questions due to health issues.
The number of cases that could not be reached was slightly higher (18%) in comparison to what was initially planned (10-15%), which was attributed to the COVID-19 situation. Among the cases which refused to be surveyed, half of them cited that they had already been interviewed during the May 2020 RNA-PDM exercise and could not foresee any benefits of participating in a second survey. Others reported that the interview duration was too long and in a few isolated cases, that they could not participate due to work commitments.
Sample weights were calculated for each of the two parts of the survey differently, as the inverse of the probability of selection of the household.
Start | End |
2020-05-15 | 2020-05-26 |
Name | Affiliation |
UN Refugee Agency | UN |
The questionnaire was first designed based on core components of the pre-existing CBI PDM questionnaire in addition to questions for the Rapid Needs Assessment. The questionnaire was coded in UNHCR's data collection tool (Kobo). UNHCR trained its enumerators, and the questionnaire was piloted.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Curation Team | UN Refugee Agency | | |
UNHCR (2020). Thailand: Multi-sector Rapid Needs Assessment and Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention, Round 2, October 2020. Accessed from:
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Curation Team | UN Refugee Agency | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
UN Refugee Agency | UN | Documentation of the study |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Metadata adapted for Microdata Library |
Version 01 (May 2022): This metadata was downloaded from the UNHCR Microdata Library catalog ( The following two metadata fields were edited - Document and Survey ID.