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Journal Article
Van der Waldt, Gerrit. "Infrastructure project challenges: the case of Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality." Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation 4, no. 1 (2014): 844-862.
Journal Article
Bozon, Michel, Cecilia Gayet, and Jaime Barrientos. "A life course approach to patterns and trends in modern Latin American sexual behavior." (2009) JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
Journal Article
Aguilar Liendo, Ana Maria, Adalid Zamora Gutierrez, and Alejandro Barrientos Aramayo. "Obesidad infantil en Bolivia." Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Pediatría versión impresa 51, no. 1 (2012): 3-11.
Rovira, Carolina, Manuel S Masferrer, Laucel Muñoz, and Margarita Barrientos. ¿Qué es una buena escuela? Una propuesta de índice de calidad escolar. El Salvador: Fundación para la Educación Superior, 2016.
Journal Article
Shimabuku, Roberto, Luis Huicho, Danitza Fernández, Graciela Nakachi, Ruth Maldonado, and Armando Barrientos. "Niveles de insatisfacción del usuario externo en el Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño de Lima, Perú." Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica 29, no. 4 (2012): 483-489.
Working Paper
Kudebayeva, Alma, and Armando Barrientos. "A decade of poverty reduction in Kazakhstan 2000-2009: growth and/or redistribution?." BWPI Working Paper , no. 187 (2013).
Working Paper
Chen, Jiandong, and Armando Barrientos. "Extending Social Assistance in China: Lessons from the Minimum Living Standard Scheme." Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper , no. 67 (2006).
Conference Paper
Rios-Neto, Eduardo LG, and Raquel Rangel Meireles Guimarães. "The Educational Gradient of Low Fertility in Latin America." XXVII International Population Conference, Busan. 2013.
Journal Article
Vazquez Ulloa, Nuria Jazmin, and Fernando Barrientos Monte. "Las elites políticas dentro de los gabinetes presidenciales. Un estudio comparado entre México y Chile.." Jovenes en la ciencia 1, no. 2 (2015): 1139-1144.
Working Paper
Dietrich, Stephan, Daniele Malerba, Armando Barrientos, Franziska Gassmann, Pierre Mohnen, Nyasha Tirivayi, Susan Kavuma, and Fred Matovu. "Social protection investments, human capital, and income growth: Simulating the returns to social cash transfers in Uganda." (2017)
Thesis or Dissertation
Bernal Velez, Beatriz, Elicenia Barrientos Alfaro, Carmen Elisa Perez Julio, and Irma Yolanda Castillo. "Practica adecuada de autoexamen de mama en mujeres de una localidad de Cartagena. 2.015." Título de Enfermeras, Universidad de Cartagena, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Barrientos C, Jorge. "La auditoría de cumplimiento y su incidencia en la gestión pública del Centro Vacacional Huampaní-Chosica–Lima 2014." Grado Académico De Maestro, USMP, 2015.
Journal Article
Stanton, Cynihia, John Hobcraft, Kenneth Hill, Nicaise Kodjogbe, W.T. Mapeta, Francis Munene, Moshen Naghavi, Victor Rabeza, Bounthavy Sisouphanthong, and Ounay Campbell. "Every death counts: measurement of maternal mortality via a census." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79, no. 7 (2001): 657-664.
Journal Article
Hill, Kenneth, and Cynthia Stanton. "Measuring maternal mortality through the census: rapier or bludgeon?." Journal of Population Research 28, no. 1 (2011): 31-47.
Stanton, Cynthia, Noureddine Abderrahim, and Kenneth Hill. DHS maternal mortality indicators: an assessment of data quality and implications for data use. Calverton, USA: Macro International Inc, 1997.
Working Paper
Harttgen, Kenneth, and Sebastian Vollmer. "Inequality decomposition without income or expenditure data: Using an asset index to simulate household income." (2011) UNDP Human Development Research Paper.
Journal Article
Grimm, Michael, Kenneth Harttgen, Stephan Klasen, Mark Misselhorn, Teresa Munzi, and Timothy Smeeding. "Inequality in human development: An empirical assessment of 32 countries." Social indicators research 97, no. 2 (2009): 191-211.
Working Paper
Grosse, Melanie, Kenneth Harttgen, and Stephan Klasen. "Measuring pro-poor progress towards the non-income millennium development goals." (2006) United Nations University Research Paper.
Conference Paper
Misselhorn, Michael, Stephan Klasen, Kenneth Harttgen, and Mark Grimm. "A human development index by income groups." Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference. Gottingen, Germany, January 19, 2007.
Fink, Gunther, Isabel Gunther, and Kenneth Hill. Water, sanitation and child health - Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys 1986-2007. 2010.
Working Paper
Fink, Gunther, Isabel Gunther, and Kenneth Hill. "Urban Mortality Transitions: The Role of Slums." (2011) International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
Journal Article
Johnston, Heidi B, and Kenneth H Hill. "Induced abortion in the developing world: indirect estimates." International Family Planning Perspectives 22, no. 3 (1996): 108-137.
Conference Paper
Gunther, Isabel, and Kenneth Harttgen. "Deadly cities? A note on spatial inequalities in mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa." German Development Economics Conference. Berlin, Germany, 2011.
Working Paper
Simler, Kenneth R, and Hanifa I Ibrahimo. "Estimating changes in children’s nutritional status when samples are not comparable: An example from Mozambique." (2005) Relatorio de Discussao E.
Foote, Karen A, Kenneth H Hill, and Linda G Martin. Population dynamics of Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington DC, USA: National Academy Press, 1993.
Working Paper
Bollen, Kenneth A, Jennifer L Glanville, and Guy Stecklov. "Economic status proxies in studies of fertility in developing countries: Does the measure matter?." (2001) MEASURE Evaluation.
Journal Article
Bollen, Kenneth A, Jennifer L Glanville, and Guy Stecklov. "Socio-economic status, permanent income, and fertility: A latent-variable approach." Population Studies 61, no. 1 (2007): 15-34.
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