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Journal Article
Adokiya, Martin N, and John K Awoonor-Williams. "Ebola virus disease surveillance and response preparedness in northern Ghana." Global Health Action 9, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Aryeetey, Richmond Nii Okai. "Perceptions and experiences of Overweight among Women in the ga east District, ghana." (2016) Frontiers in Nutrition.
Journal Article
Moyer, Cheryl A, Raymond A Aborigo, Elizabeth B Kaselitz, Mira L Gupta, Abraham Oduro, and John Williams. "Preventing Maternal And Neonatal Deaths (PREMAND): a study protocol for examining social and cultural factors contributing to infant and maternal deaths and near-misses in rural northern Ghana." Reproductive Health 13, no. 1 (2016): 20.
Working Paper
Lazaruk, Anthony. "The Political Economy of Botswana - A Primer."
Journal Article
Gudu, William, and Bright Addo. "Factors associated with utilization of skilled service delivery among women in rural Northern Ghana: a cross sectional study." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 17, no. 1 (2017): 159.
Thesis or Dissertation
González Bargas, Karen Elizabeth. "La motivación y la productividad empresarial: implementación de un restaurante de comida típica ecuatoriana al norte del distrito metropolitano de Quito.." título de Tecnóloga en Administración Industrial y de la Producción, Instituto Tecnológico Cordillera, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sialubanje, Cephas. "Safe motherhood: Determinants of the utilization of maternal healthcare services in rural Zambia." Doctor, Maastricht University, 2016.
Journal Article
Dikinya, Oagile. "Heavy metals and radionuclide status and characterisation of pre-mined soils in Serule, North East Botswana." Environmental Earth Sciences 73, no. 9 (2015): 5405-5413.
Conference Paper
Mashame, Gofamodimo, and Felicia Akinyemi. "Towards a remote sensing based assessment of land susceptibility to degradation: examining seasonal variation in land use-land cover for modelling land degradation in a semi-arid context." ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences. 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Dikgola, Kobamelo. "Spatial and temporal variation of inundation in the Okavango Delta, Botswana; with special reference to areas used for flood recession cultivation." Doctor of Philosophy, University of the Westwrn Cape, 2015.
Journal Article
Farahani, Mansour, Natalie Price, Shenaaz El-Halabi, Naledi Mlaudzi, Koona Keapoletswe, Refeletswe Lebelonyane, Ernest Benny Fetogang, Tony Chebani, Poloko Kebaabetswe, and Tiny Masupe. "Variation in attrition at subnational level: review of the Botswana National HIV/AIDS Treatment (Masa) programme data (2002-2013)." Tropical Medicine & International Health 21, no. 1 (2016): 18-27.
Conference Paper
Negassa, Asfaw, and Mohammad Jabbar. "Commercial Offtake of Cattle under Smallholder Mixed Crop-Livestock Production System in Ethiopia, its Determinants and Implications for Improving Live Animal Supply for Export Abattoirs." 4th International Conference on Ethiopian Development Studies . Kalamazoo, Michigan, August 2-4, 2007.
Journal Article
Kavoo, DM, SH Ali, AB Kihara, RJ Kosgei, H Tweya, W Kizito, Omondi Ogutu, and CN Tauta. "An assessment of water, sanitation and hygiene (wash) practices and quality of routinely collected data in Machakos County Kenya." East African Medical Journal 93, no. 10 (2016): 43-46.
Journal Article
Behrman, Julia Andrea, Amber Peterman, and Tia Palermo. "Does keeping adolescent girls in school protect against sexual violence? Quasi-experimental evidence from East and Southern Africa." Journal of Adolescent Health 60, no. 2 (2017): 184-190.
Journal Article
Matendechero, S, L Kariuki, W Omondi, N Makworo, PO Owiti, W Kizito, H Tweya, JK Edwards, KC Takarinda, and Omondi Ogutu. "Spatial distribution and co-infection with urogenital and intestinal schistosomiasis among primary school children in Migori County, Kenya." East African Medical Journal 93, no. 10 (2016): 22-31.
Thesis or Dissertation
Farias Intriago, Fanny Alejandra. "Propuesta de ordenamiento territorial turstico de la playa de Tonchigue del canton Atacames." título de ingeniera en administración de empresas hoteleras y turísticas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede en Esmeraldas-Escuela de Hoteleria y Turismo, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Dintwa, Oarabile Makgabana. "Perceived health needs and services gaps for elders on ARV treatment-south east district, Botswana (2014-2015)." Master in Public Health, WITS University, 2016.
Journal Article
Matendechero, S, L Kariuki, W Omondi, N Makworo, PO Owiti, W Kizito, H Tweya, JK Edwards, KC Takarinda, and Omondi Ogutu. "Burden of soil transmitted helminthiases in primary school children in Migori County, Kenya." East African Medical Journal 93, no. 10 (2016): 32-39.
Journal Article
Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi, Oluwasola Banke-Thomas, Mwikali Kivuvani, and Charles Anawo Ameh. "Maternal health services utilisation by Kenyan adolescent mothers: Analysis of the Demographic Health Survey 2014." (2017) Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare.
Journal Article
Kaddumukasa, Mark, Leviticus Mugenyi, Martin N Kaddumukasa, Edward Ddumba, Michael Devereaux, Anthony Furlan, Martha Sajatovic, and Elly Katabira. "Prevalence and incidence of neurological disorders among adult Ugandans in rural and urban Mukono district; a cross-sectional study." BMC neurology 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Ndeezi, Grace, Charles Kiyaga, Arielle G Hernandez, Deogratias Munube, Thad A Howard, Isaac Ssewanyana, Jesca Nsungwa, Sarah Kiguli, Christopher M Ndugwa, and Russell E Ware. "Burden of sickle cell trait and disease in the Uganda Sickle Surveillance Study (US3): a cross-sectional study." The Lancet Global Health 4, no. 3 (2016): e195-e200.
Journal Article
Kyokusingura, S, JN Babirye, JC Ssempebwa, and F Nuwaha. "Willingness to accept use of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) for indoor residual spraying in Rakai District, Uganda." East African Medical Journal 88, no. 11 (2011): 388-394.
Journal Article
Araya, Mengistu, Nigatu Seleshe, and Guadu Tadesse. "Magnitude of presumptive tuberculosis cases, in the rural communities of north western and north eastern parts of amhara regional state, Ethiopia." Clinical Microbiology 5, no. 5 (2016).
Journal Article
Heim, Lale, and Susanne Schaal. "Rates and predictors of mental stress in Rwanda: investigating the impact of gender, persecution, readiness to reconcile and religiosity via a structural equation model." International Journal of Mental Health Systems 8, no. 1 (2014): 37.
Journal Article
Yitayih, Getnet, Amare Ayalew, and Nigussie Dechassa. "Management of aflatoxigenic fungi in groundnut production in eastern Ethiopia." East African Journal of Science 7, no. 2 (2013): 85-98.
Journal Article
Zewdu, Endrias, Abebe Agonafir, Tesfaye Sisay Tessema, Getachew Tilahun, Girmay Medhin, Maria Vitale, Vincenzo Di Marco, Eric Cox, Jozef Vercruysse, and Pierre Dorny. "Seroepidemiological study of caprine toxoplasmosis in east and west Shewa zones, Oromia regional state, central Ethiopia." Research in veterinary science 94, no. 1 (2013): 43-48.
Journal Article
Flinkenflogel, Maaike, Patrick Kyamanywa, Vincent K Cubaka, and Phil Cotton. "The next generation of Rwandan physicians with a primary health care mindset." African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine 7, no. 1 (2015): 1-2.
Journal Article
Habiyakare, Telesphore, and Nianqing Zhou. "Water Resources Conflict Management of Nyabarongo River and Kagera River Watershed in Africa." Journal of Water Resource and Protection 7, no. 12 (2015): 889.
Thesis or Dissertation
Asiimwe, Frank. "Corporate governance practices and performance of kampala capital city authority (uganda) and city of kigali (rwanda): a correlational comparative study." Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Public Administration, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, 2015.
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