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Thesis or Dissertation
Martínez, Ángel Mejía D, and Jorge Endara A Montenegro. "Diseño de un mecanismo participativo entre mipymes en la ciudad de Quito para operaciones contables digitales bajo tecnología Cloud Computing (Computación en la nube)." Tesis de Pregrado, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2015.
Working Paper
Nubé, M., W.K. Asenso-Okyere , and G.J. van den Boom. "Body mass index as indicator of standard of living in developing countries." Centre for World Food Studies Volume 52, no. 2 (1998).
Journal Article
Nubé, M. "Relationships between undernutrition prevalence among children and adult women at national and subnational level." European journal of clinical nutrition 59, no. 10 (2005): 1112-1120.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Nube, M., and WK Asenso-Okyere. "Large differences in nutritional status between fully weaned and partially breast fed children beyond the age of 12 months." European journal of clinical nutrition 50, no. 3 (1996): 171.
Journal Article
van den Boom, G.J.M., M. Nubé , and W. K. Asenso-Okyere. "Nutrition, labour productivity and labour supply of men and women in Ghana." Journal of Development Studies 32, no. 6 (1996): 801-829.
Journal Article
Nubé, Maarten, and Benjamin GJS Sonneveld. "The geographical distribution of underweight children in Africa." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83, no. 10 (2005): 764-770.
Journal Article
Klaver, Wijnand, and Maarten Nube. "The MDG on poverty and hunger: How reliable are the hunger estimates?." (2008) Inside poverty and development in Africa.
Journal Article
Molini, Vasco, Maarten Nubé, and Bart van den Boom. "Adult BMI as a health and nutritional inequality measure: applications at macro and micro levels." World Development 38, no. 7 (2010): 1012 .
Journal Article
Peralta, Arturo Quizhpe O, Hugo C Lojano, Viviana Fajardo, Nube Flores, Mayra Guachun, Francoise Barten, and Thijs T Doesschate. "Psichological and Behavioral Problems among Left-behind Adolescents. The Case of Ecuador." (2012) Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Medicas de la Universidad de Cuenca.
Journal Article
Wesenbeeck, Cornelia FA, Michiel A Keyzer, and Maarten Nube. "Estimation of undernutrition and mean calorie intake in Africa: methodology, findings and implications." International journal of health geographics 8, no. 1 (2009).
Thesis or Dissertation
Simbaña, Edison Lincango J, and Ernesto R Soto. "CloudBiz servicios integrales para pyme." Título de Máster en Administración de Empresas, Universidad San Francisco De Quito, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rojas A, Horacio Pazmiño. "Análisis de la demanda de servicios de Cloud Computing y su impacto en el emprendimiento de la mediana empresa de la industria alimenticia de Pichincha." Master Thesis, Universidad Politecnica Salesina, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fabiola A, Méndez Nube. "La realidad de la industria textil en el Ecuador, periodo 2013–2015.." Título De Economista, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2016.
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