
Showing 1-2 of 2
Journal Article
Laisser, ELK, SW Chenyambuga, G Msalya, MJ Kipanyula, RH Mdegela, ED Karimuribo, AJ Mwilawa, and LJK Kusiluka. "Knowledge and perception on ticks, tick-borne diseases and indigenous cattle tolerance to East Coast fever in agro-pastoral communities of Lake Zone in Tanzania." Livestock Research for Rural Development 27, no. 4 (2015): 64.
Thesis or Dissertation
Obama, Celestin Messanga. "La communication sur le SIDA: discours dominants et discours domines dans la construction de la realite du SIDA au Cameroun." Doctor en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication , Universite Lumiere-Lyon II, 2009.
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