Labour Force Survey 2006-2007
Name | Country code |
Mongolia | MNG |
Labor Force Survey [hh/lfs]
The labour force data needs to be updated to facilitate the development and monitoring of employment strategy and programme that has important implications for addressing the still existing unemployment and underemployment in Mongolia. The needs are to regulary provide the employment related data, accurately estimate the statistical indicators and henceforth improve the labour statistics. Based on the previous experience of conducting a LFS and the above needs, a statement was added under 7 of Paragraph 1 of Article 7 of Statistical Law of Mongolia on April 23, 2004. As per the statement a Labour Force Survey shall be conducted every quarter. It was decided to conduct a second labour force survey in order to enforce this new statement of Statistical Law and update and accurately estimate the population employment and variables of labour force and unemployment. Like the survey in 2002-2003, the present survey incorporated the module of child activities in response to the request by International Programme of Elimination of Child Labour under International Labour Organization(ILO/IPEC). Following the definition and methodology of ILO, the National Statistical Office have carried out the survey since July 2006 with the financial and technical support of the Government of Mongolia and International Labour Organization.
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) 2006-2007 is the second in a series of nationally representative household based sample surveys on employment conducted in Mongolia. The second survey is season based extending from July 2006 to July 2007.
The main objective of the survey is to update and expand the labour force statistical baseline, fully capture and analyses the employment pattern. The survey results will provide an importance reference for policy and decision makers, business entrepreneurs, analysts and government officers to develop as well as monitor and assess the implementation of government policies and programmes on employment promotion and poverty and unemployment reduction and support the effective labour market. Accordingly, the survey aims at collecting the comprehensive set of data from households to estimate employment and - 2 -IV quarter LFS+CLS, 2006-2007 unemployment characteristics which capture the seasonal variability, location, social and economic activities in accordance with the definition and methodology of ILO. In the same time, child activities module will estimate the scope, spread, profile, causes and consequences of child work and accurately count the number of children engaged in child labour or at risk of child labour. The data of the module survey will provide an important reference for short and long term planning on child protection and elimination of child labour.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Version 02: Edited data for internal use only.
The survey would gather labour force, employment and unemployment data that include among others age, sex, education and training, occupation, industrial attachment and employment status in primary and secondary occupations, under-employment, past employment record, wages and salaries in paid employment, child labour and child activities.
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
unemployment [3.5] | CESSDA | |
employment [3.1] | CESSDA | |
Economically Active Population | UN SNA | |
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities | ISIC Rev. 3.1 | |
International Standard Classification of Occupations, (ISCO-88) International Standard Classification of Occupations, (ISCO-88) International Standard Classification of Occupations, (ISCO-88) International Standard Classification of Occupations, (ISCO-88) International Standard Classification of Occupations, (ISCO-88) International Standard Classification of Occupations, (ISCO-88) | ISCO-88 | |
working conditions [3.6] | CESSDA | |
housing [10.1] | CESSDA | |
migration [14.3] | CESSDA | |
Economically Active Population | LFS Topics | |
Usually Active Population | LFS Topics | |
Labor Force or Currently Active Population | LFS Topics | |
Reasons for economically inactive status | LFS Topics | |
Employment status | LFS Topics | |
Sector of employment of the enterprise | LFS Topics |
The survey is nationally and regionally (5 regions - West, Central, East, South, Ulaanbaatar) representative and covers the whole of Mongolia.
The people who are staying outside the household more than 6 months(military service, working overseas and imprisoned) are not counted by the survey. In light of incorporating the child activities module in the survey by the request of IPEC/ILO, the minimum age limit of household respondents was set at 5 and above in comformity with the international standard.
Name | Affiliation |
National Statistical Office | Government of Mongolia |
Name | Role |
International Labour Organization | Technical assistance in questionnaire design/sampling methodology |
Name | Role |
Government of Mongolia | Financial assistance |
The sampling unit of survey is a household. The sample frame of 2006-2007 has been the administration units of Mongolia and the sampling was based on 2005 household, population and work age population to improve the previous sampling design. As of 2000 Population and Housing Census, the total population amounted to 2,373,493 and household to 541,149 whereas these figures went up to 2,594,792 and 632,500 respectively by the end of 2006. In addition, the migration was on the rise. Therefore, it was necessary to redesign the sample based on the final data of the previous year. As most of enumeration areas of 2000 Population and Housing Census disappeared or significantly reduced in size, the survey had to make sampling by aimag, soum and bag frames. At the same time the sampling technique required to split some of primary sampling unit (bags in aimag centers and parts of the cities which had a large number of residents) into smaller segments. In light of this requirement and ratio between sampling units and sample households, the number of households in sample enumeration areas was set at 12 and enumeration areas at 1024.
A total of 29 strata was made comprised of 21 strata representing each of all aimags and 8 strata from 9 districts of Ulaanbaatar city(least populated two districts were put into one strata). Primary sampling units are parts of khoroos of Ulaanbaatar city and bags in aimags to make up 1024 units in total comprised of 384 parts and 640 bags. The second labour force survey adopted a multi stage stratified sampling design. Sampling was made on estimate of the weight of unemployment in total population. In addition, sampling distribution by aimag anc city districts was made in proportion to work age population. At primary sampling stage, the selection was made by probability proportional to size and at secondary stage 12 households were selected from each enumeration area using the simple random sampling procedure. To rephrase, the survey households were chosen with the method of a sub-sampling.
Estimation procedure for LFS + NCLS 2006 of Mongolia is provided as external resources.
The current survey conducted a questionnaire of 9 chapters and 159 questions. Adding two more chapters and 36 more questions in the questionnaire derived from the needs which emerged in midst of analysing the data of the 1st survey to correlate the employment especially child activities with the household social and economic variables and elicit the causes of employment. Hence, in addition, the data and variables on migration, education and training and informal employment have been estimated. The second survey excels the previous one by additional data as mentioned before and wider sample frame which allows estimating the data by aimags.
In pursuance with the survey objectives, the questionnaire has been designed to collect the following data by current and usual status:
2.Democraphic characteristics(relationship to household head, sex, birthdate, school attendance, highest grade achieved, literacy, marital status, disability, cause for disability)
3.Activity status in the last seven days (economic and non-economic activities, time spent on these activities, economic activity and economically inactive status, primary and secondary employment, sector of employment of enterprises, employment status by occupational category, frequency of payment in primary occupation, amount of wages and payment), reason for economically inactive status, time spent on finding work, expected kind of work, expected daily and monthly wage, whether being registered or not with employment and welfare agency, period of registration, whether having looked for work in the last 30 days, steps taken to look for work, reason for not looking for work, duration of unemployment)
6.Activity status in the last 12 months(usual economic activity status, primary and secondary occupations in the last 12 months, employment status by occupational category, economic sector to which the employer belong, duration of unemployment, steps to find work, average wage by primary and secondary employment in the last 12 months)
8.Child activities of 5-17 ages (main types of chores performed in household, current school attendance, reasons for not attending school at full time, participation in household economic activity, age at which the child began to work, reasons for participation in economic activity, whether the child engaged in any work outside the household, whether the child satisfied with work conditions, whether the child's occupation is mentally and physically stressful, whether the child works during evenings and nights, frequency of working in evenings and nights, whether the child fell sick or was injured because of work, what sickness and injuries had, main items on which the child's earnings are spent on, the number of free hours daily available for the child).
Start | End | Cycle |
2006-07-01 | 2007-09-30 | First quarter |
2007-10-01 | 2007-12-30 | Second quarter |
2008-01-01 | 2008-03-30 | Third quarter |
2008-04-01 | 2008-06-30 | Fourth quarter |
Name | Affiliation |
National Statistical Office | Government of Mongolia |
The data processing of LFS was organized at two levels.
i) Data editing and validation
ii) Computer processing and preparation of tabulations being undertaken centrally at the NSO.
While manual editing and coding, key entry and verification were undertaken at the provincial level. Checking the completeness of questionnaires, coding of questionnaires, range edit checks, simple consistency edits and electronic transfer of the keyed in data to the NSO were undertaken at the provincial level. The NSO computer staff were familiar with the IMPS software developed by the US Bureau of the Census and this software had been used both in population census and survey processing. Thus, LFS data entry programmes were prepared using IMPS and for range and consistency checks the CONCOR module was used.
Name | Affiliation | URL |
National Statistical Office | Government of Mongolia | |
The data and/or metadata may not be transferred to any other user without prior authorization from NSO of Mongolia.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
National Statistical Office of Mongolia. Mongolia Labour Force Survey 2006. Ref. MNG_2006_LFS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from on [date].
The National Statistical Office of Mongolia provide these data to external users without any warranty or responsibility implied. They accept no responsibility for the results and/or implications of any actions resulting from the use of these data.
(c) 2007, NSO of Mongolia
Name | URL | |
National Statistical Office | | |
World Bank Microdata Library | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Tsolmon Tserendejid | NSO | Documentation of the study |
Version 02 (September 2013). Edited version based on Version 01 DDI (DDI-MNG-NSO-EN-LFS-2006-v1.0) that was done by Tsolmon Tserendejid (National Statistical Office of Mongolia).