
Showing 1-30 of 3478
Thesis or Dissertation
Durodola, Olufemi Daniel. "Management of hotel properties in south-western Nigeria: facilities management perspective." Doctor of Philosophy, Covenant University, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Murungi, Charles Muthamia. "Choice of hotel facilities by guests with physical disabilities in Nairobi, Kenya." Doctor of Philosophy, Kenyatta University, 2013.
Li, Haizheng, Barbara M Fraumeni, Zhiqiang Liu, and Xiaojun Wang. Human capital in China. 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pronyk M, Paul. "Development finance social capital and HIV/AIDS: The intervention with microfinance for AIDS & gender equity: The IMAGE Study." Doctoral Candidate, Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2006.
Journal Article
Ayia-Koi, Albert, and Augustina Sackle-Sackey. "Capacity Management Issues in the Hotel Industry of Cape Coast Metropolis." (2015) Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports.
Conference Paper
Hotel, Sunbird Capital. "Transitioning from Traditional Bio-energy to Modern Bioenergy." National Seminar on Bioenergy . October 2, 2012.
Conference Paper
Samson, M, K Mac Quene, and I van Niekerk. "Capital/skills-intensity and job creation: an analysis of policy options.." TIPS 2001 Annual Forum: New direction in the South African economy, Muldersdrift, 10-12 September, 2001. Muldersdrift, South Africa, September 12, 2001.
Thesis or Dissertation
Abdelfattah, Noha. "Essays on education and child labor in developing countries." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Victoria, 2015.
Journal Article
Ao, T, N Sam, R Manongi, G Seage, and S Kapiga. "Social and behavioural determinants of consistent condom use among hotel and bar workers in Northern Tanzania." International journal of STD & AIDS 14, no. 10 (2003): 688-696.
Thesis or Dissertation
Donoso J, María Zaldumbide. "Informe de la Pasantía Internacional en el Hotel Villa Caletas- Costa Rica." Título Profesional, Universidad de Especialidades Turisticas, 2014.
Journal Article
Fard, Mohammad Ghaffary, Majid Ebrahimi, Mohammad Kamyab Fard, and Reza Khosh Sima. "Evaluation of the Relative Advantages and Structural Analysis of Production in Southern Provinces of Iran." Arth prabandh: A Journal of Economics and Management 3, no. 11 (2014): 22-43.
Journal Article
Bodach, Susanne, Werner Lang, and Thomas Auer. "Design guidelines for energy-efficient hotels in Nepal." International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 5, no. 2 (2016): 411-434.
Website Document
Haddad, Lawrence, and John Maluccio. "Social capital and household welfare in South Africa: Pathways of influence."
Conference Paper
Abenakyo, Annet, Pascal Sanginga, Jemimah Njuki, Susan Kaaria, and Robert Delve. "Relationship between Social Capital and Livelihood Enhancing Capitals among Smallholder Farmers in Uganda." AAAE Conference Proceedings. 2007.
Journal Article
Spahic, Ehlimana. "Models for measurement of national intellectual capital - A case study of the Ckandia navigator model." (2014) Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings.
Journal Article
Flores, Elaine C, Andres M Carnero, and Angela M Bayer. "Social Capital and Chronic Post-traumatic Stress Disorder among Survivors of the 2007 Earthquake in Pisco, Peru." (2014) Social Science & Medicine.
Journal Article
Khan, Yawar Saeed. "Strategies of Higher Education in Pakistan Based on Endogenous Growth." (2009)
Journal Article
Hanu, La, and La Ane. "Model intellectual capital untuk meningkatkan orientasi kewirausahaan sektor informal di kota medan." Jurnal Saintika 17, no. 2 (2016): 24-32.
Journal Article
Mansur, Lim Gee Nee. "Understanding Poverty and Vulnerability by Utilizing the Sustainable Livelihood Approach: A Comprehensive Study among Rungus Ethnic in Sabah, Malaysia." Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics 2, no. 1 (2015): 1-24.
Working Paper
Latorre Lopez, Maria Carolina. "Sobre la relación positiva entre el capital social y la violencia urbana: un análisis teórico y empírico." Documento CEDE , no. 2004-36 (2004).
Journal Article
Gray-Molina, George, Wilson Jimenez, Ernesto Perez Rada, and Ernesto Yanez. "Pobreza y Activos en la América Latina. Que papel desempena el capital social." El trimestre economico 66, no. 263 (1999): 365-417.
Thesis or Dissertation
Foueka Tagne, Romuald Sostaine. "Depenses publiques d’education et developpement humain au Cameroun." Docteur en Sciences Economiques, Universite d’Orleans, 2016.
Smithson, Paul. Report of the 6th Tanzania joint annual health sector review. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Health Sector Reform Secretariat, Ministry of Health , 2005.
Journal Article
Mensah, Ishmael. "Environmental management practices among hotels in the greater Accra region." International Journal of Hospitality Management 25, no. 3 (2006): 414-431.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tello, Mercedes Mosquera E, and Angela Peñafiel M Avilés. "Estudio de factibilidad en la implementación de un hotel turístico por la Asociación de Pescadores de Posorja." Título De Ingeniero En Gestión Empresarial, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2015.
Journal Article
Estrada-Jabela, Ana Maria, Lewis Enrique Polo-Espinosa, Gerson Javier Perez-Valbuena, and Lucas Wilfried Hahn De-Castro. "Caracterizacon del mercado laboral en el sector hotelero de Cartagena y las principales areas metropolitanas." (2016) Banco de la Republica-Centro de Estudios Economicos Regionales (CEER) Cartagena.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bessaidi Z, Mohamed. "La mise en place d'une démarche Qualité selon le référentiel ISO 9001v2008 et son impact sur la satisfaction de la clientèle." Diplôme de mastère professionnel, Université Virtuelle de Tunis, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Teran Bejarano V, Paola. "Mejoramiento de la imagen corporativa para el posicionamiento del Hotel Imperial." Título de Ingeniera Comercial, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador Sede Ambato, 2016.
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