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Conference Paper
Fouda Ongodo, Maurice, Sabine Patricia Moungou, and Jean Hubert Etoundi. "L’effet de l’écosystème Entrepreneurial sur le développement des Activités Entrepreneuriales au Cameroun." 13e Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME CIFEPME2016. 2016.
Journal Article
Kim, Woon Cho, Jean Claude Byiringiro, Georges Ntakiyiruta, Patrick Kyamanywa, Jean Jacques Irakiza, Jean Paul Mvukiyehe, Zeta Mutabazi, Jean Paul Vizir, Jean Croix Allen Ingabire, and Steven Nshuti. "Vital statistics: estimating injury mortality in Kigali, Rwanda." World Journal of Surgery 40, no. 1 (2016): 6-13.
Working Paper
Schoumaker, Bruno, Hubert Bonayi Dabire, and Bilampoa Gnoumou-Thiombiano. "Collecter des biographies contextuelles pour étudier les déterminants des comportements démographiques." (2006)
Journal Article
Gaymard, Sandrine, Nicole Kay, and Jean-Claude Etoundi. "Climate change and beliefs in Cameroon: A qualitative study among farmers in the Equatorial and Sudano-Sahelian zones." Canadian Social Science 11, no. 7 (2015): 53-64.
Journal Article
Leauthaud, Crystele, Stephanie Duvail, Olivier Hamerlynck, Jean-Luc Paul, Hubert Cochet, Judith Nyunja, Jean Albergel, and Olivier Grunberger. "Floods and livelihoods: The impact of changing water resources on wetland agro-ecological production systems in the Tana River Delta, Kenya." Global Environmental Change 23, no. 1 (2012): 252-263.
Thesis or Dissertation
Alomoto Herrera A, Daniel. "Estudio para la Creación de una Empresa de Confección de Pantalones Jean y su Comercialización en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito." Thesis, Escuela Politécnica del Ejército, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Etoundi M, Sabine Ntsama. "Le Commerce Agricole entre le Cameroun et les Pays de la CEMAC." Titre de Docteur, Université d’Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand I, 2014.
Journal Article
Lissock, Clarisse Noel Ayina Ayina, Eugene Sobngwi, Eliane Ngassam, and Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa. "Rural and urban differences in metabolic profiles in a Cameroonian population." (2011) Pan African Medical Journal.
Thesis or Dissertation
Eloundou Etoundi, Christian. "Analyse de l’accessibilite des femmes aux services financiers aupres des etablissements de microfinance du reseau A3C." Ingénieur Agronome, Universite de Dschang, 2013.
Journal Article
Barennes, Hubert, Somphou Sayasone, Peter Odermatt, Aymeric De Bruyne, Sitthivone Hongsakhone, Paul N Newton, Phengta Vongphrachanh, Bertrand Martinez-Aussel, Michel Strobel, and Jean Dupouy-Camet. "A major trichinellosis outbreak suggesting a high endemicity of Trichinella infection in northern Laos." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 78, no. 1 (2008): 40-44.
Journal Article
Barennes, Hubert, Khouanheuan Sengkhamyong, Jean Pascal Rene, Maniphet Phimmasane, and Carlos Franco-Paredes. "Beriberi (Thiamine Deficiency) and High Infant Mortality in Northern Laos." PLoS neglected tropical diseases 9, no. 3 (2015).
Sourisseau, Jean-Michel, Mamy Soumare, Jean-François Belieres, Jean-Pierre Guengant, Robin Bourgeois, Baba Coulibaly, and Sidiki Traore. Diagnostic territorial de la region de Segou au Mali. 2016.
Journal Article
Sites, African Heritage. "Ethnicity in Post-Apartheid Discourse: Deconstructing South Africa’s Racial Narrative by Joshua Richman." South African history online.
Journal Article
Guerchet, Maëlenn, Pascal Mbelesso, Bébène Ndamba-Bandzouzi, Sophie Pilleron, Ileana Desormais, Philippe Lacroix, Victor Aboyans, Pierre Jésus, Jean-Claude Desport, Achille E Tchalla, Benoît Marin, Jean-Charles Lambert, Jean-Pierre Clément, Jean-François Dartigues, and Pierre-Marie Preux. "Epidemiology of Dementia in Central Africa (EPIDEMCA): Protocol for a Multicentre Population-based Study in Rural and Urban Areas of the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo." (2014) SpringerPlus.
Journal Article
Jean-Baptiste, ED, P Larco, N Charles-Larco, C Vilgrain, D Simon, and R Charles. "Glucose intolerance and other cardiovascular risk factors in Haiti (PREDIAH)." Diabetes & metabolism 32, no. 5 (2006): 443-451.
Journal Article
Pace, Lydia E, Tharcisse Mpunga, Vedaste Hategekimana, Jean-Marie Vianney Dusengimana, Hamissy Habineza, Jean Bosco Bigirimana, Cadet Mutumbira, Egide Mpanumusingo, Jean Paul Ngiruwera, and Neo Tapela. "Delays in breast cancer presentation and diagnosis at two rural cancer referral centers in Rwanda." The Oncologist 20, no. 7 (2015): 780-788.
Sourisseau, Jean-Michel, Patrick Rasolofo, Jean-Franccois Belieres, Jean-Pierre Guengant, Haja Karmen Ramanitriniony, Robin Bourgeois, Tovonirina Theodore Razafimiarantsoa, Voahirana Tantely Andrianantoandro, Manda Ramarijaona, and Perrine Burnod. Diagnostic territorial de la region du Vakinankaratra a Madagascar. 2016.
Journal Article
Becquey, Elodie, Mathilde Savy, Peggy Danel, Hubert V Dabire, Sylvestre Tapsoba, and Yves Martin-Prevel. "Dietary patterns of adults living in Ouagadougou and their association with overweight." Nutrition Journal 9, no. 1 (2010): 13.
Book Section
Compaore, Georges, Hubert G Namalgue, and Aristide R Bado. "Recensement General de la Population et de L’habitation – 2006." (2009) Theme 5: Caracteristiques Economiques de la Population.
Working Paper
Lammel, Gregor, Marcel Rieser, Kai Nagel, Hannes Taubenbock, Gunter Strunz, Nils Goseberg, Thorsten Schlurmann, Hubert Klupfel, Neysa Setiadi, and Jorn Birkmann. "Emergency Preparedness in the case of a Tsunami - Evacuation Analysis and Traffic Optimization for the Indonesian city of Padang." (2010)
Journal Article
Carton de Grammont, Hubert. "La desagrarización del campo mexicano." Convergencia 16, no. 50 (2009): 13-55.
Journal Article
Grammont, Hubert Carton. "Fortalezas y debilidades de la organización campesina en el contexto de la transición política." (2008) El Cotidiano.
Journal Article
Campos, Ramón M, and Hubert V Picado. "Incremento de Áreas Impermeables por Cambios de Usos de la Tierra en la Microcuenca del Río Burío." Revista Reflexiones 93, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Tran, Duc-Si, Peter Odermatt, Soukhanthone Singphuoangphet, Michel Druet-Cabanac, Pierre-Marie Preux, Michel Strobel, and Hubert Barennes. "Epilepsy in Laos: knowledge, attitudes, and practices in the community." Epilepsy & Behavior 10, no. 4 (2007): 565-570.
Journal Article
Odermatt, Peter, Sayphone Nanthaphone, Hubert Barennes, Khamsay Chanthavysouk, Duc-Si Tran, Bounsou Kosanouvong, Siamphay Keola, Phetsamone Mathouchanh, Khamloune Choumlivong, and Valy Keoluangkhot. "Improving tuberculosis case detection rate with a lay informant questionnaire: an experience from the Lao People's Democratic Republic." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 85, no. 9 (2007): 727-731.
Journal Article
Barennes, Hubert, Aina N Harimanana, Somchay Lorvongseng, Somvay Ongkhammy, and Cindy Chu. "Paradoxical risk perception and behaviours related to Avian Flu outbreak and education campaign, Laos." BMC infectious diseases 10, no. 1 (2010): 294.
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