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Journal Article
Rajendra, S, and S Alahuddin. "Racial differences in the prevalence of heartburn." Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 19, no. 3 (2004): 375-376.
Working Paper
Dillon, Brian, and Christopher Brendan Barrett. "Agricultural factor markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: an updated view with formal tests for market failure." (2014)
Conference Paper
McBride, Linden, and others. "Exploring food commodity price risk preferences among Tanzanian households." Agricultural and Applied Economics Association’s 2014 AAEA Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 27-29, 2014.
Working Paper
Minten, Bart, Christopher Barrett, Claude Randrianarisoa , Zazá Randriamiarana, and Tiaray Razafimanantena. "Riz et pauvreté à Madagascar." Africa Region Working Paper , no. 102 (2006).
Journal Article
Minten, Bart, Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa, and Christopher B Barrett. "Productivity in Malagasy rice systems: wealth-differentiated constraints and priorities." Agricultural Economics 37, no. s1 (2007): 225-237.
Journal Article
Michelson, Hope C, Erin Lentz, Rich Mulwa, Mitchell Morey, Laura Cramer, Megan E McGlinchy, and Christopher B Barrett. "Cash, food or vouchers in urban and rural Kenya? An application of the Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis Framework." (2011) An Application of the Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis Framework (April 1, 2011).
Conference Paper
Sheahan, Megan, Christopher B Barrett, and Casey Goldvale. "The unintended consequences of agricultural input intensification: Human health implications of agro-chemical use in Sub-Saharan Africa." Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces Conference. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December 4-5, 2015.
Working Paper
Sheahan, Megan, and Christopher B Barrett. "Ten striking facts about agricultural input use in Sub-Saharan Africa." (2014)
Conference Paper
Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda, Christopher B Barrett, and Megan B Sheahan. "Understanding fertilizer use and profitability for rice production across Nigeria’s diverse agro ecological conditions." Annual Bank Conference on Africa. June 23-24, 2014.
Working Paper
Sheahan, Megan, and Christopher B Barrett. "Understanding the agricultural input landscape in sub-Saharan Africa: Recent plot, household, and community-level evidence." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7014 (2014).
Working Paper
Sheahan, Megan, Christopher B Barrett, and Casey Goldvale. "Human health and pesticide use in Sub-Saharan Africa." (2017)
Working Paper
Maughan-Brown, Brendan. "Changes in HIV-related stigma among young adults in Cape Town, South Africa." CSSR Working Paper , no. 242 (2009).
Journal Article
Faye, Marcel, Hannah Kuper, Brendan Dineen, and Robin Bailey. "Rapid Assessment for Prioritisation of Trachoma Control at Community Level in One District of the Kaolack Region, Senegal." Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100, no. 2 (2006): 149-157.
Journal Article
Howe, Brendan, and Kearrin Sims. "Human security and development in the Lao PDR Freedom from Fear and Freedom from Want." Asian Survey 51, no. 2 (2011): 333-355.
Thesis or Dissertation
Maughan-Brown, Brendan. "A Multidimensional Quantitative Evaluation of HIV/AIDS-related Stigma in Cape Town, South Africa." PhD Thesis, University of Cape Town, 2008.
Working Paper
Langer, Mirah, Brendan Maughan-Brown, Jeremy Seekings, and Tracy Jooste. "Inequality and Diversity in Cape Town: An Introduction and User’s Guide to the 2005 Cape Area Study." CSSR WP , no. 124 (2005).
Working Paper
Gooley, Brendan. "Nuremberg or The South African TRC: A Comparison of the Retributive and Restorative Models of Justice." (2012) Undergraduate Senior Thesis.
Logan, Gorbee, Neil M Vora, Tolbert G Nyensuah, Alex Gasasira, Joshua Mott, Henry Walke, Frank Mahoney, Richard Luce, Brendan Flannery, and others. Establishment of a community care center for isolation and management of Ebola patients—Bomi County Liberia, October 2014. 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Held, R. Brendan. "Human and embodied energy analysis applied to water source protection and household water treatment interventions used in Mali, West Africa." MSc, Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 2010.
Working Paper
Maughan-Brown, Brendan. "Quantifying stigma in the adult population of Cape Town." CSSR Working Paper , no. 165 (2006).
Working Paper
Maughan-Brown, Brendan. "Measuring HIV/AIDS stigma." CSSR Working Paper , no. 74 (2004).
Journal Article
Anderson, Kermyt G, Ann M Beutel, and Brendan Maughan-Brown. "HIV risk perceptions and first sexual intercourse among youth in Cape Town, South Africa." International Family Planning Perspectives 33, no. 3 (2007): 98-105.
Working Paper
Maughan-Brown, Brendan. "Concurrent sexual partnerships and sexually transmitted diseases among African men in Cape Town, South Africa." Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) , no. 70 (2011).
Journal Article
Maughan-Brown G, Brendan. "Attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS: stigma and its determinants amongst young adults in Cape Town, South Africa." South African Review of Sociology 37, no. 2 (2006): 165-188.
Journal Article
Brendan, Maughan-Brown. "Stigma rises despite antiretroviral roll-out: A longitudinal analysis in South Africa." Social Science & Medicine 70, no. 3 (2010): 368-374.
Journal Article
Maughan-Brown, Brendan, Atheender Venkataramani, Nicole Nattrass, Jeremy Seekings, and Alan Whiteside. "A cut above the rest: Traditional Male Circumcision and HIV Risk Among Xhosa men in Cape Town, South Africa." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) 58, no. 2 (2011): 499-505 .
Journal Article
Kwesiga, Brendan, John E Ataguba, Christabel Abewe, Paul Kizza, and Charlotte M Zikusooka. "Who pays for and who benefits from health care services in Uganda?." BMC Health Services Research 15, no. 1 (2015): 44.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kwesiga, Brendan. "Financial Protection in Uganda's Health System Catastrophic and Impoverishment Effects of Out-of-Pocket Health Care Payments." Master Thesis, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2012.
Working Paper
Maughan-Brown, Brendan, Neil Lloyd, Jacob Bor, and Atheendar Venkataramani. "Increasing access to HIV testing: Impacts on equity of coverage and uptake from a national campaign in South Africa." (2015)
Journal Article
Fernandes, Eder G, Helena K Sato, Eyal Leshem, Brendan Flannery, Thais Roma C Oliveira Konstantyner, Maria Sousa Mascena A Veras, and Manish M Patel. "Impact of Rotavirus Vaccination on Diarrhea-Related Hospitalizations in São Paulo State, Brazil." Vaccine 32, no. 27 (2014): 3402-3408.
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