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Thesis or Dissertation
Georges D, Yves Marie. "HIV/AIDS in Haiti. An analysis of demographics, lifestyle, STD awareness, HIV knowledge and perception that influence HIV infection among Haitians." Master of public health, Georgia State University, 2011.
Journal Article
Kone, Georges Karna, Richard Lalou, Martine Audibert, Herve Lafarge, Stephanie Dos Santos, Alphousseyni Ndonky, and Jean-Yves Le Hesran. "Use of health care among febrile children from urban poor households in Senegal: does the neighbourhood have an impact?." Health Policy and Planning 30, no. 10 (2015): 1307-1319.
Working Paper
Kone, Georges, Richard Lalou, Martine Audibert, Herve Lafarge, Stephanie Dos Santos, and Jean-Yves Le Hesran. "Use of health care among the urban poor in Africa: Does the neighbourhood have an impact?." (2013)
Journal Article
Kamangu, Erick N, Adawaye Chatte, Fabrice Susin, Raphael Boreux, Richard L Kalala, Georges L Mvumbi, Patrick De Mol, Dolores Vaira, and Marie-Pierre Hayette. "Genetic Diversity and Antiretroviral Drug Resistance among Drug-Naïve HIV Type 1 Infected Patients attending Clinics in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo." (2015) Journal of HIV and AIDS.
Journal Article
Billong, Serge-Clotaire, Joseph Fokam, Edson-Joan Billong, Georges Nguefack-Tsague, Marie-Josee Essi, Raoul Fodjo, Samuel-Martin Sosso, Armelle Gomba, Joseph Mosoko-Jembia, and Gabriel Loni-Ekali. "Epidemiological distribution of HIV infection among pregnant women in the ten regions of Cameroon and strategic implications for prevention programs." (2015) The Pan African Medical Journal.
Revenga, Ana, Marie F Marie -Nelly, Benu Bidani, and Jose Cuesta. Tunisia Poverty Assessment 2015. 2016.
Journal Article
Cecatti, Jose Guilherme, Joao Paulo Souza, Marie Angela Parpinelli, Marie Helena De Sousa, and Ellena Amaral. "Research on severe maternal morbidities and near-misses in Brazil: what we have learned." Reproductive Health Matters 15, no. 30 (2007): 125-133.
Journal Article
Smith, Chris, Uk Vannak, Ly Sokhey, Thoai D Ngo, Judy Gold, Khemrin Khut, Phil Edwards, Tung Rathavy, and Caroline Free. "Mobile Technology for Improved Family Planning Services (MOTIF): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial." Smith et al. Trials 14, no. 427 (2013): 0-0.
Journal Article
Tette, Edem MA, Mame Y Nyarko, Edmund T Nartey, Margaret L Neizer, Adolph Egbefome, Fredua Akosa, and Richard B Biritwum. "Under-five mortality pattern and associated risk factors: a case-control study at the Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital in Accra, Ghana." BMC Pediatrics 16, no. 1 (2016): 148.
Journal Article
Nahimana, Marie-Rosette, Alypio Nyandwi, Marie Aimee Muhimpundu, Olushayo Olu, Jeanine Umutesi Condo, Andre Rusanganwa, Jean Baptiste Koama, Candide Tran Ngoc, Jean Bosco Gasherebuka, and Martin O Ota. "A population-based national estimate of the prevalence and risk factors associated with hypertension in Rwanda: implications for prevention and control." BMC Public Health 18, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Ngomba, Armelle Viviane, Basile Kollo, André Fouda Bita, Fabrice Nembot Djouma, Jean Marie Edengue, Marie Josée Elongue, and Dieudonné Adiogo. "L’offre des services de vaccination en milieu urbain, au Cameroun: étude de cas du District de Santé de Djoungolo." The Pan African Medical Journal 25, no. 213 (2016).
Belbéoch, Olivier, Yves Charbit, and Souraya H Houssein. La population de Djibouti: recherches sociodémographiques. Paris, France: L'Harmattan, 2008.
Journal Article
Becquey, Elodie, Mathilde Savy, Peggy Danel, Hubert V Dabire, Sylvestre Tapsoba, and Yves Martin-Prevel. "Dietary patterns of adults living in Ouagadougou and their association with overweight." Nutrition Journal 9, no. 1 (2010): 13.
Journal Article
Charbit, Yves, and Corinne Régnard. "Dynamiques démographiques et dimensions géographiques des populations africaines." Espace, populations, sociétés 17, no. 1 (1999): 13-27.
Working Paper
Zéphyr, Pierre Martin D, Yves F Pierre, Abby C Guillén, and Mitchell A Seligson. "Culture Politique de la Démocratie en Haïti: 2006." (2007)
Journal Article
Bourdet, Yves. "The dynamics of regional disparities in Laos: the poor and the rich." Asian Survey 38, no. 7 (1998): 629-652.
Journal Article
Gartner, Agnès, Bernard Maire, Yves Kameli, Pierre Traissac, and Francis Delpeuch. "Process Evaluation of the Senegal-Community Nutrition Project: An Adequacy Assessment of a Large Scale Urban Project." Tropical Medicine & International Health 11, no. 6 (2006): 955-966.
Journal Article
Monasch, Roeland, Annette Reinisch, Richard Steketee, Eline Korenromp, David Alnwick, and Yves Bergevin. "Child coverage with mosquito nets and malaria treatment from population-based surveys in African countries: a baseline for monitoring progress in Roll Back Malaria." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 71, no. 2 suppl (2004): 232.
Journal Article
Beauliere, Arnousse, and Yves-Antoine Flori. "Living condition poverty and child mortality in Haiti." Sciences Sociales et Santé 26, no. 2 (2008).
Journal Article
Duclos, Jean-Yves, David Sahn, and Stephen D Younger. "Robust multidimensional spatial poverty comparisons in Ghana, Madagascar, and Uganda." The World Bank economic review 20, no. 1 (2006): 91-113.
Journal Article
Ventelou, Bruno, Yves Arrighi, Robert Greener, Erik Lamontagne, Patrizia Carrieri, and Jean-Paul Moatti. "The macroeconomic consequences of renouncing to universal access to antiretroviral treatment for HIV in Africa: a Micro-Simulation Model." PLoS One 7, no. 4 (2012).
Journal Article
Black, Antony P, Phonethipsavanh Nouanthong, Naphavan Nanthavong, Chanthasone Souvannaso, Keooudomphone Vilivong, Prapan Jutavijittum, Bounthome Samountry, Nina Lütteke, Judith M Hübschen, Sylvie Goossens, Fabrice Quet, Yves Buisson, and Claude P Muller. "Hepatitis B virus in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic: a cross sectional serosurvey in different cohorts." (2014) BMC Infectious Diseases.
Journal Article
Arrighi, Yves, Mohammad Abu-Zaineh, and Bruno Ventelou. "To Count Or Not To Count Deaths: Reranking Effects In Health Distribution Evaluation." (2013) Health economics.
Working Paper
Dieng, Moussa, Martine Audibert, Jean-Yves Le Hesran, and Anta T Dial. "Déterminants de la Demande de Soins en Milieu Péri-Urbain dans un Contexte de Subvention à Pikine, Sénégal." (2014) Serie Etudes et Documents du CERDI n° 15 .
Journal Article
Kebe, Mababou, and Yves Charbit. "Genre et Vulnérabilité au Sénégal: Les Femmes Chefs de Ménage." Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales 23, no. 3 (2007): 51-65.
Araar, Abdelkrim, Sebastian Levine, and Jean-Yves Duclos. Body mass index, poverty and inequality in Namibia. 2009.
Working Paper
Amegnaglo, Cocou J, Yves Y Soglo, and Armand F Akpa. "Determinants of Graduate Students’ Participation in Agricultural Value chain in Benin.." (2000)
Journal Article
Savy, Mathilde, Yves Martin-Prevel, P Danel, Pierre Traissac, Hb Dabire, and Francis Delpeuch. "Are dietary diversity scores related to the socio-economic and anthropometric status of women living in an urban area in Burkina Faso?." Public health nutrition 11, no. 02 (2008): 132-141.
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