
Showing 31-48 of 48
Journal Article
Miles-Chan, Jennifer L, Noorjehan Joonas, Shashee Joganah, Jose Larhubarbe, Yves Schutz, Jean-Pierre Montani, and Abdul G Dulloo. "BMI and cardiovascular function in children and adolescents of Mauritius Island." (2013) Journal of nutritional science.
Journal Article
Diallo, Abdoulaye, Nicaise Tuikue Ndam, Azizath Moussiliou, St{\'e}phanie Dos Santos, Alphousseyni Ndonky, Marion Borderon, S{\'e}bastien Oliveau, Richard Lalou, and Jean-Yves Le Hesran. "Asymptomatic carriage of Plasmodium in urban Dakar: the risk of malaria should not be underestimated." PLoS One 7, no. 2 (2012).
Journal Article
Diallo, Abdoulaye, Stephanie Dos Santos, Richard Lalou, and Jean-Yves Le Hesran. "Perceived malaria in the population of an urban setting: a skipped reality in Dakar, Senegal." Malaria journal 11, no. 1 (2012): 1-8.
Bourdet, Yves, Kassim Dabitao, and Aoua Saran Dembélé. Croissance, emploi et politiques pour l'emploi au Mali. : BIT, 2012.
Journal Article
Emmanuel, Evens, Ruth Angerville, Osnick Joseph, and Yves Perrodin. "Human health risk assessment of lead in drinking water: a case study from Port-au-Prince, Haiti." International Journal of Environment and Pollution 31, no. 3-4 (2007): 280-291.
Journal Article
Bautier, Élisabeth, Jacques Crinon, Patrick Rayou, and Jean-Yves Rochex. "Performances en littéracie, modes de faireet univers mobilisés par les élèves: analyses secondaires de l’enquête PISA 2000." Revue française de pédagogie , no. 157 (2006).
Duclos, Jean-Yves, Angela Kiconco, Sebastian Levine, Joseph Enyimu, Alex Warren Rodriguez, and Albert Musisi. Universal Primary Education in Uganda: Equity in opportunities and human capital investment. 2013.
Gerlitz, Jean Yves, Soumyadeep Banerjee, Brigitte Hoermann, Kiran Hunzai, Mirjam Macchi, and Sabarnee Tuladhar. Poverty and Vulnerability Assessment: A Survey Instrument for the Hindu Kush Himalayas. Kathmandu, Nepal: International centre for integrated mountain development (ICIMOD), 2014.
Journal Article
Lafort, Yves, Ross Greener, Anuradha Roy, Letitia Greener, Wilkister Ombidi, Faustino Lessitala, Jolene Skordis-Worrall, Mags Beksinska, Peter Gichangi, and Sushena Reza-Paul. "Sexual and reproductive health services utilization by female sex workers is context-specific: results from a cross-sectional survey in India, Kenya, Mozambique and South Africa." Reproductive Health 14, no. 1 (2017): 13.
Book Section
Senhoury, Ahmed, Abdeljelil Niang, Bachir Diouf, and Yves-François Thomas. "Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation in Practice." (2016) Managing Flood Risks Using Nature-Based Solutions in Nouakchott, Mauritania.
Journal Article
Munyaneza, Omar, Yves K Nzeyimana, and Umaru G Wali. "Hydraulic Structures Design for Flood Control in the Nyabugogo Wetland, Rwanda." Nile Basin Water Science & Engineering Journal 6, no. 2 (2013): 26-37.
Journal Article
Zalakeviciute, Rasa, Yves Rybarczyk, Jesús Lopez-Villada, and Maria Diaz V Suarez. "Quantifying decade-long effects of fuel and traffic regulations on urban ambient PM2.5 pollution in a mid-size South American city." (2017) Atmospheric Pollution Research.
Journal Article
Gerlitz, Jean-Yves, Kiran Hunzai, and Brigitte Hoerman. "Mountain poverty in the Hindu-Kush Himalayas." Canadian Journal of Development Studies 33, no. 2 (2012).
Journal Article
Mukabutera, Assumpta, Etienne Nsereko, Uwase Aline, Yves Didier Umwungerimwiza, and Munyanshongore Cyprien. "Overweight or obesity prevalence, trends and risk factors among women in Rwanda: A cross-sectional study using the Rwanda Demographic and Health Surveys, 2000-2010." Rwanda Journal 3, no. 1 (2016): 14-20.
Conference Paper
Kabalisa, Rene, Yves Cyuzuzo, Chika Yoshida, and Ariane Ingabire. "e-Tegeko: A System that Will Boost Citizens’ Participation on Parliamentary Regulations in Rwanda." Computer and Information Science (ICIS), 2016 IEEE/ACIS 15th International Conference. Okayama, Japan, June 26-29, 2016.
Journal Article
Kone, Georges Karna, Richard Lalou, Martine Audibert, Herve Lafarge, Stephanie Dos Santos, Alphousseyni Ndonky, and Jean-Yves Le Hesran. "Use of health care among febrile children from urban poor households in Senegal: does the neighbourhood have an impact?." Health Policy and Planning 30, no. 10 (2015): 1307-1319.
Journal Article
Horii, Naoko, Oumarou Habi, Alio Dangana, Abdou Maina, Souleymane Alzouma, and Yves Charbit. "Community-based behavior change promoting child health care: a response to socio-economic disparity." (2016) Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition.
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