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Showing 631-660 of 2943
Journal Article
Njogu, Wamucci, and Teresa Castro Martin.
The persisting gap between HIV/AIDS knowledge and risk prevention among Kenyan youth
(2006) Genus.
Thesis or Dissertation
Njeri, Matogo Joyce.
The impact of customs and sexual practices on young Maasai women’s ability to negotiate their sexual and reproductive health in relation to HIV and AIDS in Loitokitok, Kenya
Masters, UNITEC New Zealand, 2010.
Journal Article
Magadi A, Monica.
Status of women and infant/child health in Kenya with particular reference to the high mortality zone in Nyanza Province
(1995) Union of African Population Studies.
Journal Article
Nhacolo, Ariel Q, Delino A Nhalungo, Charfudin N Sacoor, John J Aponte, Ricardo Thompson, and Pedro Alonso.
Levels and trends of demographic indices in southern rural Mozambique: evidence from demographic surveillance in Manhica district
BMC Public Health 6, no. 291 (2006).
Journal Article
Beguy, Donatien, Caroline Kabiru, Eliya Zulu, and Alex C Ezeh.
Timing and sequencing of events marking the transition to adulthood in two informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya
(2011) Journal of Urban Health.
Journal Article
Lundeen, Elizabeth, Tobias Schueth, Nurjan Toktobaev, Stanley Zlotkin, S.M. Hyder, and Robert Houser.
Daily use of Sprinkles micronutrient powder for 2 months reduces anemia among children 6 to 36 months of age in the Kyrgyz Republic: A cluster-randomized trial
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 31, no. 3 (2010): 446-460.
Journal Article
Choe, Minja K, Shyam Thapa, and Vinod Mishra.
Early marriage and early motherhood in Nepal
Journal of Biosocial Science 37, no. 2 (2005): 143-162.
Journal Article
Caltabiano, Marcantonio, and Maria Castiglioni.
Changing family formation in Nepal: Marriage, cohabitation and first sexual intercourse
International family planning Perspectives 34, no. 1 (2008): 30-39.
Working Paper
Dahal, Govinda P, Monique Hennink, and Andrew Hinde.
Risky sexual behaviour among young men in Nepal
(2005) Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute Applications & Policy Working Paper.
Journal Article
Puri, Mahesh.
Consequences of unintended pregnancy among young married women in Nepal
Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1, no. 2 (2006): 37-46.
Escobal, Javier, Patricia Ames, Santiago Cueto, Mary Penny, and Eva Flores.
Young lives: Peru round 2 survey
Oxford, UK: University of Oxford, 2008.
Journal Article
Ogena, Nimfa.
Population stabilization: Philippine case
Journal Article
Babalola, Stella, Lisa Folda, and Hadiza Babayaro.
The effects of a communication program on contraceptive ideation and use among young women in northern Nigeria
Studies in family planning 39, no. 3 (2008): 211-220.
Journal Article
Doctor V, Henry.
Intergenerational differences in antenatal care and supervised deliveries in Nigeria
Health & Place 17, no. 2 (2011): 480-489.
Journal Article
Katz, Karen, and Christine Nare.
Reproductive health knowledge and use of services among young adults in Dakar, Senegal
Journal of Biosocial Science 34, no. 02 (2002): 215-231.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chimbindi, Natsayi Zanile.
Determinants of condom use among young adults aged 15-24 years in the Africa Centre Demographic Surveillance Area in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa, 2005
Masters, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 2006.
Journal Article
Enel, Catherine, Sybil Pinchinat, Gilles Pison, and Kirsten B Simondon.
Assessment of 24 years of infant growth monitoring in a rural area of Senegal (1969-1992)
Cahiers d'etudes et de recherches francophones/Sante 16, no. 2 (2006): 97-101.
Journal Article
Senarath, Upal, Sanjeeva Godakandage, Hiranya Jayawickrama, Indika Siriwardena, and Michael Dibley.
Determinants of inappropriate complementary feeding practices in young children in Sri Lanka: secondary data analysis of Demographic and Health Survey 2006-2007
(2012) Maternal & child nutrition.
Journal Article
Kaufmann, R., L. Morris, and A. Spitz.
Comaparison of two question sequences for assessing pregnancy intentions
American Journal of Epidemiology 145, no. 9 (1997): 810-816.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Phuong Hong, Purnima Menon, Muriel Ruel, and Nemat Hajeebhoy.
A situational review of infant and young child feeding practices and interventions in Viet Nam
Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition 20, no. 3 (2011): 359-374.
Journal Article
Dibley, Michael, Upul Senarath, and Kingsley Agho.
Infant and young child feeding indicators across nine East and Southeast Asian countries: an analysis of National Survey Data 2000-2005
Public health nutrition 13, no. 09 (2010): 1296-1303.
Journal Article
Jansen H, William.
Existing demand for birth spacing in developing countries: perspectives from household survey data
(2005) International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics.
Thesis or Dissertation
Klingberg Allvin, Marie.
Pregnant adolescents in Vietnam: Social context and health care needs
PhD, Dalarna University, 2007.
Journal Article
Sandøy, Ingvlid, Gunnar Kvåle, Charles Michelo, and Knut Fylkesnes.
Antenatal clinic-based HIV prevalence in Zambia: Declining trends but sharp local contrasts in young women
Tropical Medicine & International Health 11, no. 6 (2006): 917-928.
Thesis or Dissertation
Dube B, Ziphozonke.
The relationship between mothers' maternal age and infant mortality in Zimbabwe.
Journal Article
Underwood, Carol, Hola Hachonda, Elizabeth Serlemitsos, and Uttara Bharath-Kumar.
Reducing the risk of HIV transmission among adolescents in Zambia: psychosocial and behavioral correlates of viewing a risk-reduction media campaign
Journal of Adolescent Health 38, no. 1 (2006): 55-e1.
Book Section
Nandy, Shaileen, and Peter Svedberg.
The Composite index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF): an alternative indicator of malnutrition in young children
(2012) Handbook of Anthropometry: Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease.
Journal Article
Luke, Nancy, Hongwei Xu, Blessing U Mberu, and Rachel E Goldberg.
Migration Experience and Premarital Sexual Initiation in Urban Kenya: An Event History Analysis
Studies in Family Planning 43, no. 2 (2012): 115-126.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fenske, Penelope.
Girls and young women in Zambia, who have lost their parents to AIDS: attachment and/or resilience?
Masters, University of Victoria, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rao N, Nima.
Breast feeding and sociodemographic factors in rural Tanzania: Which factors are associated with breast feeding?
Masters, University of Oslo, 2007.
Showing 631-660 of 2943