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Conference Paper
White, Michael J, Fulong Wu, and Yiu Por Vincent Chen. "Urbanization, Institutional Change, and Spatial Inequality in China (1990-2001)." Prepared for the Urban China Network Second Meeting January 2005, New Orleans .
Journal Article
Lipps, Garth, Gillian A Lowe, Roger C Gibson, Sharon Halliday, Amrie Morris, Nelson Clarke, and Rosemarie N Wilson. "Parenting and depressive symptoms among adolescents in four Caribbean societies." Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health 6, no. 1 (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
Lowe, Catherine Jane. "Analysing vulnerability to volcanic hazards: application to St. Vincent." Doctor of Philosophy, University College London, 2010.
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Working Paper
Quamina-Aiyejina, Lynda. "Education and Training in St. Vincent and the Grenadines: A Partially Annotated Bibliography." (2003) Caribean educational research information service.
Journal Article
Adams, Rosmond, Yiing-Jenq Chou, and Christy Pu. "Willingness to participate and Pay for a proposed national health insurance in St. Vincent and the grenadines: a cross-sectional contingent valuation approach." BMC health services research 15, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Celis, Alfredo, Ramon Gaxiola-Robles, Elizabeth Sevilla-Godinez, Maria Jesus Orozco-Valerio, and Jesus Armas. "Tendencia de la mortalidad por picaduras de alacran en Mexico, 1979-2003." Rev Panam Salud Publica 21, no. 6 (2007): 373-380.
Thesis or Dissertation
Vargas, Diana Jurado C, and Joselin Pineda D Gamboa. "Diseño de un Plan de Auditoría Financiera a las Cuentas por Cobrar-Clientes de la Empresa XYZ por el Período 2013." Thesis, Escuela Superior Politécnica Del Litoral, 2015.
Journal Article
Kung, James KS, and Yiu-fai Lee. "So What If There Is Income Inequality? The Distributive Consequence of Nonfarm Employment in Rural China." Economic Development and Cultural Change 50, no. 1 (2001): 19-46.
Journal Article
Shen, Jianfa, Zhiqiang Feng, and Kwan-Yiu Wong. "Dual-track urbanization in a transitional economy: the case of Pearl River Delta in South China." Habitat International 30, no. 3 (2006): 690-705.
Journal Article
Celis, Alfredo, Mario Burciaga-Torres, Samira Castillo, Sergio Robles-Pinto, and Maria Orozco-Valerio. "Tendencia de la mortalidad a consecuencia de asfixia por inmersion en Mexico, 1979-2005." Rev Panam Salud Publica 24, no. 6 (2008): 422-429.
Journal Article
Gonzalez, CE, E Cardiel, R Munoz, D Villanueva, R Urrutia, and PR Hernandez. "Asiento hidraulico con movimiento para prevenir ulceras por presion." Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Biomedica 27, no. 1 (2006): 38-44.
Journal Article
Meza-Palmeros, José Alejandro, Héctor Javier Sánchez-Pérez, Graciela Freyermuth-Enciso, and Georgina Sánchez-Ramírez. "El gradiente socioeconómico de la mortalidad por tuberculosis en México (2004-2008)." Población y Salud en Mesoamérica 10, no. 2 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Sánchez Valdez, Waldo. "Demanda potencial de servicio de salud materno infantil bajo tarifario diferenciado en el Hospital San Bartolomé." TESIS para optar al grado académico de Magíster en Gerencia de Servicios de Salud, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad de Medicina Humana. Unidad de Post Grado, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Heimerdinger P, Ana. "Neoplasia de Mama no Rio Grande do Sul: Uma Análise por Modelos Multiníveis." Mestre, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 2011.
Journal Article
Constenla, Dagna, Maribel Rivera, Richard D Rheingans, Lynn Antil, and Mirna L Vásquez. "Evaluación económica de una eventual incorporación de la vacuna anti-rotavirus en el calendario de vacunación infantil en Honduras." Rev Med Hond 74, no. 1 (2006): 19-29.
Thesis or Dissertation
Copland K, Lindsay. "Local Ecological Knowledge of Coral Reef Ecosystems: A Case Study of Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines." Master of Arts, Carleton University Ottawa, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
MacDonald, Sarah Barbara. "Who are the beneficiaries of Canadian university professional programming overseas? The case of BEd practicum placements in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines." Masters of Arts, Saint Mary’s University, 2015.
Journal Article
Oneko, Martina, Simon Kariuki, Vincent Muturi-Kioi, Kephas Otieno, Vincent O Otieno, John M Williamson, Jason Folster, Michele B Parsons, Laurence Slutsker, and Barbara E Mahon. "Emergence of community-acquired, multidrug-resistant invasive nontyphoidal Salmonella disease in rural western Kenya, 2009-2013." Clinical Infectious Diseases 61, no. suppl\_4 (2015): S310-S316.
Journal Article
Van Lerberghe, Wim, Zoe Matthews, Endang Achadi, Chiara Ancona, James Campbell, Amos Channon, Luc De Bernis, Vincent De Brouwere, Vincent Fauveau, and Helga Fogstad. "Country experience with strengthening of health systems and deployment of midwives in countries with high maternal mortality." The Lancet 384, no. 9949 (2014): 1215-1225.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rojas, Lorena Etcheberry. "Mujeres en una empresa minera chilena cuerpos y emociones en trabajos masculinizados." Magíster en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile, 2015.
Journal Article
Ochoa-Jaramillo, Francisco Luis, and Liliana Patricia Montoya-Velez. "Mortalidad por cáncer en Colombia en 2005." Revista Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia 57, no. 4 (2009): 304-315.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Moreno Montoya, José, and Ricardo Sánchez Pedraza. "Muertes por causas violentas y ciclo económico en Bogotá, Colombia: un estudio de series de tiempo, 1997-2006." Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 26, no. 1 (2009): 23-30.
Thesis or Dissertation
Daza Duque, Doris Elena. "Cáncer gástrico en Colombia entre 2000 y 2009." Universidad Del Rosario – Universidad Ces, 2012.
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