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Showing 1981-2010 of 2184
Thesis or Dissertation
Boyagoda, Adikaram, and Adikaram Mudiyanselage Kumudika Suramya.
Heterogeneity and Female-Headed Households in Sri Lanka: Vulnerability and Resilience in a Transitional Development Society
Doctor of Philosophy in Demography, University of Waikato, 2014.
Moono, Herryman, and Neil Rankin.
Education and employment in Zambia: Evidence from a scoping exercise
: London, UK: IGC, 2013.
Journal Article
Widyastari, Dyah A, and Pimonpan Isarabhakdi.
Suharto’s population policy in contemporary Indonesia: family planning program, marriage act or compulsory education has the greatest impact to fertility decline?
Public Health of Indonesia 2, no. 2 (2016): 40-46.
Nakamba-Kabaso, Pamela, and Sydney Chauwa Phiri.
Taxation of the informal sector in Zambia
Thesis or Dissertation
Sugiyarto, Teguh.
Maternal Health Inequality in West Java Province, Indonesia: A Macro and Micro Level Analysis
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Flinders University, 2016.
Journal Article
Pribadi, Didit O, and Stephan Pauleit.
Peri-urban agriculture in Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area and its relationship with the urban socioeconomic system
(2016) Land Use Policy.
Journal Article
Gadzala W, Aleksandra.
From formal-to informal-sector employment: examining the Chinese presence in Zambia
Review of African Political Economy 37, no. 123 (2010): 41-59.
Journal Article
Gautam, Yograj, and Peter Andersen.
Rural livelihood diversification and household well-being: Insights from Humla, Nepal
(2016) Journal of Rural Studies.
Journal Article
Zahid, Farhan, and Adeem Khan.
Terrorism - the Dark Side of Demographic Dividend. A Case Study of Pakistan
Przeglkad Strategiczny , no. 9 (2016).
Journal Article
Paramita, B.
The land-use of Bandung, its density, overcrowded area and public facility toward a compact city
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , no. 128 (2016).
Book Section
Peshin, Rajinder, Keshav R Kranthi, and Rakesh Sharma.
Integrated Pest Management
(2014) Pesticide Use and Experiences with Integrated Pest Management Programs and Bt Cotton in India.
Working Paper
Sharma, Vijay Paul.
Dynamics of land use competition in India: perceptions and realities
Journal Article
Emery, Clifton R, Sirjana Thapa, Mi Hyang Do, and Ko Ling Chan.
Do family order and neighbor intervention against intimate partner violence protect children from abuse? Findings from Kathmandu
(2015) Child abuse & neglect.
Working Paper
Vujanovic, Petar.
Decentralisation to promote Regional Development in Indonesia
Economics Department WP , no. 1380 (2017).
Working Paper
Chakravorty, Sanjoy, S Chandrasekhar, and Karthikeya Naraparaju.
Income generation and inequality in India's agricultural sector: The Consequences of land fragmentation
Journal Article
Stein, Danielle.
Community mediation and social harmony in Nepal
(2013) Justice and Security Research Programme.
Journal Article
Subedi, Bhim Prasad.
Human Settlement Situation in Nepal
(2015) Compendium of Environment Statistics .
Journal Article
Khanal, Prashanta, Anobha Gurung, and Priyankar Bahadur Chand.
Road Expansion and Urban Highways: Consequences Outweigh Benefits in Kathmandu
HIMALAYA, the Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies 37, no. 1 (2017): 107-116.
Journal Article
Kabir, Humayun.
Education, Nationalism, and Conflict in Plural Society in Nepal: Terai Region in the Post-Maoist Context
(2013) Discussion Paper Series.
Working Paper
Huynh Truong, Huy, and Nonneman Walter.
Push and pull forces and migration in Vietnam
Journal Article
Azzam, Osmat, Pundarik Mukhopadhaya, and Chris Patel.
“More Health for Money” in Vietnam: Does Operational Cost or Running Cost of Health Institutions Help Budgeting for More Services and Improve the Health of the population?
Journal of Health Care Finance 42, no. 2 (2015).
Working Paper
Phe, Hoang Huu.
The global financial crisis and its impact on households: the case of urban Vietnam
(2011) Housing Markets and the Global Financial Crisis: The Uneven Impact on Households.
Working Paper
Viet, Cuong Nguyen, Linh Vu Hoang, and Thang Nguyen.
Urban Poverty in Vietnam-Determinants and Policy Implications
Thesis or Dissertation
Desmarteaux-Houle, Audrey.
Vietnamese male labour trafficking: A sad reality that requires our attention
Master of science, University of Ottawa, 2012.
Working Paper
Duc, Dam Tran, and Benjamin John Sesay.
Creating Residential Real Estate Customers' Perceptions: Using E-commerce in Hanoi, Vietnam
Thesis or Dissertation
Huy, Huynh Truong.
Economic Perspectives of Internal Migration in Vietnam: A focus on the Mekong River Delta Region
Doctor in Applied Economics, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2012.
Journal Article
Tsai, Ming-Chang, and Kodjo A Senah.
Food Security and Perceived Well-being among Household Heads in Ghana
Applied Research in Quality of Life 9, no. 2 (2014): 255-272.
Journal Article
Saputra, Dani, Dian Novriadhy, Nuryanto Nuryanto, and Coline Asita.
The Relationship Of The Reproductive Health Messages Toward Healthy Reproduction Practice
Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi 8, no. 1 (2017): 1-13.
Journal Article
Markussen, Thomas, Maria Fibaek, Finn Tarp, and Nguyen Do Anh Tuan.
The happy farmer: Self-employment and subjective well-being in rural Vietnam
(2017) Journal of Happiness Studies.
Working Paper
Nguyen, Cuong, and Lam Nguyen.
Intra-generational and intergenerational mobility in Vietnam
Showing 1981-2010 of 2184