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Showing 1861-1890 of 2184
Journal Article
Van Hook, Jennifer, Elizabeth Baker, Claire E Altman, and Michelle L Frisco.
Canaries in a Coalmine: Immigration and Overweight among Mexican-origin Children in the US and Mexico
Social Science & Medicine 74, no. 2 (2013): 125-134.
Hamoudi, Amar.
Risk Aversion, Household Partition, and Consumption Smoothing in Rural Mexico
Thesis or Dissertation
Altman E, Claire.
Migradollars and Meat: Food Expenditures in Mexican Migrant-Sending Households
Master Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, 2009.
Journal Article
Ambrosius, Christian, and Alfredo Cuecuecha.
Remittances and the use of formal and informal financial services
(2016) World Development.
Mikelsons, Maris, Ira S Lowry, and Carol Rabenhorst.
An Initial Assessment of the Albanian Housing Sector
: Urban Institute, 1993.
Journal Article
Seuring, Till, Pieter Serneels, and Marc Suhrcke.
The Impact of Diabetes on Labor Market Outcomes in Mexico: A Panel Data and Biomarker Analysis
IZA Discussion Papers , no. 10123 (2016).
Working Paper
Schnabl, Peter.
Migration and Development in Mexican Communities: Evidence from US Labor Demand Shocks
Journal Article
Goldar, Bishwanath.
Creating jobs in manufacturing
(2013) A report from the Institute of Economic Growth.
Working Paper
Ñopo, Hugo, and Natalia Winder.
Ethnicity and Human Capital Accumulation in Urban Mexico
Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department , no. 660 (2008).
Journal Article
Mazzucato, Valentina, Victor Cebotari, Angela Veale, Allen White, Marzia Grassi, and Jeanne Vivet.
International parental migration and the psychological well-being of children in Ghana, Nigeria, and Angola
(2015) Social Science & Medicine.
Book Section
Aziz, Sardar.
Between State and Non-State
(2017) The Economic System(s) of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq.
Working Paper
Krishnan, Nandini, Racha Ramadan, and Sergio Olivieri.
Estimating the Welfare Costs of Reforming the Iraq Public Distribution System
WB Policy Research Working Paper , no. 8106 (2017).
Journal Article
Maxwell, Lauren, Gertrude Voetagbe, Mary Paul, and Alice Mark.
Does the type of abortion provider influence contraceptive uptake after abortion? An analysis of longitudinal data from 64 health facilities in Ghana
BMC Public Health 15, no. 1 (2015): 586.
Journal Article
Williams, Colin C, Muhammad S Shahid, and Alvaro Martinez.
Determinants of the level of informality of informal micro-enterprises: Some evidence from the city of Lahore, Pakistan
(2016) World Development.
Journal Article
Asamoah, Benedict O, Anette Agardh, Karen Odberg Pettersson, and Per-Olof Ostergren.
Magnitude and trends of inequalities in antenatal care and delivery under skilled care among different socio-demographic groups in Ghana from 1988-2008
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 14, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Adu-Gyamfi, Samuel, and Edward Brenya.
Re-hushing commentaries on the effects and potential benefits of canabis: lessons Ghana can learn from USA and Canada
Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 3, no. 3 (2014): 10-20.
Thesis or Dissertation
Som, Charles Kofi.
Maternal Education and Child Survival in Ghana
Master of Arts, University of Ghana, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Abuosi, Aaron Asibi.
Social Health Insurance and Quality of Care in Ghana’s Hospitals
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Ghana, 2014.
Journal Article
Piccolino, Giulia.
Infrastructural state capacity for democratization? Voter registration and identification in C\^ote d'Ivoire and Ghana compared
Democratization 23, no. 3 (2016): 498-519.
Working Paper
Alibhai, Salman, Niklas Buehren, Sreelakshmi Papineni, and Rachael Pierotti.
Crossovers: Female Entrepreneurs Who Enter Male Sectors. Evidence from Ethiopia
Policy Research WP , no. 8065 (2017).
Working Paper
Schindler, Kati, and Marijke Verpoorten.
Armed conflict, sex ratio and marital outcomes: Evidence from Rwanda
(2013) Unpublished manuscript.
Working Paper
Singh, Jaivir, Deb Kusum Das, Homagni Choudhury, Prateek Kukreja, and Kumar Abhishek.
Factors Influencing Indian Manufacturing Firms’ Decision to Hire Contract Labour
(2017) ICRIER.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kwakye, Evelyn.
Essays on Household Health Expenditures, National Health Insurance and Universal Access to Health Care in Ghana
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gregory, Carmel.
The role of planning in new urban settlements: The case of Nyagatare in post-conflict Rwanda
Master of City and Regional Planning, University of Cape Town, 2013.
Journal Article
Badasu, DM, SO Kwankye, OA Sanuade, A El-Adas, and K Atuahene.
Religiosity and Condom Use with Casual Sex Partners in Ghana
Population Review 55, no. 2 (2016).
Journal Article
Tenkorang Y, Eric.
Type of Health Facility and Utilization of Antenatal Care Services Among Ghanaian Women
Population Research and Policy Review 35, no. 5 (2016): 631-650.
Working Paper
Bardak, Ummuhan.
Labour market and education: Youth and Unemployment in the Spotlight
Working Paper
Assaad, Ragui, and Caroline Krafft.
The Impact of Marriage on Women’s Employment in the Middle East and North Africa
Journal Article
Choudhury, I., K. M Ahmed, M. Hasan, M. H. R Mozumder, P. K. S Knappett, T. Ellis, and A. Geen.
Evidence for Elevated Levels of Arsenic in Public Wells of Bangladesh Due To Improper Installation
Groundwater 54, no. 6 (2016): 871-877.
Working Paper
Ramstetter, Eric D, and Kien Trung Nguyen.
Multinational Enterprise Growth and Vietnam's Employment and Wages in Manufacturing and Trade Industries: Did Takeovers Play a Role?
(2016) AGI Working Paper Series.
Showing 1861-1890 of 2184