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Showing 17701-17730 of 17919
Journal Article
Mulenga, James Nilesh, Bupe Bwalya Bwalya, and Yordanos Gebremeskel.
Demographic and Socio-economic determinants of maternal health insurance coverage in Zambia
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health 14, no. 1 (2017): e12094.
Journal Article
Hasegawa, Junko, Yoichi M Ito, and Taro Yamauchi.
Development of a screening tool to predict malnutrition among children under two years old in Zambia
Global Health Action 10, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Rahman, Mosiur, and Sarker Obaida-Nasrin.
Factors affecting acceptance of complete immunization coverage of children under five years in rural Bangladesh
Salud publica de mexico 52, no. 2 (2010): 134-140.
Journal Article
Shafiq M, Najeeb.
A reversal of educational fortune? Educational gender gaps in Bangladesh
Journal of International Development 21, no. 1 (2009): 137-155.
Journal Article
Moramarco, S, G Amerio, L Chafula Muyaba, D Bonvecchio, and E Abramo.
Nutritional counseling improves dietary diversity and feeding habits of Zambian malnourished children admitted in Rainbow nutritional programs
(2017) Biomedicine & Prevention .
Journal Article
Lyoko, G, J Phiri, and A Phiri.
Integrating Biometrics into Police Information Management System: A Case of Zambia Police
International Journal of Future Computer and Communication 5, no. 1 (2016): 1.
Journal Article
Kuper, Hannah, Matthew Walsham, Flora Myamba, Simeon Mesaki, Islay Mactaggart, Morgon Banks, and Karl Blanchet.
Social protection for people with disabilities in Tanzania: a mixed methods study
Oxford Development Studies 44, no. 4 (2016): 441-457.
Working Paper
Greenwood, Margo, B Fakih, M Steff, S Bechange, and M Mwifadhi.
Hear my voice: a community-based participatory study gathering the lived experiences of people with disabilities and older people in Tanzania
Journal Article
Sibson, Victoria L, Carlos S Grijalva-Eternod, Leila Bourahla, Hassan Haghparast-Bidgoli, Joanna Morrison, Chloe Puett, Lani Trenouth, and Andrew Seal.
The REFANI-N study protocol: a cluster-randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of early initiation and longer duration of emergency/seasonal unconditional cash transfers for the prevention of acute malnutrition among childr
(2015) BMC public health.
Working Paper
Bwalya, Bupe B, Mulenga C Mulenga, and James N Mulenga.
Factors Associated with Postnatal Care for Newborns in Zambia: Analysis of the 2013-14 Demographic and Health Survey
Journal Article
Ahmed, Mahbub Uddin.
Consensual poverty in Britain, Sweden and Bangladesh: a comparative study
Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology 4, no. 2 (2007): 56-77.
Journal Article
Younoussi, Zourkaleini, and Yacoubou Alou.
Measuring the Influence of Social Mutations on the Precariousness of Women’s Marriage, the “Dismarriage”: Case of Niger Republic
International Journal of Social Science Studies 5, no. 2 (2017): 43-54.
Journal Article
Shafiq M, Najeeb.
What criteria should policy-makers use for assisting households with educational expenditure? The case of urban Bangladesh
South Asia Economic Journal 12, no. 1 (2011): 25-37.
Journal Article
Forbes, Barbara, and Thembela Kepe.
Smallholder farmers’ attitudes toward the provision of drinking water for dairy cows in Kagera, Tanzania
Tropical animal health and production 47, no. 2 (2015): 415-421.
Journal Article
Lyimo-Macha, JG, and JM Kaijage.
The Impact of Extended Family on Household Poverty in Korogwe Township
Tanzania Journal for Population studies and Development 16, no. 2 (2017).
Journal Article
Liviga J, Athumani.
Local Government and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania
The African Review 32, no. 1 & 2 (2017): 1-32.
Book Section
Pauw, Karl, James Thurlow, and Olivier Ecker.
Development Policies and Policy Processes in Africa
(2018) Micro-econometric and Micro-Macro Linked Models: Modeling Agricultural Growth and Nutrition Linkages: Lessons from Tanzania and Malawi.
Journal Article
Ndongmo, Therese Ntigwa, Clement Bertin Ndongmo, and Charles Michelo.
Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behavior among adolescents living with HIV in Zambia: a case study
(2017) The Pan African Medical Journal.
Journal Article
Hayes, RE, Rodah Morezio Zulu, DK Mulenga, and MT Kaputo.
Quality characteristics and acceptability of low cost weaning blends by Zambian mothers
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 17, no. 3 (2017): 12256-12279.
Journal Article
Sitali, Doreen Chilolo, Chisoni Mumba, Eystein Skjerve, Oliver Mweemba, Consolata Kabonesa, Mwinyi Omary Mwinyi, Luke Nyakarahuka, and John Bwalya Muma.
Awareness and attitudes towards anthrax and meat consumption practices among affected communities in Zambia: A mixed methods approach
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11, no. 5 (2017): e0005580.
Journal Article
Tyler, Kimberly A, Ray Handema, Rachel M Schmitz, Francis Phiri, Charles Wood, and Kristen Olson.
Risk factors for HIV among Zambian street youth
Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 15, no. 3 (2016): 254-268.
Journal Article
Maluma, Sylvia, Aubrey C Kalungia, Audrey Hamachila, Jimmy Hangoma, and Derick Munkombwe.
Prevalence of Traditional Herbal Medicine use and associated factors among pregnant women of Lusaka Province, Zambia
Journal of Preventive and Rehabilitative Medicine 1, no. 1 (2017): 5-11.
Working Paper
Dekker, Marleen, and Johannes Hoogeveen.
Trends in non-consumption dimensions of welfare for Tanzania 1992-2001
Journal Article
Chomi, Eunice N, Phares GM Mujinja, Kristian Hansen, Angwara D Kiwara, and Ulrika Enemark.
Household perceptions towards a redistributive policy across health insurance funds in Tanzania
BMC health services research 15, no. 1 (2015).
Working Paper
Dayton Eberwein, Julia, Jakub Kakietek, Meera Shekar, Ali Subandoro, Audrey Pereira, Zia Hyder, Rosemary Sunkutu, and Jonathan Kweku Akuoku.
An Investment Framework for Nutrition in Zambia
Thesis or Dissertation
Parvin, Jani.
Social Capital and Household Well-being in Fishers Community: A survey of Community Based Fisheries Management (CBFM) Project in Rural Bangladesh
Masters Thesis, Lund University, 2006.
Working Paper
Belghith, Hassine, Nadia Belhaj, and Albert Zeufack.
Inequality of Outcomes and Inequality of Opportunity in Tanzania
Journal Article
Brüssow, Kathleen, Anja Faße, and Ulrike Grote.
Implications of climate-smart strategy adoption by farm households for food security in Tanzania
(2017) Food Security.
Journal Article
Minja, Gileard S, and Noel S Mollel.
Contribution of biogas program on climate change mitigation and forest conservation in Meru district Arusha Tanzania
Afro Asian Journal of Social Sciences VII, no. II (2016).
Journal Article
Buhlebenkosi, Fuyane, Nokuthula Sibanda, Pearson Chaurura, and Oscar Chiwira.
Occupational Safety In The Urban Informal Sector Of Gaborone, Botswana: A Situational Analysis
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 2, no. 12 (2013): 293-297.
Showing 17701-17730 of 17919