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Showing 391-420 of 574
Working Paper
Ataguba, John, Ementa Hyacinth Ichoku, and William Fonta.
Estimating the willingness to pay for community healthcare insurance in rural Nigeria
(2008) Poverty & Economic Policy.
Journal Article
Afolabi, Bamgboye M, Olayemi T Sofola, Bayo S Fatunmbi, William Komakech, Festus Okoh, Oladele Saliu, Peju Otsemobor, Olusola B Oresanya, Chioma N Amajoh, and David Fasiku.
Household possession, use and non-use of treated or untreated mosquito nets in two ecologically diverse regions of Nigeria-Niger Delta and Sahel Savannah
Malaria journal 8, no. 1 (2009): 1.
Working Paper
Aryeetey, Ernest, and William Baah-Boateng.
Understanding Ghana. s growth success story and job creation challenges
WIDER Working Paper , no. 2015/140 (2015).
Conference Paper
Ataguba, John E, William M Fonta, and Hyacinth E Ichoku.
Application of the capability approach to poverty in Nigeria: What can we learn from the missing dimensions of poverty?
the 2010 Conference of the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) The University of Jordan, Amman.
Thesis or Dissertation
Marty, Robert.
Taking the Aid Debate to the Sub-National Level: Impact and Allocation of Foreign Health Aid in Malawi
Bachelor of Arts, The College of William and Mary, 2014.
Journal Article
Fonta, William M, Eme H Ichoku, and John E Ataguba.
Paying for community-based health insurance schemes in rural Nigeria: the use of in-kind payments
(2010) African Review of Money Finance and Banking.
Fonta, William Munpuibeyi, Hyacinth Eme Ichoku, and Otu I Ibor.
Forest extraction income, poverty and inequality: empirical evidence from a community forestry area in Southeastern Nigeria
Working Paper
Fonta, William M, Kanayo K Ogujiuba, and Uzochukwu Amakom.
Modeling and Understanding the Interrelationship between Natural Resource Extraction, Poverty and Inequality: The Case of Forestry in Sub-Saharan Nigeria
(2010) Environmental Modeling for Sustainable Regional Development.
Journal Article
Rosenbloom, Joshua L, and William A Sundstrom.
The decline and rise of interstate migration in the United States: Evidence from the IPUMS, 1850-1990
(2004) Research in economic history.
Journal Article
Okeibunor, Joseph C, Bright C Orji, William Brieger, Gbenga Ishola, Dipo Emmanuel Otolorin, Barbara Rawlins, Enobong U Ndekhedehe, Nkechi Onyeneho, and Gunther Fink.
Preventing malaria in pregnancy through community-directed interventions: evidence from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Malaria journal 10, no. 1 (2011): 1.
Journal Article
Hendriks, Marleen, Lizzy Brewster, Ferdinand Wit, Oladimeji Bolarinwa, Aina Odusola, William Redekop, Navin Bindraban, Albert Vollaard, Shade Alli, and Peju Adenusi.
Cardiovascular disease prevention in rural Nigeria in the context of a community based health insurance scheme: QUality Improvement Cardiovascular care Kwara-I (QUICK-I)
BMC Public Health 11, no. 1 (2011): 1.
Journal Article
Ataguba, John, William Fonta, and Ementa Hyacinth Ichoku.
The Determinants of Multidimensional Poverty in Nsukka, Nigeria
(2011) Poverty & Economic Policy.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kutz, William.
State and Territorial Restructuring in the Globalizing City-Region of Tangier, Morocco
degree of Master of Science, University of Miami, 2010.
Journal Article
Fonta, William M, Hyacinth Eme Ichoku, and Elias Ayuk.
The distributional impacts of forest income on household welfare in rural Nigeria
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 2, no. 2 (2011): 1-13.
Journal Article
Glaeser, Edward L, Albert Saiz, Gary Burtless, and William C Strange.
The rise of the skilled city
(2004) Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs.
Journal Article
Afolabi, Bamgboye M, Festus Okoh, Bayo S Fatunmbi, William Komakech, Oladele Saliu, Felicia Ewoigbokhan, Aro Modiu, James Ujor, and Marmoud Omo-eboh.
Combined intervention of intermittent preventive therapy and long-lasting insecticide treated nets among pregnant women in Nigeria
Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 3, no. 13 (2011): 608-616.
Collins, William J, and Robert A Margo.
The labor market effects of the 1960s riots
Journal Article
Falk, William W, Larry L Hunt, and Matthew O Hunt.
Return Migrations of African-Americans to the South: Reclaiming a Land of Promise, Going Home, or Both?*
Rural Sociology 69, no. 4 (2004): 490-509.
Working Paper
Collins, William J, and Robert A Margo.
The economic aftermath of the 1960s riots: evidence from property values
Conference Paper
Henderson, Mark, William G Skinner, Lawrence W Crissman, and China Data Center.
A Hierarchical Regional Space Model for Contemporary China
Geoinformatics '99 conference China Data Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 20 June 1999.
Conference Paper
Skinner, William G, Yuan Jianhua, and China Data Center.
Reproductive Behavior in Time and Space: The Lower Yangzi Macroregion, 1966-90
The Spatial Economy/Society of Contemporary China Geoinformatics '99 conference China Data Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 20 June 1999.
Journal Article
Kandel, William, and Emilio Parrado.
Meat Consumption, Meat Processing Restructuring, and Rural Hispanic Population Growth
Changing Face 12, no. 4 (2006): 1-30.
Working Paper
Ashenfelter, Orley, William J Collins, and Albert Yoon.
Evaluating the Role of Brown vs. Board of Education in School Equalization, Desegregation, and the Income of African Americans, Preliminary Results
Journal Article
Skinner, William G, Mark Henderson, and Yuan Jianhua.
China’s fertility transition through regional space
Social Science History 24, no. 03 (2000): 613-652.
Journal Article
Lavely, William.
First impressions from the 2000 census of China
Population and Development Review 27, no. 4 (2001): 755-769.
Journal Article
Lavely, William, Jianke Li, and Jianghong Li.
Sex preference for children in a Meifu Li community in Hainan, China
Population Studies 55, no. 3 (2001): 319-329.
Bailey, Martha J, and William J Collins.
Did improvements in household technology cause the Baby Boom? Evidence from electrification, appliance diffusion, and the Amish
Working Paper
Sundstrom A, William.
African Americans in the US Economy Since Emancipation
SCU Leavey School of Business Research Paper , no. 11-09 (2011).
Journal Article
Bacolod, Marigee, Bernardo S Blum, and William C Strange.
Urban interactions: Soft skills versus specialization
Journal of Economic Geography 9, no. 2 (2009): 227-262.
Journal Article
O’Hare P, William.
Historical examination of net coverage error for children in the US decennial census: 1950 to 2010
(2014) Survey Methodology.
Showing 391-420 of 574