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Showing 1-30 of 109
Working Paper
Chambati, Walter.
Agrarian Labour Relations in Zimbabwe after Over a Decade of Land and Agrarian Reform
Working Paper
Burgos-Irazabal, Jose, Walter J Gomes, LLB DA, Gianni D Angelini, Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp, and Walter Jose Gomes.
Cardiac Surgery in A Multi-Ethnic Low Volume Service
Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp.
Journal Article
McMahon, Walter W, and Walter W Boediono.
Universal basic education: An overall strategy of investment priorities for economic growth
Economics of Education Review 11, no. 2 (1992): 137-151.
Working Paper
Nguefack-Tsague, Georges, and Walter Zucchini.
Modeling hierarchical relationships in epidemiological studies: a Bayesian networks approach
Journal Article
Ndyanabangi, Bannet, Walter Kipp, James Odit, Bernard Mwijuka, Robinah Mirembe, and James Ntozi.
Reproductive health behavior among adolescents and young adults in a semi-urban district in Uganda
(2003) J Health Popul Dev Countr.
Book Section
Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia, Claudio Lanata, Walter Mendoza, and Demissie Habte.
Disease and mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa
(2006) Diarrheal Diseases.
Naval, C, Sylvie Walter, and Raul S Miguel.
Measuring human rights and democratic governance: experiences and lessons from metagora
: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2008.
Journal Article
Omariba, Walter Rasugu, Roderic Beaujot, and Rajulton Fernando.
Correlated mortality risks of siblings in Kenya: an examination of the concept of death clustering and a model for analysis
PSC Discussion Papers Series 19, no. 3 (2005): 1.
Journal Article
Omariba, Walter Rasugu, and Michael H Boyle.
Rural-urban migration and cross-national variation in infant mortality in less developed countries
Population Research and Policy Review 29, no. 3 (2010): 275-296.
Working Paper
Hughes, Jacob, Amanda Glassman, and Walter Gwenigale.
Innovative financing in early recovery: The Liberia Health Sector Pool Fund
Journal Article
Cross, Ann R, Walter Obungu, and Paul Kizito.
Evidence of a transition to lower fertility in Kenya
(1991) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Working Paper
Gasparini, Leonardo, Walter S Escudero , Mariana Marchionni , and Sergio Olivieri.
Understanding Quality of Life in Latin America and the Caribbean
(2007) Latin American Research Network IADB. CEDLAS.
Journal Article
De Neve, Jan-Walter.
'Pope as prevention'? Condom use by Catholics increased in five HIV endemic countries in sub-Saharan Africa during Pope Benedict XVI's tenure
AIDS 27, no. 17 (2013): 2829-2830.
Book Section
Sánchez Canedo, Walter.
A tres bandas: mestizaje, sincretismo e hibridacion en el espacio sonoro iberoamericano
(2010) Sin purezas y con mezclas. Las cambiantes identidades sonoras negro-africanas en Bolivia.
Journal Article
Mariscal, Judith, and Walter Lepore.
Oportunidades y uso de TICs: innovaciones en programa de combate a la pobreza
Journal Article
Ness Jr., Walter L, Marcelo C Klotzle, and Anderson R Ribeiro Leite.
Previdência Social: Fatores que Explicam os Resultados Financeiros
RAP-RIO de Janeiro 44, no. 2 (2010): 437-457.
Journal Article
Omariba, D. Walter.
Child morbidity in Kenya: Does women’s status matter?
PSC Discussion Papers Series 15, no. 9 (2001): 1.
Journal Article
Omariba, D. Walter Rasugu.
Women's educational attainment and intergenerational patterns of fertility behaviour in Kenya
Journal of biosocial science 38, no. 4 (2006): 449.
Journal Article
Walter, Cheryl, Ross Randt, and Daniel Venter.
The physical activity and health status of two generations of Black South African professional women
Health SA Gesondheid 16, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Janowitz, Barbara, Walter Rodrigues, Deborah L Covington, Jose Maria Arruda, and Leo Morris.
Cesarean Delivery in Northeast Region of Brazil, 1978-80
American Journal of Public Health 75, no. 5 (1985): 560-562.
Working Paper
Das, B M, Priya B Das, Renuka Das, H Walter, and Heidi Danker-Hopfe.
Anthropological studies in Assam, India: Observations on the Kalitas
(1986) Anthropologischer Anzeiger.
Journal Article
Villegas, Walter.
Plan de Trabajo: Alcaldía del Cantón Mira 2014-2019
(2013) Elecciones Locales 2014.
Working Paper
Fernandes, Walter.
IMDT Act and Immigration in North-Eastern India
Economic and Political Weekly 40, no. 30 (2005): 3237-3240.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kyabaishiki, E.
Reproductive decision-making in the era of high levels of unwanted pregnancy and HIV/AIDS among young people: a case study of Nelson Mandela Drive Campus in the Eastern Cape
Masters, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2008.
Journal Article
Kaida, Angela, Walter Kipp, Patrick Hessel, and Joseph Konde-Lule.
Male participation in family planning: results from a qualitative study in Mpigi District, Uganda
Journal of biosocial science 37, no. 3 (2005): 269-286.
Journal Article
Biondi, Dax, Walter Kipp, Gian Jhangri, Arif Alibhai, Tom Rubaale, and Duncan Saunders.
Risk factors and trends in childhood stunting in a district in Western Uganda
Journal of tropical pediatrics 57, no. 1 (2011): 24-33.
Working Paper
Ballivian, Walter.
Migracion y crecimiento urbano en Santa Cruz: Bolivia, 1950-1992
(1992) Programa Global de Formación en Población y Desarrollo.
Working Paper
Murcia, Elizabeth, Walter Sotomayor, and Manuel Rincon.
El Salvador: transformaciones demográficas y sus implicaciones en las políticas públicas
Book Section
Secada, Walter G, Santiago Cueto, and Fernando Andrade.
Which Way Social Justice in Mathematics Education?
(2003) Opportunity to learn mathematics among Aymara-, Quechua-and Spanish-speaking Rural and Urban, Fourth and Fifth graders in Puno, Peru.
Journal Article
Otoh, EC, Newell Walter Johnson, BM Mandong, and IS Danfillo.
Primary head and neck cancers in Jos, Nigeria: a re-visit
West African journal of medicine 25, no. 2 (2007): 92-100.
Showing 1-30 of 109