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Showing 151-180 of 461
Working Paper
Garcia, Viridiana.
Children Malnutrition and Horizontal Inequalities in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Focus on Contrasting Domestic Trajectories
(2012) United Nations Development Programme.
Working Paper
Alkire, Sabina, Adriana Conconi, and Suman Seth.
Multidimensional Poverty Index 2014: Brief Methodological Note and Results
(2014) University of Oxford.
Journal Article
Delice A, Pierre.
Un Análisis Multidimensional de la Pobreza en Haití: Resultados y Propuestas de Políticas Públicas
Cultura-Hombre-Sociedad 22, no. 2 (2012): 27-46.
Journal Article
Kidman, Rachel, James Hanley, Geoff Foster, SV Subramanian, and Jody Heymann.
Educational Disparities in AIDS-Affected Communities: Does orphanhood confer unique vulnerability?
Journal of Development Studies 48, no. 4 (2012): 531-548.
Journal Article
Ibrahima Y, S.
La Pauvreté Monétaire au Sénégal entre 2002–2006: Disparités Régionales et Effets de Décomposition de la Pauvreté
African Development Review 26, no. 2 (2014): 384-396.
Journal Article
Akter, Sonia.
The Role of Microinsurance as a Safety Net against Environmental Risks in Bangladesh
The Journal of Environment & Development 21, no. 2 (2012): 263-280.
Journal Article
Gebeyehu, Tesfaye, and Hailom Banteyerga.
Original Metaphors Undergraduates of Jimma University Communicate by: Conceptualizations of Gender and Promiscuity
Ethiop.j.soc.lang.stud 1, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Vissoh, PV, Gualbert Gbéhounou, Adam Ahanchédé, Thomas W Kuyper, and Niels G Röling.
Weeds as agricultural constraint to farmers in Benin: results of a diagnostic study
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 52, no. 3 (2004): 305-329.
Munoz, Sonia, and Stanley Sang-Wook Cho.
Social impact of a tax reform: The case of Ethiopia
: International Monetary Fund, 2004.
Ayele, Gezahegn, and Zelekawork Paulos.
The bang for the birr: Public expenditures and rural welfare in Ethiopia
: Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Assefa, Meron.
Female-headed Households and Poverty in Urban Ethiopia
Master of Science in Economic Policy Analysis, Addis Ababa University, 2003.
Working Paper
Malek, Mohammad A, Amzad Hossain, Ratnajit Saha, and Franz W Gatzweiler.
Mapping Marginality Hotspots and Agricultural Potentials in Bangladesh
ZEF WP Series , no. 114 (2013).
Corporate Author
World Bank.
Latin America and the Caribbean Poverty and Labor Brief, June 2013: Shifting Gears to Accelerate Shared Prosperity in Latin America and the Caribbean
: World Bank Publications, 2013.
Book Section
Kholowa, Foster, and Sue Ellis.
Early Childhoods In A Changing World
(2010) Growing up in rural Malawi: dilemmas of childhood.
Journal Article
Nkang, Nkang, Bolarin Omonona, Suleiman Yusuf, and Omobowale Oni.
Simulating the impact of exogenous food price shock on agriculture and the poor in Nigeria: Results from a computable general equilibrium model
Sustainable Agriculture Research 1, no. 2 (2012): 141.
Journal Article
Motelle I, Sephooko.
A survey of poverty and inequality indicators with an application to Southern African Customs Union (SACU)
Journal of Economics and International Finance 2, no. 14 (2011): 696-704.
Working Paper
Simler, Kenneth R, and Channing Arndt.
Estimating standard errors for poverty measures
Discussion papers , no. 18E (2005).
Working Paper
Waais O, Idriss.
La Pauvreté à Djibouti: Une Analyse Multidimensionnelle
Working Paper
Saini, Shweta, and Marta Kozicka.
Evolution and Critique of Buffer Stocking Policy of India
Journal Article
Bracamontes-Nevarez, Joaquín, and Mario Camberos-Castro.
La pobreza en México y sus regiones: un análisis de impacto del programa Oportunidades en el periodo 2002–2006
Papeles de población 17, no. 67 (2011): 135-175.
Journal Article
Masood, Sarwar, Waqas Muhammad, and Aslam Amir.
Multidimensional Measurement of Poverty in Pakistan: Provincial Analysis
Journal Article
Molnar, Maria.
Income polarization in Romania
Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting 14, no. 2 (2011): 64-83.
Working Paper
Wouabe D, Eric.
Impact et Ciblage d’un Fond Social dans un Environn ement Post-Conflit : le Cas de l’Angola
Journal Article
Delalic, Adela.
Multidimensional aspects of poverty in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ekonomska istrazivanja 25, no. 1 (2012): 212-222.
Journal Article
Nestic, Danijel, and Giovanni Vecchi.
Regional poverty in Croatia
(2007) Social Policy and Regional Development Proceedings, Zagreb: EIZ and FES.
Bodewig, Christian, and Reena Badiani-Magnusson.
Skilling up Vietnam: preparing the workforce for a modern market economy
: World Bank Publications, 2014.
Working Paper
Priyambada, Agus, Asep Suryahadi, Sudarno Sumarto, Social Monitoring, and Early Response Unit.
What happened to child labor in Indonesia during the economic crisis: The trade-off between school and work
Thesis or Dissertation
Scott M, Ashley.
Overcoming the Obstacles to Sustainability in Ghana
Bachelor of Arts, Claremont McKenna College, 2011.
Working Paper
Dey, Subhasish.
Evaluating India's national rural employment guarantee scheme: the case of Birbhum districts, West Bengal
(2010) ISS Working Papers - General Series.
Journal Article
Castro, Juan F, Jessica Baca, and Juan P Ocampo.
(Re)counting the poor in Peru: A multidimensional approach
Latin American Journal of Economics 49, no. 1 (2012): 37-65.
Showing 151-180 of 461