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Thesis or Dissertation
Mallya, Paschal BN. "Analysis of social-economic factors affecting cashewnut production in Ruangwa District, Tanzania." Master of Science in Economics , Mzumbe University, 2013.
Book Section
Herslund, Lise, Dorthe Hedensted Lund, Gertrud Jorgensen, Patience Mguni, Wilbard J Kombe, and Kumelachew Yeshitela. "Urban Vulnerability and Climate Change in Africa." (2015) Towards Climate Change Resilient Cities in Africa – Initiating Adaptation in Dar es Salaam and Addis Ababa.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hamza, Hemedi. "Impact of reserving forest on local communities: a case of Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest Reserves." Master of Social Work, The Open University of Tanzania, 2013.
Journal Article
Mayaya, HK, G Opata, and EC Kipkorir. "Understanding Climate Change and Manifestation of its Driven Impacts in the Semi Arid Areas of Dodoma Region, Tanzania." Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 8, no. 4 (2015): 364-376.
Journal Article
Fang, Cheng, Eliamoni Titus Lyatuu, and Fengying Nie. "The Role of Agriculture in the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania." Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 6, no. 14 (2015): 154-165.
Journal Article
Mmasa, Joel Johnson. "Impact of Ginger Farming to Smallholder Farmers’ Income in Tanzania--Case of Same District." Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 20, no. 2 (2017): 1-10.
Journal Article
Fauk, Nelsensius Klau, Silivano Edson Mwakinyali, Sukma Putra, and Lillian Mwanri. "Understanding the strategies employed to cope with increased numbers of AIDS-orphaned children in families in rural settings: a case of Mbeya Rural District, Tanzania." Infectious Diseases of Poverty 6, no. 1 (2017): 21.
Journal Article
Bartels, Lara Esther, Andreas Mayer, and Karl-Heinz Erb. "Exploring potential socio-ecological impacts of changes to the Loliondo Gamed Controlled Area, Northern Tanzania: the case of the pastoral village Ololosokwan." Journal of Land Use Science 12, no. 1 (2017): 87-103.
Journal Article
Wilfred, Paulo. "A community perspective on participatory conservation in western Tanzania." European Journal of Wildlife Research 63, no. 3 (2017): 56.
Showing 4621-4630 of 4630