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Showing 2731-2760 of 4630
Journal Article
Muchadenyika, Davison.
Slum upgrading and inclusive municipal governance in Harare, Zimbabwe: New perspectives for the urban poor
(2015) Habitat International.
Bhawan, Harihar.
Small Irrigation Systems in Nepal: An analytical preview from Irrigated Agricultural Development Perspective of Batch I Irrigation Sub-projects under Community Managed Irrigated Agriculture Sector Project.
Journal Article
Chinamatira, Luckson, Spikelele Mtetwa, and George Nyamadzawo.
Causes of wildland fires, associated socio-economic impacts and challenges with policing, in Chakari resettlement area, Kadoma, Zimbabwe
Fire Science Reviews 5, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Bulkan, Janette.
The struggle for recognition of the indigenous voice: Amerindians in Guyanese politics
The Round Table 102, no. 4 (2013): 367-380.
Thesis or Dissertation
Simango M, Patience.
An Assessment of Women’s Participation in Agricultural Production: A Case Study of Marange Irrigation Scheme in Zimbabwe
Master Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2015.
Journal Article
Ali, Daniel Ayalew, and Klaus Deininger.
Is There a Farm Size-Productivity Relationship in African Agriculture? Evidence from Rwanda
Land Economics 91, no. 2 (2015): 317-343.
Journal Article
Milbrandt, Anelia.
Assessment of biomass resources in Liberia
(2009) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
Journal Article
Ndayambaje, Jean Damascene, Wim J Heijman, and Godefridus M Mohren.
Farm woodlots in rural Rwanda: purposes and determinants
Agroforestry Systems 87, no. 4 (2013): 797-814.
Journal Article
George, Sarah N, Sarita Peter, and Thomas Nelson.
Saint Lucia
(2012) Review of current fisheries management performance and conservation measures in the WECAFC area.
Conference Paper
Keita, Naman, and Hiek Som.
Implementation of the New Features of the World Programme for Census of Agriculture 2010
58th World Statistical Congress, 2011, Dublin (Session IPS016) .
Working Paper
Fontana, Cora.
La Titolarizzazione Della Proprietà Informale: Consensi E Critiche Del Pensiero Di Hernando De Soto (Land Titling and Informal Property Rights: Critique and Consensus of Hernando De Soto Theory)
Journal Article
Robinson, Derek T, David Murray-Rust, Verena Rieser, Vesna Milicic, and M. Rounsevell.
Modelling the impacts of land system dynamics on human well-being: Using an agent-based approach to cope with data limitations in Koper, Slovenia
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 36, no. 2 (2012): 164-176.
Journal Article
Tilaki, MJ Maghsoodi, A Abdullah, A Bahauddin, and Hedayati M Marzbali.
Contemporary urbanization review: To identify the impact of policies and events on the evolution of urbanization in Iran
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 14, no. 11 (2013): 1452-1462.
Journal Article
Uddin, MR, MGU Miah, MSI Afrad, H Mehraj, and MSH Mandal.
Land Use Change and Its Impact on Ecosystem Services, Livelihood in Tanguar Haor Wetland of Bangladesh
Scientia 12, no. 2 (2015): 78-88.
Working Paper
Najafi, Banafsheh.
The Demolition Rate Of Residential Buildings In Iran
Journal Article
Soltani, Arezoo, Prem L Sankhayan, and Ole Hofstad.
A recipe for co-management of forest and livestock—Results of bio-economic model at a village level in Iran
(2015) Agricultural Systems.
Journal Article
Smith, Richard C, Margarita Benavides, Mario Pariona, and Ermeto Tuesta.
Mapping the past and the future: Geomatics and indigenous territories in the Peruvian Amazon
Human Organization 62, no. 4 (2003): 357-368.
Book Section
Rugai, Dionis, and Gabriel R Kassenga.
Climate Change Vulnerability in Southern African Cities
(2014) Climate Change Impacts and Institutional Response Capacity in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Journal Article
Snoussi, Maria, Tachfine Ouchani, and Saida Niazi.
Vulnerability assessment of the impact of sea-level rise and flooding on the Moroccan coast: The case of the Mediterranean eastern zone
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 77, no. 2 (2008): 206-213.
Working Paper
Bivar, Manuel, and Marina Padrão Temudo.
Rice, cows and envy: agriculture and change among young rice producers in Guinea-Bissau.
Future Agricultures , no. 86 (2014).
Journal Article
Soltani, Ali, and Yousef Esmaeili Ivaki.
The influence of urban physical form on trip generation, evidence from metropolitan Shiraz, Iran
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 4, no. 9 (2011): 1168-1174.
Journal Article
Yamamoto, Yukiyo, Thomas Oberthur, and Rod Lefroy.
Spatial identification by satellite imagery of the crop-fallow rotation cycle in northern Laos
Environment, Development and Sustainability 11, no. 3 (2009): 639-654.
Journal Article
Jean-Richard, Vreni, Lisa Crump, Abbani Alhadj Abicho, Ali Abba Abakar, Abdraman Mahamat II, Mahamat Bechir, Sandra Eckert, Matthias Engesser, Esther Schelling, and Jakob Zinsstag.
Estimating population and livestock density of mobile pastoralists and sedentary settlements in the south-eastern Lake Chad area
Geospatial health 10, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Nafissi, M Saghafinia, and K Balochi.
Improving trauma care in rural Iran by training existing treatment chains
Rural Remote Health 8, no. 4 (2008): 881.
Journal Article
Balaghi, Riad, Bernard Tychon, Herman Eerens, and Mohammed Jlibene.
Empirical regression models using NDVI, rainfall and temperature data for the early prediction of wheat grain yields in Morocco
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 10, no. 4 (2008): 438-452.
Journal Article
Behdad, Sohrab, and Farhad Nomani.
What a Revolution! Thirty Years of Social Class Reshuffling in Iran
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 29, no. 1 (2009): 84-104.
Conference Paper
Ibrahim, Ab Latif, and Mahdi Sabet Sarvestani.
Urban Sprawl Pattern Recognition Using Remote Sensing and GIS – Case Study Shiraz City, Iran
Urban Remote Sensing Event, 2009 Joint.
Journal Article
Ghobadi, MH, R Babazadeh, and V Bagheri.
Siting MSW landfills by combining AHP with GIS in Hamedan province, western Iran
Environmental earth sciences 70, no. 4 (2013): 1823-1840.
Journal Article
Mirmoghtadaee, Mahta, and Sebastian Seelig.
A Comparative Study on the Role of Energy Efficiency in Urban Planning Instruments of Iran and Germany
Space Ontology International Journal 4, no. 15 (2015): 33-38.
Journal Article
Feizizadeh, B, T Blaschke, H Nazmfar, and MH Rezaei Moghaddam.
Landslide susceptibility mapping for the Urmia Lake basin, Iran: a multi-criteria evaluation approach using GIS
International Journal of Environmental Research 7, no. 2 (2013): 319-336.
Showing 2731-2760 of 4630