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Showing 2521-2550 of 4630
Journal Article
Bhattarai, Kiran, and Laxmi Pant.
Patriarchal bargains in protected spaces: a new strategy for agricultural and rural development innovation in the western hills of Nepal
Canadian Journal of Development Studies/ Revue canadienne d'études du développement 34, no. 4 (2013): 461-481.
Journal Article
Townes, Lindsay R, Dyson Mwandama, Don P Mathanga, and Mark L Wilson.
Elevated dry-season malaria prevalence associated with fine-scale spatial patterns of environmental risk: a case-control study of children in rural Malawi
(2013) Malaria Journal.
Journal Article
Wodon T, Quentin.
Targeting the Poor Using ROC Curves
World Development 25, no. 12 (1997): 2083-2092.
Thesis or Dissertation
Yemelyanau, Maksim.
Essays on Income and Consumption of the Belarusian Population
Dissertation , Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education Charles University Prague , 2011.
Working Paper
Ganesh-Kumar, A., Sanjay K Prasad, and Hemant Pullabhotla.
Supply and Demand for Cereals in Bangladesh, 2010-2030
(2012) IFPRI Discussion Paper 01186.
Fortson, Kenneth, Randall Blair, and Anu Rangarajan.
Baseline Report on the Tertiary Canal Survey
Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, 2010.
Rashid, Shahidur, and Asfaw Negassa.
Policies and performance of Ethiopian cereal markets
Suri, Tavneet, David Tschirley, Charity Irungu, Raphael Gitau, and Daniel Kariuki.
Rural incomes, inequality and poverty dynamics in Kenya
: Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development Nairobi, 2009.
Conference Paper
Gathala, Mahesh K, and Shaheen Akter.
Adoption of Conservation Agriculture Technology in Diversified Systems and Impact on Productivity: Evidence from Three Districts in Bangladesh
The 88th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, AgroParisTech.
Paris, France, April 9-14, 2014.
Journal Article
Akhter, Shamima, and Siegfried Bauer.
Household Level Determinants of Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh
International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering 8, no. 1 (2014).
Working Paper
Sawada, Yasuyuki, and Jonna P Estudillo.
Trade, migration, and poverty reduction in the globalizing economy: the case of the Philippines
Ordaz, Juan Luis, Jorge Mora, Alicia Acosta, Braulio Serna Hidalgo, and Diana Ramirez.
Belize: effects of climate change on agriculture
Journal Article
Herrmann, Raoul, and Michael Brüntrup.
Bioenergy value chains in Namibia: Institutional challenges for rural development and food security
(2010) Sustainable Biofuel Production in Developing Countries: Green Energy as the Key for Development.
Working Paper
Vigne, Piers, Martin Whiteside, and Great Britain.
Encouraging sustainable smallholder agriculture in Namibia
Journal Article
Masood, Sarwar, Waqas Muhammad, and Aslam Amir.
Multidimensional Measurement of Poverty in Pakistan: Provincial Analysis
Journal Article
Verpoorten, Marijke, and Lode Berlage.
Genocide and land scarcity: Can Rwandan rural households manage?
Journal Article
Kolberg, Herta.
Namibia: Country Report to the FAO International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources
(1995) Windhoek: National Plant Genetics Resource Centre.
Working Paper
Scott, Lucy, Katharina Hanifnia, Andrew Shepherd, Milu Muyanga, and Elsa Valli.
How resilient are escapes out of poverty?
Thesis or Dissertation
Mpofu X, Njabulo.
The Applicabilty of the Life Cycle Hypothesis Theory of Savings to Zimbabwe: Post Dollarisation
Bachelor, Midlands State University, 2014.
Journal Article
Booth, Anne.
Rethinking the Role of Agriculture in the" East Asian" Model: Why Is Southeast Asia Different from Northeast Asia?
ASEAN Economic Bulletin 19, no. 1 (2002): 40-51.
Conference Paper
Kemper, Niels, Rainer Klump, and Heiner Schumacher.
Representation of property rights and credit market outcomes: Evidence from a land reform in Vietnam
German Development Economics Conference, Berlin 2011, No. 45.
Berlin, 2011.
Working Paper
Mitra, Arup.
Duality, Employment Structure and Poverty Incidence: The Slum Perspective
Indian Economic Review 25, no. 1 (1990): 57-73.
Journal Article
Nengroo, Zahoor Ahmad, Nissar Ahmad Kuchay, and Mohd Sultan Bhat.
Delineation of Rural-urban Fringe-A Case Study of Srinagar City, India
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 1, no. 4 (2012): 17-36.
Conference Paper
Mehta B, Madhusudan.
Problems of Creation of Common Property Resources in Semi-Arid and Saline Areas; A Case Study of Kachchh District in India
Reinventing the Commons, the Fifth Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property.
Bodoe, Norway, May, 1995.
Journal Article
Hasibuan, Hayati Sari, Tresna P Soemardi, Raldi Koestoer, and Setyo Moersidik.
The Role of Transit Oriented Development in Constructing Urban Environment Sustainability, the Case of Jabodetabek, Indonesia
(2014) Procedia Environmental Sciences.
Journal Article
Mandal, Amit.
Marginal and Small Farms in the Economic Reforms Period: Opportunities and Constraints
Journal of international academic research for multidisciplinary 2, no. 9 (2014).
Journal Article
Griffiths, Anne.
Delivering justice: the changing gendered dynamics of land tenure in Botswana
The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 43, no. 63 (2011): 231-262.
Working Paper
Briones M, Roehlano.
Agriculture, rural employment, and inclusive growth
Working Paper
Sinuraya, Julia F, and Saptana.
Migrasi Tenaga Kerja Pedesaan Dan Pola Pemanfaatannya
SOCA (Socio-Economic of Agriculturre and Agribusiness) 7, no. 3 (2007).
Journal Article
Baptista R, Sandra.
Metropolitanization and Forest Recovery in Southern Brazil: A Multiscale Analysis of the Florianópolis City-Region, Santa Catarina State, 1970 to 2005
Ecology and Society 13, no. 2 (2008): 5.
Showing 2521-2550 of 4630