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Showing 61-90 of 313
Journal Article
Ojeda, Carlos C, Flor G Quiroz, José M De la Cruz, Raphael Jaramillo, and Merí G Meza.
Determinación de la Prevalencia de Conjuntivitis Alérgica Infantil en Ocho Escuelas Primarias del Cono Sur de Lima, Perú
Acta Médica Peruana 27, no. 3 (2010): 163-167.
Working Paper
Alves Ojeda, Lauro Fabiano, and Ponlawat Lapwanich.
Viable options of financing a new venture on entrepreneur’s point of view in Brazil and Thailand
Journal Article
Castelán-Martínez, Osvaldo Daniel, Elizabeth Hernández-Carbajal, Carlos Eduardo Contreras-García, Nancy Guadalupe-Ojeda Luna, and Rodolfo Rivas-Ruize.
Eficacia del tratamiento ambulatorio de la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis
Revista Medica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social 54, no. 1 (2016): 128-136.
Journal Article
Martínez López, Joel, Enrique Martínez y Ojeda, José Blancas, and Pedro Maldonado Cruz.
Variables sociodemográficas y su relación con el número de recursos forestales no maderables en dos comunidades zapotecas de la Sierra Juárez de Oaxaca
Temas de Ciencia y Tecnología 20, no. 60 (2016): 29-36.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ojeda Cuenca, Elsa M, and Edhit Saraguro R Zhigui.
Proyecto de Prefactibilidad para la Creación de una Empresa Procesadora de Jugo de Pitahaya y Su Comercialización en la Provincia de Loja
Thesis, Universidad Nacional De Loja, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ojeda Zurita, Katiusca Lucia.
Plan de negocios para la produccion y comercializacion de yogurt con base en chia y frutas, en la ciudad de Quito
titulo de Inginiera en Negocios Internacionales, Quito: Universidad de las Americas, 2016., 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Calvas Ojeda, Maria Elisa.
Parentalidad en familias reconstituidas.
Psicologo Clínico, Universidad Técnica de Machala., 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ojeda Pazmiño N, Carmen.
Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de eventos sociales en la provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas
Título De Ingeniera Comercial, Universidad Nacional De Loja, 2014.
Journal Article
Harvey-Vera, Alicia Y, Patricia González-Zúñiga, Adriana C Vargas-Ojeda, Maria E Medina-Mora, Carlos L Magis-Rodríguez, Karla Wagner, Steffanie A Strathdee, and Daniel Werb.
Risk of violence in drug rehabilitation centers: perceptions of people who inject drugs in Tijuana, Mexico
Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy 11, no. 5 (2016).
Berton, Hélène, Rica Garde, Rosie Jackson, Frances Mason, Abigail Perry, Alex Rees, Victoria Sibson, Anna Taylor, and Delphine Valette.
Hungry for change
London: Save the Children UK, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Victoria U, Okwor.
Where are the mothers? Interrogating maternal mortality as a violation of the rights to life and health: A Nigerian and Ethiopian perspective
LLM, Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa, University of Pretoria, 2009.
Kolesar, Robert, Eckhard Kleinau, Marco Polo Torres, Candida Gil, Victoria Cruz, and May Post.
Combining hygiene behavior change with water and sanitation: monitoring progress in Hato Mayor, Dominican Republic
Washington, DC: EHP Activity Report, 120, 2003.
Journal Article
Gribble, James N, Victoria Jennings, and Minna Nikula.
Mind the gap: Responding to the global funding crisis in family planning
Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care 30, no. 3 (2004): 155-157.
Working Paper
Zeng, Wu, Karla R Jovel, Eduardo A Undurraga, James Broesch, Dan T Eisenberg, Colleen Nyberg, Susan Tanner, Victoria Reyes-Garcia, Thomas W McDade, William R Leonard, Yuan Ma, Tomas Huanca, and Ricardo Godoy.
Sib composition and child educational attainment: Theory and evidence from native Amazonians in Bolivia
(2010) TAPS Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Piwoz, Ellen G, Sandra L Huffman, and Victoria J Quinn.
Promotion and advocacy for improved complementary feeding: Can we apply the lessons learned from breastfeeding?
Food and nutrition bulletin 24, no. 1 (2003): 29-44.
Wise, Victoria.
Nutritional situation of young children in Rwanda: An analysis of anthropometric data collected by the Household Living Conditions Survey 1999 – 2001
: Food Security Research Project (FSRP) and Division of Agricultural Statistics (DSA), 2004.
Journal Article
Hosegood, Victoria, Justus Benzler, and Geoff C Solarsh.
Population mobility and household dynamics in rural South Africa: implications for demographic and health research
(2005) Southern African Journal of Demography.
Shisana, Olive, Leickness Simbayi, Thomas Rehle, Warren Parker, Khangelani Zuma, Arvin Bhana, Cathy Connolly, Sean Jooste, and Victoria Pillay.
South African national HIV prevalence, HIV incidence, behaviour and communication survey, 2005
Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2008.
Bradshaw, Debbie, Victoria Pillay-Van Wyk, Ria Laubscher, Beatrice Nojilana, Pam Groenewald, Nadine Nannan, and Carol Metcalf.
Cause of death statistics for South Africa: Challenges and possibilities for improvement
Cape Town, South Africa: Medical Research Council, 2010.
Book Section
Obiero, K. O, P. O Wa’Munga , P. O Raburu, and J. B Okeyo-Owuor.
Community Based Approach to the Management of Nyando Wetland, Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
(2012) The People of Nyando Wetland: Socioeconomics, Gender and Cultural Issues.
Journal Article
Ponce Mendoza, María Victoria.
Factores sociodemográficos asociados con el embarazo en la adolescencia, en los departamentos de Copán, Lempira y Ocotepeque, para el año 2001
(2011) Población y Desarrollo-Argonautas y caminantes.
Working Paper
Morgandi, Matteo, Victoria Strokova, Flora Kelmendi, Tomas Damerau, Levent Koro, and Ardiana Gashi.
Activation and Smart Safety Nets in Kosovo: Constraints in Beneficiary Profile, Benefit Design, and Institutional Capacity
Journal Article
Arakelova, Victoria.
Healing practices among the Yezidi sheikhs of Armenia
(2001) Asian folklore studies.
Ahmed, Akhter U, Kaikaus Ahmad, Victoria Chou, Ricardo Hernandez, Purnima Menon, Farria Naeem, Firdousi Naher, Wahid Quabili, Esha Sraboni, and Bingxin Yu.
The status of food security in the Feed the Future Zone and other regions of Bangladesh: Results from the 2011-2012 Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey
Heikel, María Victoria, and Claudia Piras.
Nota Técnica de Género de Paraguay
Journal Article
Hurtado, Victoria, and Lorena Fríes.
Análisis del estado de la información sobre violencia en América Latina y el Caribe
Pensamiento iberoamericano , no. 9 (2011).
Journal Article
Lacey, Linda, Victoria Adeyemi, and Alfred Adewuyi.
A Tool for Monitoring the Performance Of Family Planning Programs in the Public And Private Sectors: An Application in Nigeria
(1997) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Van der Lugt, Sanne, Victoria Hamblin, Meryl Burgess, and Elizabeth Schickerling.
Assessing China’s role in foreign direct investment in Southern Africa
Working Paper
Antonova, Victoria.
Diversity Management and Concepts of Multiculturalism in Russia
(2007) New York City: Open Society Institute.
Miranda, Victoria Chanquín N, Sonia Acabal, Wendy Véliz, Aura M Yoc , Lidia Ortiz, and Helga Sánchez.
Salud Sexual y Reproductiva:¿ Qué deseo?,¿ Qué decido? Un análisis desde el Modelo de Atención de Salud en Guatemala
Showing 61-90 of 313